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÷ψάλλω Symbol Font Transliteration: yallw BetaCode: YA/LLW RMAC: {V-PAI:1S} Concordance: [0] Literal Definition: (I) am singing-praise Lexicon Entry: ψάλλω G5567

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ψάλλω G5567
Part of Speech:{V-PAI:1S}
MLV/Definition:sing@, praise*, singing@, praise*
Supplement:(James Strong and many others missed the mark here: Too many didn’t know or care to know that Koine Greek is a different language from Classical Greek. Others did not see that this word changed meanings over the 1000+ years it was used. The base word is 'to touch;' and many Koine compounds (προσψαύω G4379, ψηλαφάω G5584, ψώχω G5597) still carry this meaning. But this word like many other Greek words had nothing to do with its base word. In early Classic Greek it meant 'to shoot an arrow' by extension 'to pull back the string of a bow. Later as James Strong originally had to twitch or twang, i.e. to play on a stringed instrument (the Harp actually & specifically). Later to sing Psalms with or without the harp. Then it became “sing praise” without instruments. We adopted this “middle road. ” In the New Testament as documented by the majority of all Greek Lexicons & Scholars & History: simply 'to sing' without instruments. The first record of a musical instrument put in a congregation (Catholic Church at Rome) was about 606 AD by Boniface III. But the practice was not widely accepted until the 1400's. The Greek Orthodox Church split from the Catholic Church on its use; refusing to sin in about 1054AD.)
Etymology:{same as περίψωμα G4067}

Greek Concordance:[5]Rom 15:9, 1Co 14:15, 1Co 14:15, Eph 5:19, Jas 5:13,

KJV: sing 3, sing psalms 1, make melody 1TR:5
TDNT:8:489, 1225

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Modern Literal Version, © Copyright by G. Allen Walker for the MLV Team, see copyright information inside the book.
The New Koine Greek Textbook Series 1-5 (so far) © Copyright by G. Allen Walker for the MLV Team, see copyright information inside the book.

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