First Entry ÷G302 ἄν an Part of Speech: {PRT} MLV/Definition: A> [WITH A VERB & GENERALLY AFTER G1487:] if, would, should, may, might, B> [+PRONOUNS: whoever, whomever, whatever, whichever, wherever, whenever,] Supplement: (creates conditional statement or give doubt; blended with other words; used with Subjunctive Mood) Etymology: {primary particle} All Compounds: ἐάν G1437, when/whenever: ἐπάν G1875, ὅταν G3752 Greek Concordance: [174] Mat_5:18, Mat_5:26, Mat_6:2, Mat_6:5, Mat_6:13, Mat_6:16, Mat_8:10, Mat_10:15, Mat_10:23, Mat_10:42, Mat_11:11, Mat_13:17, Mat_16:28, Mat_17:20, Mat_18:3, Mat_18:13, Mat_18:18, Mat_18:19, Mat_19:23, Mat_19:28, Mat_21:21, Mat_21:31, Mat_23:36, Mat_24:2, Mat_24:34, Mat_24:47, Mat_25:12, Mat_25:40, Mat_25:45, Mat_26:13, Mat_26:21, Mat_26:34, Mat_28:20, Mar_3:28, Mar_6:11, Mar_8:12, Mar_9:1, Mar_9:41, Mar_10:15, Mar_10:29, Mar_11:23, Mar_12:43, Mar_13:30, Mar_14:9, Mar_14:18, Mar_14:25, Mar_14:30, Mar_16:20, Luk_4:24, Luk_12:37, Luk_18:17, Luk_18:29, Luk_21:32, Luk_23:43, Luk_24:53, Joh_1:51, Joh_1:51, Joh_3:3, Joh_3:3, Joh_3:5, Joh_3:5, Joh_3:11, Joh_3:11, Joh_5:19, Joh_5:19, Joh_5:24, Joh_5:24, Joh_5:25, Joh_5:25, Joh_6:26, Joh_6:26, Joh_6:32, Joh_6:32, Joh_6:47, Joh_6:47, Joh_6:53, Joh_6:53, Joh_8:34, Joh_8:34, Joh_8:51, Joh_8:51, Joh_8:58, Joh_8:58, Joh_10:1, Joh_10:1, Joh_10:7, Joh_10:7, Joh_12:24, Joh_12:24, Joh_13:16, Joh_13:16, Joh_13:20, Joh_13:20, Joh_13:21, Joh_13:21, Joh_13:38, Joh_13:38, Joh_14:12, Joh_14:12, Joh_16:20, Joh_16:20, Joh_16:23, Joh_16:23, Joh_21:18, Joh_21:18, Joh_21:25, Rom_1:25, Rom_9:5, Rom_11:36, Rom_14:26, Rom_15:33, Rom_16:24, 1Co_14:16, 1Co_16:24, 2Co_1:20, 2Co_13:14, Gal_1:5, Gal_6:18, Eph_3:21, Eph_6:24, Php_4:20, Php_4:23, Col_4:18, 1Th_5:28, 2Th_3:18, 1Ti_1:17, 1Ti_6:16, 1Ti_6:21, 2Ti_4:18, 2Ti_4:22, Tit_3:15, Phm_1:25, Heb_13:21, Heb_13:25, 1Pe_4:11, 1Pe_5:11, 1Pe_5:14, 2Pe_3:18, 1Jn_5:21, 2Jn_1:13, Jud_1:25, Rev_1:6, Rev_1:7, Rev_1:18, Rev_3:14, Rev_5:13, Rev_5:14, Rev_7:12, Rev_7:12, Rev_19:4, Rev_22:20, Rev_22:21 KJV: whosoever 35, whatsoever 7, whomsoever 5, whereinsoever 1, what things soever 1, whatsoever + 3745 7, an many as + 3745 4, whosoever + 3745 2, what things so ever + 3745 1, wherewith soever + 3745 1, whithersoever + 3699 4, wheresoever + 3699 2, whatsoever + 3748 5, whosoever + 3748 3, whose soever + 5100 2, not tr 111 TR: 191 ... |
Page of the Modern Literal Version. ModernLiteralVersion.org © Copyright by G. Allen Walker for the MLV Team, all rights reserved. Modern Literal Version, © Copyright by G. Allen Walker for the MLV Team, see copyright information inside the book. The New Koine Greek Textbook Series 1-5 (so far) © Copyright by G. Allen Walker for the MLV Team, see copyright information inside the book. The glory is for God! Jesus is Lord of all. |