The Strong's numbering system was a great
idea but James Strong did not know during his lifetime
that Koine Greek was a separate language. His work by
today's standards is extremely dated and no one ever fixed
any of it, except a few typos. We have completely fixed
the parts that he and his team missed, were not aware of,
and adopted it to the more accurate and more precise Greek
rendering of the Modern Literal Version N.T. This
was created during the actual translation of the Modern
Literal Version along with its concordance and the
computer techs keep this updated so people would not keep
'reinventing the wheel.' This is just one more way
the MLV wants you to be able to check any of its Greek
translation for any mistakes. If your current
translation doesn't want be fixed, you should upgrade to
the only Open Source translation that wants to be
Error-Free. |
α G1-G895 Alpha al-fah (A a) Β β G896-G1041 Beta bay-tah (B b) Γ γ G1042-G1137 Gamma gam-ah (G g) Δ δ G1138-G1435 Delta del-tah (D d) Ε ε G1436-G2193 Epsilon ep-si-lon (E e) Ζ ζ G2194-G2227 Zeta ze-tah (Z z) Η η G2228-G2279 Eta ay-tah (E, e) Θ θ G2279c-G2382 Theta thay-tah (Th th) Ι ι G2383-G2503 Iota eye-o-tah (I i) Κ κ G2504-G2974 Kappa cap-ah (K k) Λ λ G2975-G3091 Lambda lamb-dah (L l) Μ μ G3092-G3476 Mu mew (M m) Ν υ G3476-G3577 Nu new (N n) Ξ ξ G3578-G3587 Xi zzEye (X, x) Ο ο G3588-G3801 Omicron om-ah-cron (O o) Π π G3802-G4459 Pi pie (P p) Ρ ρ G4460-G4517 Rho row (R r) Σ σ ς G4518-G4998 Sigma sig-mah (S s) Τ τ G4999-G5190 Tau tawh (T t) Υ υ G5191-G5313 Upsilon oop-si-lon (U u) Φ φ G5314-G5462 Phi figh, or fie (Ph ph) Χ χ G5463-G5466 Chi kigh (Ch ch) Ψ ψ G5567-G5597 Psi sigh (Ps ps) Ω ω G5598-G5624 Omega o-may-gah (O o) |
Home Page of the
Modern Literal Version. ModernLiteralVersion.org © Copyright by G. Allen Walker for the MLV Team, all rights reserved. Modern Literal Version, © Copyright by G. Allen Walker for the MLV Team, see copyright information inside the book. The New Koine Greek Textbook Series 1-5 (so far) © Copyright by G. Allen Walker for the MLV Team, see copyright information inside the book. The glory is for God! Jesus is Lord of all. |