Each entry includes all the occurrences of that Greek word in the Byzantine Textform 2005/2010 and a very literal translation of it.
uakinqinoV . ualinh . ualinoV . ualw . ubrewV . ubrisai . ubrisqenteV . ubristaV . ubristhV . ubrizeiV . udasin . udati . udatwn . udriai . udriaV . udropotew . udwr . uelw . uetouV . uf' . ufainw . ugiainein . ugiainontaV . ugiainontwn . ugiainoushV . ugiainousin . ugiainwsin . ugih . ugroV . uie . uioiV . uioqesia . uioqesiaV . uiouV . uiw . ulh . umaV . UmenaioV . umeteran . umeteron . umeterw . umnew . umnhsw . umnoun . umwn . upage . upagein . upagete . upaghte . upagonteV . upakoh . upakohV . upakouein . upakouousin . upakouw . upantaw . upanthsin . uparcei . uparconta . uparconteV . uparcontwn . uparcousin . uparcwn . uparxeiV . uparxiV . upecousai . upecwrhsen . upedeixen . upeikete . upelaben . upemeinan . upemeinen . upemnhsqh . upenantiouV . upenegkein . upepleusamen . uper . uperairomenoV . uperairwmai . uperanw . uperauxanw . uperbainw . uperballonta . uperballousan . uperballw . uperbolhn . uperecontaV . uperecousa . uperecw . upereidw . uperekcunnw . uperekcunw . uperekperissou . uperekrisswV . uperekteinw . uperentugcanw . uperepleonasen . uperfronew . uperhfanoi . uperhfanouV . uperidwn . upernikaw . uperoch . uperogka . uperperisseuomai . uperperisswV . uperuyow . uperwon . upesteilamhn . upestrefon . upestreyan . upestrwnnuon . upetaghsan . upetaxen . uphkooi . uphkouen . uphkousan . uphkousen . uphnthsan . uphrcen . uphretai . uphretaV . uphretew . uphrethn . uphrethsaV . uphretwn . upnoV . upo . upocwrew . upodecomai . upodedemenouV . upodeigmata . upodeiknumi . upodeixw . upodew . upodhma . upodhmatoV . upodhsai . upodikoV . upoferei . upogrammon . upokatw . upokrinomenouV . upokriseiV . upokrisin . upokrita . upokrithV . upolabwn . upolambanete . upoleimma . upolhnion . upolimpanw . upomeinantaV . upomemenhkota . upomeneite . upomenomen . upomenonteV . upomimnhske . upomimnhskw . upomnhsei . upomnhsiV . upomonh . upomonhV . uponoew . uponoiai . upoplew . upopnew . upostasei . upostasiV . upostellw . upostolhV . upostrefein . upostrefw . upostreyai . upostreyanti . upostreyaV . upostrwnnumi . upotagentwn . upotaghsetai . upotaghte . upotassesqe . upotassesqwsan . upotasshsqe . upotassomenaV . upotassomenoV . upotaxai . upotaxanti . upotetagmena . upotiqemenoV . upotrecw . upotupwsiV . upozugiou . upozwnnunteV . upwpiazw . usswpoV . usterei . usterew . usterhma . usterhmatoV . usterhsa . usterhsate . usterhsin . usteroiV . usteroumenoi . usteroumeqa . usterounti . usterw . uV . uyhla . uyhlofronein . uyhloiV . uyhloteroV . uyhloV . uyistou . uyouV . uyow . uywn . uywqeiV . uywqhsetai . uywqhte . uywsei . uywsh .

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Modern Literal Version, © Copyright by G. Allen Walker for the MLV Team, see copyright information inside the book.
The New Koine Greek Textbook Series 1-5 (so far) © Copyright by G. Allen Walker for the MLV Team, see copyright information inside the book.

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