First Entry ÷Berry-2 (OLB G5879) Synonyms for Sin: amartia (ἁμαρτία G266), amartema (ἁμάρτημα G265), asebeia (ἀσέβεια G763), parakoe (παρακοή G3876), anomia (ἀνομία G458), paranomia (παρανομία G3892), parabasis (παράβασις G3847), paraptoma (παράπτωμα G3900), agnoema (ἀγνόημα G51), ettema (ἥττημα G2275). ἁμαρτία G266 amartia meant originally the missing of a mark. When applied to moral things the idea is similar, it is missing the true end of life, and so it is used as a general term for sin. It means both the act of sinning and the result, the sin itself. (ἁμάρτημα G265) amartema means only the sin itself, not the act, in its particular manifestations as separate deeds of disobedience to a divine law. (ἀσέβεια G763) asebeia is ungodliness, positive and active irreverence, a condition of direct opposition to God. (παρακοή G3876) parakoe is strictly failing to hear, or hearing carelessly and inattentively. The sin is in this failure to hear when God speaks, and also in the active disobedience which ordinarily follows. (ἀνομία G458) anomia is lawlessness, contempt of law, a condition or action not simply without law, as the etymology might indicate. ... |
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