First Entry ÷Berry-38 (G5921 OLB) Synonyms for World, Age: aion (αἰών G165), kosmos (κόσμος G2889). It is only in a part of their meanings that these two words are in any real sense synonymous, and it is that part which is here considered. Both A. V. and R. V. often translate aion by world, thus obscuring the distinction between it and kosmos. aion is usually better expressed by age, it is the world at a given time, a particular period in the world's history. kosmos has very frequently an unfavorable meaning, denoting the inhabitants of the world, mankind in general, as opposed to God. A similar meaning is often attached to aion, it means the spirit of the age, often in an unfavorable sense. See Eph 2:2, where both words occur together. An exceptional meaning for the plural of aion is found in Heb 1:2, Heb 11:3, where it denotes the worlds, apparently in reference to space rather than time. ... |
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