First Entry
(G5910 OLB) Synonyms for To pollute: miaino (μιαίνω G3392), molyno (μολύνω G3435).

(μιαίνω G3392) miaino meant originally to stain, as with color. molyno meant originally to smear over, as with mud or filth, always having a bad meaning, while the meaning of miaino might be either good or bad. According to classical Greek, (μιαίνω G3392) miaino has a religious meaning, to profane, while molyno is simply to spoil, disgrace. As ethically applied in the N. T. they have both practically the same meaning, to pollute, defile. It is, however, true that (μιαίνω G3392) miaino, to judge from classical usage, refers chiefly to the effect of the act not on the individual, but on others, on the community.


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