First Entry
(G5844 OLB) Synonyms: entellomai (ἐντέλλω G1781), keleuo (κελεύω G2753), parangello (παραγγέλλω G3853), tasso (τάσσω G5021).

G1781- to enjoin, is used esp. of those whose office or position invests them with claims, and points rather to the contents of the command, cf "our instruction" G2753- to command, designates verbal orders, coming usually from a superior G3853- to charge, is used esp. of the order of a military commander to his troops G5021- assign a post to, with a suggestion of duties connected with it, often used of military appointments παραγγέλλω G3853 differs from ἐντέλλω G1781 in denoting fixed and abiding obligations rather than specific or occasional instructions, duties arising from the office rather than coming from the personal will of a superior.


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