First Entry ÷Berry-40 (G5923 OLB) Synonyms for Wind: pneuma (πνεῦμα G4151), pnoe (πνοή G4157), anemos (ἄνεμος G417), lailaps (λαῖλαψ G2978), thyella (θύελλα G2366). (πνεῦμα G4151) pneuma when used in its lower meaning to denote wind means simply an ordinary wind, a regularly blowing current of air of considerable force. pnoe is distinguished from it as being a gentler motion of the air. anemos, on the other hand, is more forcible than pneuma; it is the strong, often the tempestuous, wind. lailaps is the violent fitful wind which accompanies a heavy shower. thyella is more violent than any of the others, and often implies a conflict of opposing winds. ... |
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