First Entry
ὁὢν καί ὁἦν καί ὁἐρχόμενος
Part of Speech: {A Phrase}
MLV/Definition: [NOT IN BYZ MAJ]
Supplement: (who is, who was and who is to come)
Etymology: {ὁ G3588 + εἰμί G1510 + ἔρχομαι G2064}

Greek Concordance: [0] [LISTED SEPARATELY]

KJV: which is 2, and which was 2, and which is to come 2, which art 2, and wast 2, which was 1, and is 1, and is to come 1, and art to come 1, and shall be 1 TR: 15


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Modern Literal Version, © Copyright by G. Allen Walker for the MLV Team, see copyright information inside the book.
The New Koine Greek Textbook Series 1-5 (so far) © Copyright by G. Allen Walker for the MLV Team, see copyright information inside the book.

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Jesus is Lord of all.