First Entry ÷G3745 ὅσος hos'-os Part of Speech: {K-APF} {N, M} MLV/Definition: A> as many as, as many things as, as [1; Rev_21:16], how-much*, B> [USUALLY BLENDED WITH ἐπί G1909 OR G2596:] inasmuch^ as Supplement: (Used with ἅπας G537 & πᾶς G3956.) Etymology: {ὅς G3739} All Compounds: οἷος G3634 ? Greek Concordance: [115] Mat_7:12, Mat_9:15, Mat_13:44, Mat_13:46, Mat_14:36, Mat_17:12, Mat_18:18, Mat_18:18, Mat_18:25, Mat_21:22, Mat_22:9, Mat_22:10, Mat_23:3, Mat_25:40, Mat_25:45, Mat_28:20, Mar_2:19, Mar_3:8, Mar_3:10, Mar_3:28, Mar_5:19, Mar_5:20, Mar_6:11, Mar_6:30, Mar_6:30, Mar_6:56, Mar_7:36, Mar_9:13, Mar_10:21, Mar_11:24, Mar_12:44, Luk_4:23, Luk_4:40, Luk_8:39, Luk_8:39, Luk_9:5, Luk_9:10, Luk_11:8, Luk_12:3, Luk_18:12, Luk_18:22, Joh_1:12, Joh_4:29, Joh_4:39, Joh_6:11, Joh_10:8, Joh_10:41, Joh_11:22, Joh_15:14, Joh_16:13, Joh_16:15, Joh_16:23, Joh_17:7, Joh_21:25, Act_2:39, Act_3:22, Act_3:24, Act_4:6, Act_4:23, Act_4:28, Act_4:34, Act_5:36, Act_5:37, Act_9:13, Act_9:16, Act_9:39, Act_10:45, Act_13:48, Act_14:27, Act_15:4, Act_15:12, Rom_2:12, Rom_2:12, Rom_3:19, Rom_6:3, Rom_7:1, Rom_8:14, Rom_11:13, Rom_15:4, 1Co_7:39, 2Co_1:20, Gal_3:10, Gal_3:27, Gal_4:1, Gal_6:12, Gal_6:16, Php_3:15, Php_4:8, Php_4:8, Php_4:8, Php_4:8, Php_4:8, Php_4:8, Col_2:1, 1Ti_6:1, 2Ti_1:18, Heb_1:4, Heb_2:15, Heb_3:3, Heb_7:20, Heb_8:6, Heb_9:27, Heb_10:25, Heb_10:37, Heb_10:37, 2Pe_1:13, Jud_1:10, Jud_1:10, Rev_1:2, Rev_2:24, Rev_3:19, Rev_13:15, Rev_18:7, Rev_18:17, Rev_21:16 KJV: as many as 24, whatsoever 9, that 9, whatsoever things 8, whatsoever + 302 7 as long as 5, how great things 5, what 4, misc 37 TR: 115 ... |
Page of the Modern Literal Version. ModernLiteralVersion.org © Copyright by G. Allen Walker for the MLV Team, all rights reserved. Modern Literal Version, © Copyright by G. Allen Walker for the MLV Team, see copyright information inside the book. The New Koine Greek Textbook Series 1-5 (so far) © Copyright by G. Allen Walker for the MLV Team, see copyright information inside the book. The glory is for God! Jesus is Lord of all. |