First Entry ÷Μωσῆς Symbol Font Transliteration: Mwshv BetaCode: *MWSH=S2 RMAC: {N-NSM} {Pr} Concordance: [30] Mat_8:4, Mat_17:3, Mat_19:7, Mat_19:8, Mat_22:24, Mar_1:44, Mar_7:10, Mar_10:3, Mar_10:4, Mar_12:19, Luk_5:14, Luk_9:30, Luk_20:28, Luk_20:37, Joh_1:45, Joh_3:14, Joh_5:45, Joh_6:32, Joh_7:19, Joh_7:22, Joh_8:5, Act_3:22, Act_6:14, Act_7:20, Act_7:22, Act_7:29, Act_7:31, Act_7:32, Act_7:37, Act_7:40 Literal Definition: Moses Lexicon Entry: Μωσῆς G3475 ... Lexicon Next Entry ÷Μωσῆς Μωσῆς G3475 moce-yoos' Part of Speech:{N-NSM}{Pr} MLV/Definition:Moses* Supplement:(Mo-ses (drawn out), Acts 15:1. The intermediary of the old covenant; the giver of the law.) Etymology:{Heb} No compounds. Greek Concordance:[80]Mat 8:4, Mat 17:3, Mat 17:4, Mat 19:7, Mat 19:8, Mat 22:24, Mat 23:2, Mar 1:44, Mar 7:10, Mar 9:4, Mar 9:5, Mar 10:3, Mar 10:4, Mar 12:19, Mar 12:26, Luk 2:22, Luk 5:14, Luk 9:30, Luk 9:33, Luk 16:29, Luk 16:31, Luk 20:28, Luk 20:37, Luk 24:27, Luk 24:44, Joh 1:17, Joh 1:45, Joh 3:14, Joh 5:45, Joh 5:46, Joh 6:32, Joh 7:19, Joh 7:22, Joh 7:22, Joh 7:23, Joh 8:5, Joh 9:28, Joh 9:29, Act 3:22, Act 6:11, Act 6:14, Act 7:20, Act 7:22, Act 7:29, Act 7:31, Act 7:32, Act 7:35, Act 7:37, Act 7:40, Act 7:44, Act 13:39, Act 15:1, Act 15:5, Act 15:21, Act 21:21, Act 26:22, Act 28:23, Rom 5:14, Rom 9:15, Rom 10:5, Rom 10:19, 1Co 9:9, 1Co 10:2, 2Co 3:7, 2Co 3:13, 2Co 3:15, 2Ti 3:8, Heb 3:2, Heb 3:3, Heb 3:5, Heb 3:16, Heb 7:14, Heb 8:5, Heb 9:19, Heb 10:28, Heb 11:23, Heb 11:24, Heb 12:21, Jud 1:9, Rev 15:3, KJV: Moses 80TR:80 TDNT:4:848, 622$$$$$$ Ν ν Ναασσών G3476 Nu new (N n)zzz ... |
Page of the Modern Literal Version. © Copyright by G. Allen Walker for the MLV Team, all rights reserved. Modern Literal Version, © Copyright by G. Allen Walker for the MLV Team, see copyright information inside the book. The New Koine Greek Textbook Series 1-5 (so far) © Copyright by G. Allen Walker for the MLV Team, see copyright information inside the book. The glory is for God! Jesus is Lord of all. |