Holy Bible
Modern Literal Version
New Testament
2021 Update
(May 7, 2022**)
The Open Source Bible Translation
The world’s most accurate English translation.
Table of Contents (TOC) for the electronic Modern Literal Version (MLV):
Matthew 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . 20 . 21 . 22 . 23 . 24 . 25 . 26 . 27 . 28
Mark 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16
Luke 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . 20 . 21 . 22 . 23 . 24
John 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . 20 . 21
Acts: The Book of Conversions 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . 20 . 21 . 22 . 23 . 24 . 25 . 26 . 27 . 28
Romans 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16
1 Corinthians 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16
2 Corinthians 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13
Galatians 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6
Ephesians 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6
Philippians 1 . 2 . 3 . 4
Colossians 1 . 2 . 3 . 4
1 Thessalonians 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5
2 Thessalonians 1 . 2 . 3
1 Timothy 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6
2 Timothy 1 . 2 . 3 . 4
Hebrews 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13
Revelation 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . 20 . 21 . 22
Table of Contents for the Modern Literal Version (book form):
English Words to one Greek Word
Greek History During N.T. Times
Harmony of the N.T. Conversions
Introduction to the Christian Letters
Talking to Others about the MLV
To Foreign Language Translators
Why the Byzantine Majority Text?
New Koine Greek Textbook Series
May 7, 2022** Update
The update was to fix mainly to a few sentence fragments and a few run-on sentences, nothing doctrinal. 1 word change listed under 'Lie, lying, lay, laid' in the Definitions Section. 1 other word change 'continued' to 'continually' now in all occurrences in the N.T.
This is a simple reading schedule designed to be followed for 20 minutes a day over a 2-month period. Empty your mind. Read God’s Word like a child would for the first time. Never read it with preconceived ideas or thoughts or to prove something! Remember to pray. Don’t try to understand everything. Note what you don’t understand and move on. Reread those notes later and they may make more sense. This arrangement is for better understanding by letting books build on each other. It is arranged roughly in chronological order. Use Sundays to catch up on days you could not spend 20 minutes with the Word of God. If you have never read the Bible, always start with the New Testament. The New Testament is what you will be judged by, not the Old Testament. It is not wise to read the Old Testament and New Testament together; the O.T. Jewish Law maybe confused with N.T. teachings. Spend the first Monday reading the Preface and other non-bible sections to familiarize yourself with the MLV’s style of translation.
The Modern Literal Versions strongest feature is its consistency in translating the original Greek word into the same English word(s) every time and not using the same English word for multiple Greek words, so you should read the Modern Literal Version once all the way through and do not use any other translation during this time to gain knowledge from this uniformity. Then you too will understand why so many of the emails to us are ‘I have learned so much just reading the MLV once,’ or similar.
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Non-Bible Material |
Mark 1-3 |
Mark 4-7 |
Mark 8-11 |
Mark 12-14 |
Mark 15-Matthew 4 |
Matthew 5-8 |
Matthew 9-12 |
Matthew 13-16 |
Matthew 17-21 |
Matthew 22-25 |
Matthew 26-28 |
John 1-4 |
John 5-7 |
John 8-11 |
John 12-16 |
John 17-21 |
Luke 1-3 |
Luke 4-7 |
Luke 8-10 |
Luke 11-14 |
Luke 15-18 |
Luke 19-21 |
Luke 22-24 |
Acts 1-4 |
Acts 5-8 |
Acts 9-12 |
Acts 13-16 |
Acts 17-20 |
Acts 21-24 |
Acts 25-28 |
James 1-5 |
1Th-2Th |
Galatians 1-6 |
1Cor 1-8 |
1Cor 9-15 |
1Cor 16 - 2Cor 6 |
2Cor 7-13 |
Rom 1-5 |
Rom 6-11 |
Rom 12-16 |
Ephesians 1-6 |
Philippians 1-4 |
Colossians 1-4 |
1Pet-2Peter |
Jude - 1Tim 4 |
1Tim 5- Heb 2 |
Hebrews 3-9 |
Hebrews 10-13 |
1 John - 3 John |
Revelation 1-3 |
Revelation 4-9 |
Revelation 10-14 |
Revelation 15-20 |
Revelation 21-22 |
To read the New Testament as the events happened, go to Mark 1 and follow the {Harmony of the New Covenant} sections.
Definitions TOC
* Asterisks are used for denoting words listed in the ‘Definitions’ section below. These are for the few instances where the English translation does not lend itself to a satisfactory meaning of the underlying Greek word. In addition, we use an asterisk to denote the difference between one English word that is being used for two different Greek words (for example, see Age* below.) This substantially aids word studies and concordance look ups.
° Degree signs are used to denote plural you° and commands where a plural subject is not clearly stated (imperative 2nd person plural most often).
- Hyphens are used in those places where two English words come from a single Greek word. It is of particular benefit to Bible students who wish to cross-reference words to the MLV concordance and Greek lexicon.
Italicized words are words not found directly in the Greek but implied by the context, needed to help show action, tense or expansion of the meaning of words that the literal English does not convey, remove the possible appearance of a contradiction, etc.
Since the MLV is literal, not ‘thought-for-thought,’ supplied words are of significant assistance for those phrases which are exceptionally difficult to read. By pointing out these words using italics, the reader has the option to disregard them.
A, An (indefinite articles) are always supplied words in English but not marked with italics in the text.
Age* is Strong’s Dictionary number 2244 (hereafter, we will abbreviate as G2244 for electronic and book uniformity). It is used in very much the same way we think of a person’s ‘age.’ The other ‘age, ages’ without the *, is for a period of time. This ‘age’ is also translated as ‘world’ 22 times. Context determines which word should be used.
Admonish means to ‘instruct with warning’ G3560.
And from G2532 is used the way we use a comma in lists. We have kept these ‘and’ and any other Greek words that we could, even if they are not ‘English-teacher approved.’
Angel see Messenger.
Apostle is a transliterated word. The English equivalent would be ‘one sent’ with the meaning of ‘one sent on a mission.’ Apostle has been kept when speaking of Jesus’ apostles. Ambassador is the other rendering of this Greek word and truly a better translation of G652.
Ambassador* see Apostle.
Appointed* is G5087 which literally is ‘placed’ but we don’t use ‘placed’ that way in English. The other ‘appointed’ without the * is from compounds of G5021 that means ‘set in rank’, i.e., ‘command or appoint.’
Assuredly is also ‘amen’ which roughly means ‘so be it.’ Jesus said this (sometimes twice), at the beginning of his teachings. G281.
Baptism see Immersion.
Be, is, are, was, were, being, been verbs are generally ‘helper words’ added to other English verbs, adjectives or rarely nouns, to translate some Greek verbs. When they are not ‘helper words’ then they are from compounds of G1510 (‘be, is, was...’) and sometimes but rarely G2192 (‘have, hold, help’) and G5225 (denoted as be*, is*, was*, were* being*; exist, possess).
Because is probably the largest improvement in the MLV over all other translations. In translations dating from 1523 even to now, the English word ‘for’ has been used for words that should have always been translated as ‘because,’ G473, G3754, or ‘because of,’ G1223, G1360, G1752, G5484. Another such bad ‘for’ translation is G5228, ‘on behalf of’. Jesus did not die for us; he died on behalf of us. See For, also.
Believe, belief, faith, faithful, entrust in verb, adjective, adverb, or noun forms, are some of those very few Greek words (G4100, G4102, G4103) which carry more meaning than the English equivalent. These words also carry the meaning: ‘to obey,’ ‘to be persuaded’, even the whole process of salvation as in Acts 19. In the Greek language, the antonym of ‘to believe’ is ‘to be disobedient’ (G544). See John 3:36 for both words together in the same verse.
Believe in literally means ‘believe into,’ in the majority of all places in the New Testament. A similar expression is found in Mat 28:19 ‘into the name’, Acts 2:38 ‘into the forgiveness’.
Belt is impossible to contextually distinguish; it could be a simple belt, or a complex series of leather straps used to hold tools, weapons, money or a belt of armor. The girdle (belt) was worn on the hips, or waist, or across the chest. G2223.
Blessed* see Gracious* below also. G3107.
Bowels are where the Greeks thought the emotions were born. This is where we get expressions such as ‘desires of the heart,’ ‘gut feeling,’ ‘nervous stomach’ and so on. G4698.
Brethren is specifically ‘brothers’ but used more often to describe kinfolk in the N.T., whether by family ties or by the blood of Jesus. Though translated from a Greek masculine noun, G80, the word includes males and females in context.
Bring* and other verb forms, can be translated as ‘lead,’ G71 and its compounds. This was done primarily for concordance look-ups.
By is the literal from G5259 ‘hypo’ (also ‘under’); all others are the last choice of substitutes for the Dative case or various prepositions because we just don’t speak the way the literal would be rendered. The interesting fact from this is that ‘by faith’ or ‘by the faith’ was never truly ‘God said’. Oh well, the theologians will have to adjust.
Call* and other verb forms are from G3004 (say, speak) and might be better as ‘is spoken of as’ or ‘is spoken to be’ and is different from the compounds of the synonyms of G2564 (invited, called, surnamed) and G3687 (is named). All ‘called’ words used by other various translations from the Greek words for ‘summon’ or ‘shout out’ have been rendered properly in the MLV. So every time you see ‘called’ it can be ‘invited’ in the MLV same as with all the Greek compound words.
Centurion*, used in Mark, is simply the Latin version of the word since he wrote to a Gentile audience.
Centurions were military commanders of over 100 soldiers. They were highly esteemed individuals of society. (G2763, Latin root; G1543, Greek.)
Charity in the MLV does not mean ‘money.’ It may include money but literally means ‘good, merciful or kind acts.’ G1654
Christ is a transliterated Greek noun G5547, used like an adjective, that would translate as ‘anointed’ or ‘anointed one’; Messiah is the Hebrew translation.
Church, see Congregation* below.
Class (a noun) is the priestly service limited to a stated series of days. G2183. This is not to be confused with ‘class’ (a verb), which is found at 2 Cor. 10:12. G1469.
Cohort is a Roman military term used to describe a group of 600 soldiers. G4686.
Come* and its other verb forms, would literally be ‘become’ or possibly ‘come to be’ but we just don’t speak that way. G1096.
Coming (as in Second Coming), G3952, has been translated more properly as ‘presence.’
Commanders were military commanders of over 1000 soldiers. G5506
Congregation(s)* was the original translation by Tyndale in the first English translation from the Greek and then later changed to ‘church’ by the Reformed Protestants in the Geneva Bible, and is a man-made word. The word ‘church’ was then perpetuated by the Catholic Church and Church of England up until today and is now used in most translations simply because of tradition. This man-made tradition has been used over the centuries to promote a ‘church’ rather than the Lord’s ‘congregation’ of believers. The word in context is not a name but a description of ownership, or simply a local congregation located in some area. The word could be translated ‘assembly.’ In Modern English, most think of ‘church’ as a building. The original Greek word, even in the Bible, carries no special reverence. It is used to describe Jews, a mob, a local congregation, and the congregation of faithful, obedient believers worldwide as in Matthew 16:18, Acts 2:47, called the one body in Eph. 4:1-6, Eph. 5:23 and others. Some have followed the etymology, not its daily use, as ‘the called out’. This would be like saying a ‘pineapple’ is an ‘apple produced by a pine tree.’ The word was in use in all Greek writings and meant some form of ‘leaving your home to congregate elsewhere, generally in public for town announcements.’ (G1577).
Consequently* is used to translate a couple Greek particles, G686 and G687. Consequently is not exactly ‘therefore’ in English. It means that the previous statement is probably so or will become so.
Container(s). The Bible uses Hebrew and Greek measurements, such as ‘cor’ which is a measurement of volume equal to about 90 gallons. We rendered these words as volume + the word ‘container.’ For example, ‘a ninety-gallon-container.’This was done so we would not have to footnote every mention of these words; see Luke 16:7.
Covenant(s)* can be translated as ‘agreement,’ ‘contract,’ ‘testament’ or ‘will’ as in the expression ‘Last Will and Testament.’ The underlying Greek word, G1242 and its compounds were translated uniformly as ‘covenant’ because ‘testament’ has no verb forms in English. It could refer to the Old or New Testament or Covenant, or just a simple agreement, depending on the context. The Old Testament law was until the death of Jesus and the New Testament law is after His death (see Hebrews 9-10 and Galatians 4:4). The entire letter to the Hebrews deals with why Christians are no longer bound by the laws or traditions of the Old Testament. The events recorded in the Gospels and the first chapter of Acts were actually part of the Old Covenant with God.
Cubit is a forearm’s length. About 20-21 inches depending of which cubit measurement was common to that area. G4083.
Die*, died* literally translated are ‘ended.’ G5053.
Deacon(s) see footnote in 1 Timothy 3.
Denarius is a coin of the Roman currency system which we have retained in the MLV translation. Plural is denarii. The various other denominations are given here a rough comparison to Modern Day American currency.
1. A denarius was equivalent to a day’s wage of the normal working class. It was a silver coin with Caesar’s face on it. G1220.
2. Two drachmas was worth about 4 denarius, translated as ‘four-denarii.’ G1323.
3. A lepton was a bronze coin, translated as ‘bronze-coin.’ Two of these is equal to an Assarion or Quadran which are copper coins worth the cost of a dove or two sparrows, which is about a couple mouthfuls of food. Assarion and Quadran are translated as ‘copper-coin.’ About 50 cents in US money. G3016.
4. Mina which is translated as ‘200 denarius-coin’ is about 80% of a year’s salary in modern terms. In context it probably meant a whole years wage. G3414.
5. Slater was a coin equal to two drachmas or four denarii, translated as ‘four-denarii coin.’ G4715.
6. Talant is not a coin but actually about 75 pounds of silver. Equal to about 1 million dollars in US money today which is roughly 6000 denarii coins. Talant has nothing to do with the English word ‘talent’ which was how the Greek word, G5007, was erroneously transliterated in various other translations. This has lead to much confusion and is kept in other translations due to tradition.
Devil was changed to ‘the Slanderer’ in the 2013 version, is back in 2015. The Greek word is an adjective used as a noun, a transliteration of Hebrew, which has a perfect English equivalent ‘a slanderer.’ This Greek word is where we got ‘diabolical.’ The Bible even uses the Slanderer and the Adversary (previously rendered Satan) together in Rev. 12:9 and 20:2.
Different as it occurs six times in the MLV is from the Greek word, G2087, which is translated as ‘other’ or ‘another.’ In context, it might mean something added as opposed to something different or opposite.
Disobedience* is the result of a ‘refusal to hear,’ or more subtly a refusal to take in what you hear. G3876. The other disobedience (without the *) is the end result of ‘disbelieve.’ G543.
Divine* is the only ‘divine’ that literally comes from the base word ‘God.’ G2304 and G2316.
Do, does, did, are always a supplied word in the MLV 2020 upward, but not marked as such. Do, Does, Did, are used primarily in questions or with the words, Not or Never.
Do*, does*, doing*, did* are all from G4160 (mostly) and its synonym G4238 or compound words from these Greek words. The ‘do’ word can be translated as ‘practice’. Many false teachings and poor Bible knowledge stems from the non-use of the word ‘practice’ in the KJV and ASV translations.
Fallen-asleep was used by Jesus and then Paul to mean dead or death in most instances. G2837.
For is a preposition that has no true Greek equivalent. ‘To’ is the literal translation in all places in the Modern Literal Version. Asterisk (*) versions are listed below. The conjunction ‘for’ used in other translations, which means ‘because, because of, in or on behalf of,’ are translated as such in the MLV.
*For represents the Greek preposition G1519 (eis), that is literally translated as ‘into,’ ‘to’ or ‘toward.’ It never means ‘because of.’ No translation has ever translated ‘eis’ as ‘because of.’ Sometimes ‘leading toward’ works very well to get the meaning across and has been used by many translations in some places. This preposition expresses forward action in the Greek verb where the English word ‘for’ can be used with verbs of actions past or future. Again, all Greek words in the Modern Literal Version that mean ‘because’ are translated as ‘because.’
False*, only exist because the MLV is computerized and the word 'false' and 'true' are reserved words in programming languages. So the * was added to fix programming errors in computerized quality checks.
For* represents the Greek word G1063 (gar). It is a conjunction with no exact English equivalent. It is a mild form of ‘because.’
Forever, forevermore represent idiom of literally ‘into the ages’ and ‘into the ages of the ages’.
Forgive* a verb is from the verb form of the Greek noun translated as ‘favor’ or ‘grace.’ G5483
Fornication is from the Greek word G4202 (pornia), which means any premarital or extramarital sexual acts between two or more people. It also means prostitution with its Greek base word meaning ‘sell.’ It does not in any way mean lust. It means physical sex, including all variations of physical sex. This word can never be translated properly as ‘immorality’ or ‘sexual immorality’ as many translations have it wrongly.
Fruit(s)* is from the lesser number of the 2 Greek words. Both are used as literal fruit and one’s actions. G1079b, G2590.
Furlong is 1/8 of a mile in English. But in the MLV it is from G4218 (stadium), which is 1/8 of a Roman mile 607 ft. (53 ft. less than the modern furlong).
Gentiles is also translated as ‘nations.’ The word means all nations which are not Israel or all people who are not Jews. G1484.
Gift*, Gifts* are G5496, another noun form of the Greek noun, G5485, translated as ‘favor’ or ‘grace.’
Gird and its verb forms, means to put on your belt, the final act of dressing yourself for the public or for a job (see Belt also). G2224.
Good* is literally ‘well.’ G2095 and compounds. The other ‘good’ (no *) are actually two synonyms. Good in general and good outwardly. G0018 and G2570.
Good-news is simply just ‘good news’ or used to mean Jesus and His teaching in general (1Co 15:1-4; 2Th 1:8, etc.). Originally in the MLV, the Greek word was translated as ‘gospel’ in the religious context and ‘good news’ in other contexts but was adopted as ‘good-news’ throughout in 2013 in order not to ‘commentate’ in the Word. G2098.
Gracious* is the translation of G2128. Traditionally, in other translations, the word ‘blessed’ was an adjective in all the places that would have read something along the lines of: ‘Blessed be God.’ ‘Fortunate’ be God, is craziness. ‘Happy’ be God, is again craziness. God is surely not ‘happy’ with us.
Guardian* is a non-legal term, a nanny, tutor, house servant, babysitter or a combination of all. A bond-servant or hired person who specifically helped raise and teach the children. The other guardian is the legal type ‘guardian’.
Have, has when connected to a past tense verb, though marked as supplied, technically are not. These are to help your mind see the difference between perfect tense and past tense; ‘has gone’ would be ‘went’, if English were perfect.
Heart(s)* is literally the intestines. The Greeks thought emotions were born there, in the way we often feel emotions in our gut. G4698.
Hell is from two different Greek synonyms which were the common names for the trash dump that was always on fire outside the city, called Gehenna by the Jews and Tartarus by the Greeks. They used the same terms to describe the deepest, darkest, hot realms of Hades where the most evil people were cast after dead to suffer punishment, in English that is Hell. G1067, G5020 a verb “throw into Hell (Tartarus, one time 2Pe 2:4).” From a bible standpoint Hades is where all go at death, paradise or flame, Luke 16, Mar 9:43-50. Tartarus is where the heavenly messengers who sinned are now. At the judgment the ‘flame side’ of Hades and Tartarus will be cast into Gehenna, i.e., Hell.
Helper* is from a Greek masculine noun, G3875, always capitalized. It is a ‘person called to help.’
Hosanna is a Hebrew word meaning ‘Save me, I pray.’ or ‘Please deliver me.’
Helper words, are words added to help translate certain Greek tenses, moods, cases, person, direction, timing or intensity into English; they are not supplied words.
Infant(s) may also mean a child of some age who is a minor in the legal sense; especially in Gal 4. G3516
In-order-that is a better and more meaningful translation of G2443. See also That* and similar *That below.
Immerse* or dipping and all its verb, noun and adjective forms are the translation of the Greek verb, G0907 (baptizo), and its Greek variations (immersion*, immerser*), which all mean to submerge completely. In 1999, until baptism was changed to immersion in about 2002, over 75% of the comments for revision of the Modern Literal Version from readers or visitors to the Christian Library were ‘make baptism immersion.’ This word has a perfect English equivalent and so immersion has been used. For a Bible definition read Romans 6:1-6. The Greek word was common to the Greeks and was used to describe a ‘bath,’ ‘washing dishes,’ ‘ceremonial washings (always plural)’ and ‘Christian baptism.’ See Mark 7:4,8; Mark 16:16, Colossians 2:12-14, 1 Peter 3:21, etc. This word never meant ‘shower.’ There is a Greek word, G4472, for ‘sprinkling,’ G4472 (base word ‘rain-o’), and it is also used in the New Testament.
Indeed* (if indeed) is a conditional particle (G1437b and G1512). The real interesting one is the indeed (G3303) without an asterisk and its use with ‘but’ G1161 in comparative statements.
Iota (subscript) and serif are the smallest punctuation or accent marks of Greek. G2503.
Irreproachable, G410, and Unimpeachable, G423, are both in the qualifications of Lord’s earthly congregation’s leadership, described in various Bible versions and locations within as: elders, bishops, overseers, pastors, shepherds, presbyters (always plural). These words do not translate well into English. They are simply a description of a person not under an accusation by an enemy or legal system or better as under any accusation for that matter, this person is blameless, guiltless and has an impeccable reputation.
Jesus or Joshua, James or Jacob, Mary or Maria or Miriam, are places where a Greek word could have represented one's Greek or Hebrew name. We represent different people by different names; 'Mary' being the only exception because of Mat 27:61 and 7 total 'Mary' named people in the N.T.
Keep in the MLV is one of those very few Greek words, G5083 and compounds, which carry more meaning than the English word. The word carries with it: ‘to guard’ and/or ‘to watch over.’ ‘Keep’ the commandments would be to ‘guard’ them from harm too.
Koine Greek is the language of the New Testament, it was not even known to exist before the 1880's. All translators and reference books (Strong’s Dictionaries for a really good example) written before then were based on the idea that all Greek is the same Greek from Homer to that time with little variations even as the language changed from use over the centuries.
Lie, lying, lay, laying. Lie and lying are all related to ‘falsehood.’ Many English teachers would disagree in with the MLV using ‘laying’ and ‘laid’ for transitive and intransitive verbs of ‘lay’. So Microsoft Word's Grammar Checker was used in the April, 2022 update to determine and on its recommendation, Rom 7:18 and 7:21 for G3773 was change to 'lying-beside'. G480 ‘lay (lays, laid) in opposition’ is a person or thing placed or placing themselves as opposing.
Like is literally ‘as.’ It was common to their language, but comes across as slang in English. G5613.
Likewise* is G5615, a purely literal translation would be ‘as the same’ (i.e., likewise, similarly), and is marked more as a way to show it is not the other likewise which is from G3668 (similar).
Loins is literally the hips or hip areas.
Love* and its other verb forms, are words meaning Christian love. The Greeks had different words for different kinds of love, unlike English. This word is G25 (agapao). This word in religious writings had an intensified meaning, sacrificial love. The same Greek spoken outside of the Bible or Christian writings, ‘love of people’ or simply ‘like.’
Make*, makes*, made*, making* are simply the rendering of G4160 (poieo), and a few of its compounds. All other renderings of ‘make’ wording are where the word ‘make’ is added to another English verb or noun to better translate a Greek word into English.
Master* is simply marked to show G1988 used in Luke 5-17 vs. G1203 used elsewhere.
May, Might, Should see Subjunctive Mood in ‘Verbs Tenses Moods’ section.
Messenger is simply transliterated as ‘angel’ in many translations, G32. We have opted to translate it rather than transliterate. Only context can determine if the messenger was from God or man or the devil. It is not the job of translators to give our opinion as to which is which meaning by using 'angel' in some.
Minister* with its other verb and noun forms are words from G3008-G3011, these are to describe a type of servant whose service is more public vs. the domestic servant, or bondservant who are house or estate workers and the bondservant who serve who owns his bond. Most translation just make these all ‘serve’ and ‘servant’ and do not take in consideration the different Greek words and the slight differences.
Never would be best rendered as ‘in absolutely no way!’ an emphatic no! or not! but is just way too wordy to fit into most verses. Never is often 2 negatives side by side. When never occurs with the subjunctive mood verb as in, ‘should never,’ it does not mean ‘will not.’ Instead, there is a slight possibility this could happen.
Obey*, obedient*, obedience are G5218 and 5219. It is related to listening obediently to someone with authority. For example, a soldier listening to and obeying his commanding officer or children to their parents, as in: ‘Children, obey* your° parents.’ The other ‘obey’ and ‘obedient’ words, G3980, G3982, come from the same root word as ‘believe.’ (See Believe).
Offend and Offense literally means to ‘snare,’ ‘stumble’ or a ‘cause to stumble.’ G4634 and G4625.
Only begotten is from the Greek word, G3439, which literally means ‘only born of a mother’ (Classical Greek of the LXX) or ‘only born of a father’ (God)’ (Koine Greek of the N.T.). This clarifies the statement in the Bible ‘we are all sons of God through Christ Jesus’. All other theologies and various other translations about G3439 end up creating a Bible contradiction.
Permit*, permits*, permitted*, are from G2010. Literally to turn over the control to, authorize. Authorize was just too strange in context for places that are more of the “may I please” or “to please you”.
Present* is a different Greek word (G3918) from the other more common ‘present’ (Greek compounds of G2476).
Prostitute is the best English word we have that is not vulgar to describe a sexually promiscuous individual or a prostitute or both, primarily female. Context is not always certain as to which meaning is applicable either. G4204.
Rabbi and Rabboni both mean teacher in the Hebrew language. G4461 and G4462.
Ravening is a adjective (same as ‘ravenous’) and a verb that is a variation of ‘seize.’ G724-G727, G4884. Ravening is more of a hunger to seize more especially what is not yours. This word in 2018 replaces: ravenous, plundering, swindling or swindler(s).
Regeneration* is the restoration of a thing to its pristine state, its renovation, as a renewal or restoration of life after death as in the death of the Law, the birth of Jesus’ Law or death of our previous life to live as new creations. In some past versions: rebirth. G3824
Recognize is also translated as ‘fully know’ or ‘know fully.’ It is the reader’s choice of which they prefer, since they are interchangeable. G1921.
Rejected* has more meaning to it in the Greek and is best thought of as: ‘they tested it, they did not like it and so they rejected it.’ G593.
Repent, repentance are terms which mean to change your heart or perception with your actions, to ‘do a 180,’ to have an afterthought and then fix it. G3539.
Rise* and Raise* with other verb forms are literally ‘stand up,’ but that poses a problem since we do not use that idiom in English, G0450.
Separate* and other verb forms, are from ‘border or boundary’ which would be ‘border off’ or the lighter meaning of ‘quarantine off.’ The other ‘separate’ is ‘make room between.’ G0873.
Serve*, Servant* and other verb forms, are the verb form of bondservant, which is best described as to serve in or under contract of someone which could be voluntarily or not. Moses was a bondservant, which is how he gained his wife. Bondservants could be slaves, people paying off a debt or hired servants under a contract. The specific type of servant cannot be determined, even in context. G1398.
Should, May, Might see Subjunctive Mood in the ‘Verb, Tense and Moods’ section.
Sold*, selling* are G4097 and is only used in the sense of ‘sold for money.’ The other sell, sold (G4453) can also be barter or exchange.
Sound* is also translated as ‘healthy.’ G5198.
Spirit G4151, has been capitalized following the ASV. However, capitalization and punctuation are not features of the Greek, and may be ignored if believed to be incorrect.
Spirit(s)* is literally ‘soul.’ G5590. ‘Breath of life’ and its compounds occur only in Philippians 2.
Standard* is like a U.S. yardstick. A round straight piece of wood or metal used as a standard of measurement to measure the length or distance of something. It is used figuratively in most instances of the New Testament. G2583.
Stewardship means to manage the house or household, or to manage the affairs of others. G3622.
Than though marked as supplied, is most often a translation of a genitive Greek word when next to a comparative or superlative adjective or adverb; a Greek idiom. As an example ‘he is greater of me’ would be ‘he is greater than I.’
*That is G3705 which is stronger than Modern English ‘that.’ It means ‘in-order-that’ but not as strong as the word In-order-that or that*, listed below.
That* in Greek is G2443 (hina), which literally means ‘in-order-that’ but is just too wordy for some English sentences.
*That* was used to replace a Greek idiom that reads ‘into the thing to verb’ (G1519 (eis) + G3588 neutered (to) + an infinitive verb), occasionally G4314 instead of G1519.We have converted all of these idioms to a subjunctive like form, ‘*that* {the subject} should/may {the verb}.’ *That* can be read as ‘in-order-that’ if this makes more sense.
The (definite article) occurs in Greek same as in English with one major exception: ‘the’ is used with proper nouns. ‘Paul’ is literally ‘the Paul.’ We render these in all places where English will allow. The inspired writers could have left ‘the’ out and it still would have been good Greek grammar, but they didn't. G3588.
There* is simply a way to show G847 vs. G1563 and its compounds.
True*, only exist because the MLV is computerized and the word 'false' and 'true' are reserved words in programming languages. So the * was added to fix programming errors in computerized quality checks.
View is a stronger form of ‘see’ or ‘look.’ It means to ‘view as a spectator’ or to ‘view from the side lines.’ View implies that there is more attention being given to what is being viewed. G2334.
Travel, can be a short distance like ‘travel down the throat’ or travel around the world. G4198.
Unfaithful, disbelieve, unbeliever and all verb, noun or adjective forms of these or similar in the MLV could be translated as ‘disobey’ or ‘is disobedient.’ Any Greek word compound of G1 & any compound of G3982.
When, while, after are helpers words used to help create English like verb tenses from Greek participles, Luke’s infinitives and mixed tense sentences. If you place yourself in the sentence, you can understand the action and why the Greeks wrote this way.
While* is used in translating a Greek idiom (in the thing to verb).
With* is literally ‘in’ or ‘at’ or ‘among,’ G1722 (en).
Wormwood may be a person or thing, and an actual substance which is bitter tasting. G894.
You°, your°, yours° are the plural forms of ‘you’ and ‘your.’
Copyright Restriction for the Modern Literal Version New Testament TOC
© Copyright 1999, 2016 by G. Allen Walker, Co-Editor. Worldwide restrictions are:
We are not here to make money and we will entertain requests for any items not listed below.
1. The purpose of a Copyright is to prevent others from altering the text and then claiming the result is their own work. You are not allowed to change any of the MLV when used in any other locations or projects.
2. When quoting the Modern Literal Version, the quotes are to be noted by Modern Literal Version, MLV or by the URL of the website. Footnoting larger amounts is totally acceptable.
3. This translation may be used in any Bible commentary, study module, tract, class book, or similar study materials as long as it is noted according to the guidelines above, and the MLV’s part is not 80% of the total project; so ‘have at it.’ Essentially, you may quote 6,300 verses without permission. (Contact us, and we will be happy to assist you in the completion of your project.)
4. After 80% you are prohibited from selling the Copyrighted MLV! Are you aware of violations? Please let us know.
5. Incorporation of the MLV into a computer-generated software format(s), or any web database of bible versions, is permissible, provided that you have initiated a request to do so in writing (email is fine) and that the MLV is free in these programs. Should you violate our restrictions, and sell your product or charge fees for the MLV, any MLV modules must be removed from the product. If you find any software or module that is not linked from our main website, they are probably dated and consider the files there as altered, pirated or may potentially contain spyware.
6. The HTML version and search engine can be reproduced on other web sites but requires permission. (There are too many old copies of the MLV around and we would like to have those updated.)
7. The authorized Kindle edition is available only from amazon.com in BOLD Letter for color blind people and Kindles or Red Letter Editions.
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Preface to the Modern Literal Version 2021 TOC
Quick Overview
God wrote His New Covenant with man in a language called Koine Greek. The Modern Literal Version uses the Majority Greek Text (The New Testament in the Original Greek, Byzantine Textform 2018, Compiled and Arranged by Maurice A. Robinson and William Pierpont).
Only three primary methods exist to translate a foreign language. The first is to translate each word, in a literal word for word fashion, keeping the original word order (ISBN: 978-1973921967). This, when combined with the Greek Bible is called a ‘Greek interlinear’ even though most of them attempt to be a ‘translation’ especially the pathetic ‘reverse interlinear’ of recent times. This will be our, not yet published, ‘New Koine Greek Textbook VI.’
The Modern Literal Version is the second type of ‘literal’ translation also called a ‘word-for-word’ translation (descriptions ‘coined’ centuries ago). This sounds like an interlinear, but is not the same and the two should not be confused with each other. (This difference is where all those who talk about translations, who have never worked on a published translation, are misled and mislead others.) In a literal translation each word and phrase is uniformly rendered, Greek idioms (all languages have them, Greek has plenty of them) are carefully translated uniformly. The Greek parts of speech are rearranged as they would be in typical English: subject, verb, object, indirect object, and punctuation is added. Greek is extremely choppy and supplied words are needed to have an ‘English like flow’ to them. (In particular, the word “the” often needs to be added.) Supplied words should always be identified in all literal translations. This way the reader can always omit them if desired. Now for the extremely rare places (the unskilled think idioms are such places) where literal is too choppy for most English readers, two sub-methods exist, which are either paraphrasing or adding supplied words. The MLV uses the latter. Supplied words are written in italics in the MLV text. No truly literal translation can be ‘English teachers approved’ without paraphrasing!
The third translation method, and the most common one especially in the past 30 years, is to paraphrase the Greek into English. These are easy to spot because they read like a newspaper or a story book and have no supplied words marked in them. They are ‘English teacher’ approved wording and sentence structure. English teachers are more the translators of these translations than Greek scholars. This type of translation is known by various names, such as dynamic equivalence, essentially literal, free style, thought-for-thought, better than a word-for-word, and so on. The paraphrased versions actually account for more than 95% of all Bible translations ever made. We understand the value of a paraphrase for those looking for a Bible that reads as easily as a newspaper, and want the translators to interpret the Bible for them. But this type should never be used as a study tool. A sad commentary is paraphrased foreign language documents are acceptable only in fiction, story telling and churches.
However, we feel strongly that thought-for-thought introduces way too many editorial opinions. They are sometimes better described as ‘opinion for opinion’ because each time they are proofread by another person(s) or English teacher, more personal beliefs are exchanged for the Word of God. We desire to see a Bible that reproduces the original Greek Bible into modern English as faithfully as possible with as little editorial bias as possible. One way to look at it is like this: If there was a court case with a key document as evidence, and this document was in a foreign language, would a ‘essential literal’ translation be acceptable? No! The document we are talking about here is the ‘Last Will and Testament’ of our Lord Jesus. Did you know that paraphrased bible versions are generally 10% smaller than literal ones in the number of words they contain? They are often watered down and those places that are disputed by the various religious groups will always match the beliefs of their translators, or those controlling the money behind the translation. The goal of everyone who has worked on the Modern Literal Version has been to keep any form of commentary or paraphrasing out of the translation as much as is humanly possible.
The MLV stays free from theological concerns and traditions by translating the text as literally as possible while retaining modern language and readability. The ‘Open Source’ approach (discussed more later) is a far superior ‘checks and balance’ system. In roughly 30 years only one person recommended an ‘indoctrination.’ People don’t even try because the next person would just remove it.
The MLV is NOT under the control of any: denomination, publishing company, government, college or software vendor and is not the current work of any either; that is why it can be sold for no profit. The Open Source method takes the control from those who love money and power and gives the power back to ALL Christians who want to have the ‘purest’ Word of God available. The only uninspired traditions kept in the MLV are punctuation and capitalization, chapter and verse numbers, and the not God breathed non-chronological book order.
The MLV was the first translation to use the power of the computer (an 8086), and absolutely would have been impossible before the computer age and WordPerfect and its macro abilities (special thanks to Corel Corporation).
The ‘Modern Literal Version New Testament’ came about in 1987 due to a young Christian’s goal to find an accurate Modern English translation from which to study. The New American Standard contradicted itself in Matthew 5:17 and Ephesians 2:15 for example. Almost all other Modern English translations do not claim to be literal or word-for-word and most that make such a claim are factually not! Concordance look-ups in all existing translations present non-uniform Greek word renderings and this too was an issue of concern.
A Bible Study Group, of which this new Christian was a part, was actively doing topical, English and Greek word studies with their Bibles and ‘Englishman’s Greek Concordances.’ They discovered that the ASV was the most accurate translation, and initially started a study Bible cross reference section for it. Then an idea developed to do a slight revision of the 1901 American Standard Version for the public domain, code named ‘ASV3'. Eventually, these ideas were dropped due to too many problems: the underlying Greek text, massive footnoting, archaic words, inconsistent Greek word translations, poor verb tensing, etc.
Then a better idea grew, let computers and programing do the work, then let humans proofread and edit the result, so the creation of a modern (English) literal version (which later became its name) was born. A group of workers, teachers, scholars, computer owners and programmers, who believe in the total authority and inspiration of the Bible, have devoted time, advice, software, money and work to the project. Now, over 30 years later, at least 66 experts in the original language have contributed work needed to make this translation a reality. Many others, about 430, 9 computer technicians, 40+ programmers, and another 6500 or so in all the MLV, Greek and other discussion groups on Facebook and various Christian forums have also helped with large amounts of proofreading, improvements to English comprehension, double-checking Greek definitions, compounds, synonyms, Greek concordance look-ups, accuracy checks and/or other menial (but extremely essential) tasks. Many thousands of corrections have been received via FTP, snail mail, telephone, chat, and e-mail, over the years. 99% of us have never met in person and know each other only by a nickname from email or chat. We will never be able to express our gratitude enough to all of these people, living and deceased.
There has been nothing traditional about the MLV and our unorthodox methods are what produced the ‘world’s most accurate’ English New Testament. A side note, as the MLV went thru stages of growth an English Concordance, Greek Lexicon and Greek Concordance, Analytical Greek Lexicon and Greek Word Concordance were also created for tracking purposes, now called the ‘New Koine Greek Textbook Series’ and also available in print and electronic formats.
The Open Source Bible Translation
The Modern Literal Version New Testament is considered ‘completed,’ although it has been open for revision by anyone since 1998. No bible should have ever been ‘closed.’ We doubt to ever need to make another major update because in 2017 very few ‘Thus saith the Greek’ recommendations were submitted but then a massive rechecking of verb tenses in the summer of 2018 rendered the 2019. Further computerized quality checks has now produced the 2021 update. Our utmost desire is to have a translation that has no translation errors in it and we believe that the best way to produce an error-free translation is to keep it open to the public in the same manner as ‘open-source software’ is to programmers. Our original attempt to follow traditional methods of translation failed; they always have! Since 1999, we have found no better way than our ‘open’ translation idea to achieve this goal and the use of computer programming for uniformity and accuracy with millions of possible proofreaders. Absolutely anyone in the world, any Christian affiliation, is able to contribute to the translation, including, the several million who have visited the Christian Library and the official MLV web site. You, too, may make recommendations or help in other ways, with either Greek or English type proofreading. If the recommendations warrant another update next year, we will do one each year in printed form and a Kindle edition. Free electronic versions are updated periodically throughout the year, as needed on the web sites and Facebook. The ‘cutting edge’ update is always the BOLD Letter Edition PDF at:
As far as we know, this ‘open’ translation idea is unique to the MLV. You are invited to participate in helping to remove 600+ years of error from the Bible. There is even a Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/MLVbible that now has many offshoots. All who have helped have contributed to further the readability or accuracy of this translation or simply have double checked previous efforts. Now is the time for the Bible to be placed in the hands of everyday Christians who have no agendas. If you can suggest any corrections please send an email to info@modernliteralversion.org with subject line: ‘MLV’. Please always download the newest (link above) to check it, before submitting a ‘recommendation.’ We want an error-free translation! Thank you in advance.
General Translation Notes TOC
The Greeks wrote in present tense to give the reader the feeling of ‘being there’ and so this translation leaves present tense unchanged. It is common that the Greek speaking writers start with a past event (some point in time), go to present, and then onward even to future in a few places. Even when they wrote in past tense they still wanted the ‘reader’ in the action. You will gain valuable insights if you put yourself in the ‘action.’ We hope this will also help you feel closer to our Lord and God. Sad how many theologians have missed this simple fact for centuries and have complicated simple Greek translation.
G1-G5624 are from the Strong’s Numbering System, are used often here because Unicode is not supported in various conversion processes. Sorry that these annoy you Greek Scholars, but 99% of the people who want to look up the Koine Greek listings in the MLV will be using them.
Paragraphs are used in this translation with no credence given to chapter or verse numbers since verse formats, chapter titles or other special formatting often takes ideas out of context (for example, see Mark 8:34 to 9:1). Double-spaced paragraphs are attempts to arrange sentences by subject. Single-spaced paragraphs are for conversations or for sub-topics. We did not include subject headings since we decided this would reflect opinions, and something not desirable even in the Word of God.
Single or double quotation marks are not used in this translation for conversations, since they are not found in the original language, and adding them would be an area of opinion too often.
We also do not capitalize pronouns that appear to be referring to God (‘Him,’ ‘He’ etc.). This is to avoid inserting our opinion in the translation; the Greek Bible does not make these distinctions.
Red Lettering or Bold Lettering (electronic or printed editions) is used for the words of Jesus, God the Father and the Holy Spirit even in an indirect quote as in Acts 26. If you do not believe the RED or BOLD should be used in a certain area, please ignore.
Greek is participle crazy. A rather large number of participles are found in sentences; it is common that a sentence contains no main verb, and one participle after another. We have added supplied words in an effort to stay more literal and yet break these into smaller, more readable English sentences. We have also keep these to one or two per sentence otherwise young people or non-native English people will not understand the sentences.
The curly brackets ({...}) offer additional information. They are blue in the Red Letter edition or charcoal gray in the Bold Letter release. These contain:
1. The Old Testament reference at the end of the verse, which may be an exact quote or a paraphrase by the inspired writer, or simply the location of the historical event. Single quotes are used at the beginning and end of actual quotes or paraphrases. We did not attempt to translate the Greek in Old Testament quotes to match the Hebrew to English translations.
2. We used a {T} to denote wording that is not found in the majority of manuscripts. Most of these were early attempts to harmonize various events which were added into the King James Version or maybe commentary that was added which later became part of the text by copyists. The exception being, Acts 8:37 in which the last section ‘I believe Jesus Christ to be the Son of God.’ was quoted in the late 2nd Century by Irenaeus, which predates almost all manuscripts, so 8:37 was inserted back into the MLV text. 1Jn 5.7b-8a was put there from the Catholic Latin Bible and it is not included.
3. ‘Harmony of the New Covenant’ is a man-made study help and combines information from the four books of Jesus’ life here on the earth and place the actual time that the letters were written in the book of Acts and continue to the end of Revelation. (The Bible was not written in Encyclopedia format. Not all information on any subject is generally all inclusive in any one area.) Here is an example of the ‘Great Commission’ or better ‘How to Make or Become a Disciple of Christ’ and the way it is represented in the Modern Literal Version throughout Mark.
Here is a combination of the passages listed below as an example, Mark is BOLD, Matthew is black, Luke is italicized (the punctuation was fixed to attempt to make it easier to read in English).
{Mar 16:15-18 and Mat 28:18-20 and Luk 24:46-47 Mountain in Galilee}
And he said to them, While you* have traveled into all the world to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem to all creation, preach the good-news, make disciples of all the nations.
He who believes (and that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be preached in his name) and is immersed* (immersing* them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit), will be saved, teaching them to observe all things, as many things as I have commanded you*, but he who disbelieves will be condemned.
And behold, I am with you* all the days until the end of the earth.
The original intentions and guidelines for the Modern Literal Version
1. To translate the original Greek of the Bible, word-for-word, into English, then to further boost the accuracy of the MLV, we translate the same Greek word into as few different English words as is possible. We also do this for English words by not using the same English word for different Greek words. Careful attention was paid to synonyms, antonyms, compound words and the few Greek words which truly have multiple meanings. Greek has ‘shades of meaning’ no more than does equal English words (a common misconception). One way to look at this is: if God wanted 10 different words used instead of one single Greek word, the inspired writers would have penned it that way. The New Testament is its own best commentary when you see the same Greek word translated into the same English word throughout. We call this ‘uniform and consistent’ translating and we believe that we’re the first translation to ever attempt this and had the power of computers to accomplish it. This form of translation is an extremely challenging task, and not one that many translators would ever take the time to do, even though it is now possible to do with computers. More information is in the ‘Wording Statistics’ section at the end or on the web site or in MySword and e-Sword.
2. The goal of the MLV was not to make it perfect everyday English, but to try to make it understandable to the majority of English speaking people, while remaining literal, especially to teenagers and 2nd speaking English people. Many sentences in the MLV start with conjunctions like ‘and,’ ‘but,’ ‘for’ and ‘because.’ This was so that we could split incredibly long sentences, some of which were more than 50 words in length, into shorter ones as we were translating the text into English. The Modern Literal Version is at about a 12-year old’s reading level.
3. To translate some verses that have been misinterpreted for years by many religious groups, as close as possible to the original language.
4. To use italics for supplied words and use supplied words as opposed to paraphrasing. We want people to see what we added.
5. To translate the money and measuring systems of the Bible into some understandable form.
6. To use ‘will’ for all future tenses, though it is not ‘teacher approved’ Modern English. It is the way most English people speak.
7. To use paragraph format. Verse format often takes meanings out of context or contributes toward misinterpretations of the context.
8. To use the more proper ‘may’ or ‘might’ for the subjunctive mood verbs. The ASV used ‘should’ and ‘shall.’ Shall is not considered ‘conditional’ in Modern English, but future tense. (See more in the ‘Verb, Tenses, Moods’ section).
9. To arrange the Greek word order into normal English word order of subject verb object (SVO). Following Greek word order is not more literal or accurate; if we retained the Greek order it would just be more like an interlinear without the Greek.
10. To footnote or explain in the ‘Definitions’ section places where a literal translation could not be understood or an idiom used by the common Greeks. For example: ‘into the ages’ is an idiom for ‘forever;’ ‘into the ages of the ages’ is ‘forevermore.’ (These are not as common as many people would have you believe).
11. To render active tense verbs as ‘is/are verb-ing’ to help show action. Many people wrongly say the ‘-eth’ ending used in older translations meant continual action. It was simply the way they spoke before the 1800's.
12. To fix the preposition and conjunction problems that plague all translations. Our biggest fix is the English word ‘for’ that was used even in the ASV for several Greek words which mean ‘because of,’ ‘because,’ ‘to,’ ‘ toward,’ ‘of,’ ‘in/on behalf of’ and a mild form of ‘because.’ The MLV translated all Greek words that mean ‘because,’ ‘because of’ and ‘in/on behalf of’ as such. The other meanings are shown by use of asterisks (*) with the two most common Greek words translated as ‘for’ (‘eis,’ G1520 = *for and G1063 ‘gar’ = for*).
13. To avoid inconsistencies caused by splitting up the translators and proofreaders into groups. A typical translation may have 100 plus people but by the time you split them into 25 or more committees the number of people in one particular book might be as little as 4 and those different groups can cause stylistic and translation variations. Those who volunteer with the MLV tend to work all the way through the New Testament, so in the MLV the total per book far exceeds any committee type translation ever made.
14. To include a Harmony of the New Testament with AD dates, which gives a person the ability to read the New Testament straight through or in chronological order. (Start at Mark, then go to Acts: The Book of Conversions.)
15. When traditional renderings are not Greek, they will be translated properly. Oh well, and the theologians will just have to adjust; (added in 2013 because we found us also following tradition).
16. Translate words using their full translation even if a little too wordy in places to denote differences between English wording used for different Greek wording. Two examples are: ‘together with’ vs. ‘with’ (G4862 & its compounds); ‘in-order-that’ vs. ‘that’ (G2443 and its compounds).
The 1987-1999 version, at roughly 95% completed, was formally U.S. copyrighted and placed into the ‘Christian Library’ in June, 1999 at http://www.ChristianLibrary.org. In 2014, the MLV has an official site http://www.ModernLiteralVersion.org. The Christian Library is a mirror site to deal with most of the bandwidth issues (special thanks to ISCnetwork.com). Currently the MLV is 2016 (+75 yrs.) US Library of Congress Copyright http://www.ModernLiteralVersion.com is for future growth in 2017.
Finally, a challenge to all who think that another translation is more accurate to the original Greek than the MLV: show us the correction needed! Please remember ‘thus saith the Greek’ not ‘my version says.’ This translation needs to be judged by the Greek, not anything else!
In Christ,
G. Allen Walker, June 9, 1999.
Computer Tech for the New Testament, 1987-2012
Revised and updated by multiple helpers from 2001-2018.
The glory is God’s. Amen.
English Words to one Greek Word TOC
Less than 10% of the Greek words used in the N.T. have multiple meanings of which context determines the proper word. These are words noteworthy to the average non-Greek student which came from the same Greek word; enclosed together in (parentheses): (grace, favor), (complete, mature; all verb, noun and adjective forms), (divorce, release), (false, lying; all adjective forms), (patterns, examples), (choice, chosen), (corrupt, decay), (jealous, zealous), (comfort, encourage, plead), (might, should), (gentiles, nations), (condemnation, judgement), (healthy, sound), (keep, guard, observe), (lawsuit, judgement), (lust, O.T. desire), (pursue, persecute), (make ready, prepare), (save, cure), (tempt, test), (tent, tabernacle), (way, road), (weak, sick), (witness, testify), (will, wish) and the Greek synonym (will, plan),(‘age’ can be ‘world’), (non hyphenated ‘hold’ can be ‘have’) (‘lead’ can be ‘bring’), (‘return’ can be ‘turn’ or ‘turn again’) (‘speech’ can be ‘word’), (‘toward’ can be ‘to’ or ‘leading to’ even ‘to obtain’), (‘call’ or ‘called’ can be ‘invite’ or ‘invited’ in most instances), (‘covenant,’ ‘testament’; though ‘testament’ is not used in the actual MLV’s text).
Greek History During N.T. Times TOC
In the first century, the entire known world was under Roman rule and the universal language was Koine Greek (common Greek). The language became dead two centuries later (nevermore to change). Even though many have tried to make the Greek language ‘change’ with new theologies, only translation principles have changed. For example, Koine Greek was not even known to be a separate language from Greek until the 1800's.
The New Testament makes mention of three different rulers of Judea under Greek authority named Herod. Herod the Great reigned from 39 BC to 4 BC. He expanded the Temple to include the royal family’s wing. His son Herod Archelaus reigned from 4 BC to 6 AD. Augustus judged him incompetent and reorganized the territories under the other son, Herod Antipas from 6 AD to 39 AD.
When you were called back to Rome, you were given the ‘suicide’ option or be killed.
Jews did not speak to Samaritans or women in public (John 4). This is useful to know for understanding parts of John.
The soldiers of the Roman military were also the police. If a guard lost his prisoner(s), he and his family were forfeited in exchange; that is why many guards committed suicide. By committing suicide, their families would be spared. The jailer in Acts 16 was about to do this before Paul shouted to him.
Part of a day, to the Jews, equaled an entire day and night. In modern terms, the Bible indicates that Jesus said he will be in the tomb three days and three nights (Mat 12:40), but this is by Jewish thinking or custom. Jesus was buried Friday (Day of Preparation; Day 1). He was in the tomb from 6:00 PM Friday to 6:00 PM Saturday (The Sabbath; Day 2). He arose sometime around dawn Sunday (the first day of the week; Day 3). The ‘ninth hour’ in those days is 3:00 PM in modern time. This is also a different teaching along this line that God when he darkened the sun on Friday at noon, made Friday (in the eyes of the Jews) 2 days.
Women and bondservants under Roman rule had the same rights in court. A widow or single woman without close male family was an easy target by just about anyone who wanted to take advantage of her (James 1:27). Lydia and her group, in order to stay safe, probably maintained a circle of protection in Acts 16.
Respectable Christian women and those from a Jewish background covered their heads and long hair because prostitutes of the time didn’t. Evangelism & Truth TOC
Many congregations give the MLV to all the members and any visitor; yours should also. All have grown thanks to having a purer, more understandable Word of God. Please point out the Simple Reading Schedule to those who receive them, to help them read God’s Word, especially for the first time. The MLV is the only translation we know to exist in which every word can be looked up in a standard dictionary, and the proper meaning is ‘Bible’ correct. The MLV is written at about a 12 year-old’s reading level; even some ‘big’ bible words were simplified for teenagers and 2nd language English foreigners.
We want your input should you ever find a typo or a better Greek correction for the MLV . Please check: www.modernliteralversion.org for a current PDF update and make sure the typo or fix has not already been applied before submitting to info@modernliteralversion.org. Thank you in advance. As far as we know, the MLV is the only Bible in print that wants such input.
{{ Introduction to the Good News
The first four books of the New Testament are traditionally called the gospels, a word which means ‘good news.’ These are four biographies about Christ Jesus, written to share the good news about His life, death, and resurrection. Each of these four gospels was written to a different audience, and so each one has a slightly different approach—but they are all accurate biographies of Christ Jesus. Matthew wrote his good- news to a Jewish audience, and so he included several quotations from the Old Testament, showing that Jesus of Nazareth was the Messiah they had been waiting to come. Mark wrote to a Roman audience, which liked their reading to be more action-oriented, so his account focuses more on the actions of Jesus. Most scholars believe that Mark is written in chronological order. Luke wrote to a more detail-oriented audience, and his account is filled with historical and geographical details that were not included by the other writers. John wrote to a general audience, guiding them to faith in Jesus as the Son of God. John wrote his account much later than the others, so he concentrates more on aspects of Jesus’ life not mentioned previously. It makes a great supplement to the other three. All who lived during this time of these books were still under the Law of Moses, Galatians 4:4. Jesus’ teachings during this time were to introduce the Jews to the covenant promised to Abraham completed by Jesus’ death, Hebrews 9:16-17.}}
{{ Introduction to Matthew 45-52 AD
The book of Matthew is better called ‘The Good News According to Matthew.’ The writer is traditionally thought to be Matthew (Levi), a tax collector whom Jesus called to be an apostle (Matthew 9:9-13; 10:3). This biography of Jesus the Christ was written primarily for Jews, to convince the Jews that Jesus is the prophesied Messiah which is why Matthew spent so much time showing how Jesus fulfilled Old Testament prophecies— things that would have been irrelevant to a non-Jewish audience. A key verse in Matthew is 5:17 where Jesus states He came to fulfill the law. Matthew presents the teachings of Jesus in large sections and discusses the works of Jesus (emphasizing His power). Jesus’ speech to the Jews in what is commonly called the ‘Sermon on the mount’ is a contrast between the Law of Moses vs. New Testament Law, outward vs. inward actions. This section contains the most misquoted verse in the bible by sinners 7:1, ‘do not judge.’ But Christians have read John 5:30 and 7:24 and have seen many examples of Jesus and the inspired writers judging (or condemning) others or their practices. Beginning with the birth of Jesus, Matthew recounts how Jesus lived a perfect life under the Law of Moses (Gal 4:4), and how His death would set the stage for a New Testament (Covenant) under which men could be saved. The final instructions given by Jesus after His resurrection, in this biography, are on how disciples are made: by teaching and immersing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:18-20). After the list of apostles in Acts 1:13, Matthew disappears from the history of the New Testament.}}
[Matthew 1] TOC
{NOTES: If your plans are to read the entire N.T., start in Mark. Please read the ‘Definitions’ Section and other non-bible sections. In this translation Old Testament names will be in their Old Testament form.}
1:1 The book of lineage of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham: 1:2 Abraham fathered Isaac; and Isaac fathered Jacob; and Jacob fathered Judah and his brethren; 1:3 and Judah fathered Perez and Zerah from Tamar; and Perez fathered Hezron; and Hezron fathered Ram; 1:4 and Ram fathered Amminadab; and Amminadab fathered Nahshon; and Nahshon fathered Salmon; 1:5 and Salmon fathered Boaz from Rahab; and Boaz fathered Obed from Ruth; and Obed fathered Jesse; 1:6 and Jesse fathered David, the king.
And David, the king, fathered Solomon from the widow of Uriah; 1:7 and Solomon fathered Rehoboam; and Rehoboam fathered Abijah; and Abijah fathered Asa; 1:8 and Asa fathered Jehoshaphat; and Jehoshaphat fathered Jehoram; and Jehoram fathered Uzziah; 1:9 and Uzziah fathered Jotham; and Jotham fathered Ahaz; and Ahaz fathered Hezekiah; 1:10 and Hezekiah fathered Manasseh; and Manasseh fathered Amon; and Amon fathered Josiah; 1:11 and Josiah fathered Jechoniah and his brethren, at the time of the exile of Babylon.
1:12 And after the exile of Babylon, Jechoniah fathered Shealtiel; and Shealtiel fathered Zerubbabel; 1:13 and Zerubbabel fathered Abiud; and Abiud fathered Eliakim; and Eliakim fathered Azor; 1:14 and Azor fathered Sadoc; and Sadoc fathered Achim; and Achim fathered Eliud; 1:15 and Eliud fathered Eleazar; and Eleazar fathered Matthan; and Matthan fathered Jacob; 1:16 and Jacob fathered Joseph, the husband of Mary, out-of whom was born Jesus, who is called* the Christ.
{Mat 1:1-17 & Luk 3:23-28 Mary’s Genealogy.}
1:17 Therefore, all the generations from Abraham until David were fourteen generations; and from David until the exile of Babylon, were fourteen generations; and from the exile of Babylon until the Christ, were fourteen generations.
{Mat 1:18-25 Nazareth 5 BC; no parallel.}
1:18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ was thus: for* his mother Mary was engaged to Joseph, before they came together, she was found holding a child in her womb {i.e., pregnant} from the Holy Spirit. 1:19 Now Joseph, her husband, being a righteous man and not willing to disgrace her, planned to divorce her secretly. 1:20 But when he had contemplated these things, behold, a messenger of the Lord appeared to him according-to a dream, saying, Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife for* what was born {Or: conceived} in her is from the Holy Spirit. 1:21 Now she will be bearing a son, and you will call his name Jesus, for* he will be saving his people from their sins. 1:22 Now this whole thing has happened in-order-that what was spoken by the Lord through the prophet might be fulfilled, saying, 1:23 ‘Behold, the virgin will be holding a child in her womb {i.e., pregnant}, and will be bearing a son, and they will call his name Immanuel’; which is, after being translated, ‘God with us.’ {Isa 7:14, 8:8, 10} 1:24 Now having been awakened from his sleep, Joseph did* as the messenger of the Lord commanded him and took his wife to him; 1:25 and did not know her intimately until which time she bore her firstborn son, and he called his name Jesus.
[Matthew 2] TOC
{Mat 2:1-12 Jerusalem & Bethlehem 4 BC; no parallel.}
2:1 Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise-men {Persian Magi; v7 & v16} from the east came* into Jerusalem, 2:2 saying, Where is he who was born the King of the Jews? For* we saw his star in the east and came to worship him. 2:3 Now after Herod the king heard it, he was disturbed and everyone in Jerusalem with him. 2:4 And having gathered together all the high-priests and scribes of the people, he was inquiring with them where the Christ should be born.
2:5 Now they said to him, In Bethlehem of Judea; for* thus it has been written through the prophet, 2:6 ‘And Bethlehem, a land of Judah, you are by no means least among the governors of Judah; for* a leader will be coming forth from you, who will be shepherding my people Israel.’ {Mic 5:2, 2Sam 5:2}
2:7 Then Herod, having called the wise-men secretly, ascertained accurately with them the time of the star’s appearing. 2:8 And having sent them to Bethlehem, he said, When traveling on, probe° out accurately the things concerning the young child. And whenever you° find him, report° to me, *that after I have gone there, I also may worship him. 2:9 Now having heard the king, they traveled away. And behold, the star, which they saw in the east, was preceding them until it came and stood above where the young child was. 2:10 Now having seen the star, they rejoiced with extremely great joy. 2:11 And they came into the house and saw the young child with Mary, his mother. They fell down and worshiped him. Having opened their treasures, they brought gifts of gold and frankincense and myrrh to him. {Isa 60:6, Psa 72:10, 15} 2:12 And having been divinely-warned according-to a dream not to revisit Herod, they departed into their own region through another way.
{Mat 2:13-18 Leaving for Egypt 4 BC; no parallel.}
2:13 Now after they themselves departed, behold, a messenger of the Lord appears to Joseph according-to a dream, saying, After you have raised yourself up, take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be there until I would speak to you again, for* Herod is about to seek the young child to destroy him. 2:14 Now having raised himself up, he took the young child and his mother by night, and departed into Egypt; 2:15 and he was there until the end of Herod; in-order-that what was spoken by the Lord through the prophet might be fulfilled, saying, ‘I called my son out-of Egypt.’ {Hos. 11:1} 2:16 Then Herod, having seen that he was mocked by the wise-men, was exceedingly furious, and sent forth soldiers and assassinated all the boys who were in Bethlehem, and in all her borders, from two years and downward, according-to the time which he had ascertained accurately with the wise-men. 2:17 Then what was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet was fulfilled, saying, 2:18 ‘A voice was heard in Ramah, mourning, and weeping, and much anguish, Rachel weeping for her children. And she did not wish to be comforted, because they are not there.’ {Jer 31:15}
{Mat 2:19-23 & Luk 2:39b Egypt & Nazareth 4 BC.}
2:19 But after Herod died*, behold, a messenger of the Lord appears according-to a dream to Joseph in Egypt, 2:20 saying, After you have raised yourself up, take the young child and his mother, and travel into the land of Israel, for* the ones seeking the young child’s life have died. 2:21 Now he raised himself up and took the young child and his mother and came into the land of Israel. 2:22 But after he heard that Archelaus is reigning over Judea instead of his father Herod, he was afraid to go there, and having been divinely-warned according-to a dream, he departed into the parts of Galilee, 2:23 and he came and dwelt in a city called* Nazareth; *that what was spoken through the prophets might be fulfilled, that he will be called a Nazarene.
[Matthew 3] TOC
{Mar 1:1-8 & Mat 3:1-12 & Luk 3:1-18. Judea near Jordan River 25 or 26 AD.}
3:1 Now in those days John the Immerser* comes*, preaching in the wilderness of Judea, 3:2 and saying, Repent°; for* the kingdom of the heavens has drawn near. 3:3 For* this one is he who was spoken of by Isaiah the prophet, saying, ‘A voice is crying in the wilderness, prepare° the way of the Lord, make*° his paths straight.’ {Isa 40:3} 3:4 Now John himself had his outer clothing made from camel’s hair and a leather belt around his loin, and his nourishment was locusts and wild honey. 3:5 Then Jerusalem and everyone in Judea and everyone from the region around the Jordan were traveling out to him. 3:6 And they were being immersed* by him in the Jordan, confessing their sins. 3:7 But after he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming upon his immersion*, he said to them, Offsprings of vipers, who warned you° to flee from the future wrath? 3:8 Therefore, produce° fruit worthy of repentance. 3:9 And do° not think to say among yourselves, We have Abraham for father; for* I say to you°, that God is able to lift up children out-of these stones for Abraham. 3:10 But even already, the ax is laid to the root of the trees. Therefore, every tree which is not producing good fruit is cut off and cast into the fire.
3:11 I indeed immerse* you° in water toward repentance, but he who is coming after me is mightier than I, of whom I am not sufficient to bear his shoes. He will immerse* you° in the Holy Spirit; 3:12 whose winnowing fan is in his hand, and he will be thoroughly cleansing his threshing floor, and he will be gathering his grain into the barn, but the chaff he will be burning up with unquenchable fire.
{Mar 1:9-11, Mat 3:13-17, Luk 3:21-22, Joh 1:29-34? Jordan east of Jericho, Spring 27 AD.}
3:13 Then Jesus comes* from Galilee to John, to be immersed* by him in the Jordan. 3:14 But John was preventing him, saying, I have need to be immersed* by you and you are coming to me?
3:15 But Jesus answered and said to him, Allow it now; for* thus it is suitable for us to fulfill every righteousness. Then he allows him.
3:16 And Jesus, after he was immersed*, came-up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and coming upon him; 3:17 and behold, a voice came out-of the heavens, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am delighted.
[Matthew 4] TOC
{Mar 1:12-13 & Mat 4:1-11 & Luk 4:1-13.}
4:1 Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. 4:2 And having fasted forty days and forty nights, later he hungered. 4:3 And the Tempter came near and said to him, If you are the Son of God, speak, in-order-that these stones may become bread.
4:4 But he answered and said, It has been written, ‘Man will not be living upon bread alone, but upon every declaration traveling through the mouth of God!’ {Deu 8:3}
4:5 Then the devil takes him into the holy city. And he stands him upon the pinnacle of the temple, 4:6 and says to him, If you are the Son of God, cast yourself downward; for* it has been written that, ‘He will be commanding the messengers concerning you, and they will be lifting you up upon their hands, lest you hit your foot to {i.e., against} a stone.’ {Psa 91:11-12}
4:7 Jesus said to him, Again it has been written, ‘Do not test the Lord, your God.’ {Deu 6:16}
4:8 Again, the devil takes him to an exceedingly high mountain, and shows him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; 4:9 and he says to him, I will be giving you all these things, if you worship me, when you have fallen short.
4:10 Then Jesus says to him, Proceed behind me, Adversary! For* it has been written, ‘You will worship the Lord your God and you will give-divine-service to him only.’ {Deu 6:13} 4:11 Then the devil leaves him, and behold, messengers came and were serving him.
{Mar 1:14a & Mat 4:12 & Luk 3:19-20 & Joh 4:1-4 Judea to Galilee.}
4:12 Now Jesus, having heard that John was given up, departed into Galilee.
{Mat 4:13-16 Capernaum.}
4:13 And having left Nazareth, he came and dwelt at Capernaum, the area by the sea, in the borders of Zebulun and Naphtali; 4:14 in-order-that what was spoken through Isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled, saying, 4:15 ‘The land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, the way of the sea, beyond-that of the Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles, 4:16 the people who sit in darkness saw a great light and to the ones who sit in the region and shadow of death, light rose up for them.’ {Isa 9:1-2}
{Mar 1:14b-15 & Mat 4:17 & Luk 4:14b-15.}
4:17 From then onward, Jesus began to preach and to say, Repent°; for* the kingdom of the heavens has drawn near.
{Mar 1:16-20 & Mat 4:18-22 & Luk 5:1-11 Sea of Galilee near Capernaum.}
4:18 Now walking beside the sea of Galilee, he saw two brethren, Simon who is called* Peter and Andrew, his brother, casting a net into the sea; for* they were fishermen. 4:19 And he says to them, Come-here° after me and I will make* you° fishermen of men. 4:20 Now immediately, they left the nets and followed him. 4:21 And having advanced from there, he saw two other brothers, James, the son of Zebedee and John, his brother, in the ship with Zebedee, their father, mending their nets. And he called them. 4:22 Now immediately they followed him having left the ship and their father.
{Mar 1:35-39 & Mat 4:23-25 & Luk 4:42-44 Preaching through Galilee.}
4:23 And Jesus was proceeding around the whole of Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the good-news of the kingdom and healing every disease and every illness among the people. 4:24 And the report of him went forth into the whole of Syria and they brought to him all the illness, holding various diseases and being held with torments and being demon-possessed and being epileptic and paralytics, and he healed them. 4:25 And large crowds followed him from Galilee and Decapolis and Jerusalem and Judea and beyond-that of the Jordan.
[Matthew 5] TOC
{Mat 5:1 & Luk 6:17-20. Sermon on the mountain.}
5:1 Now having seen the crowds, he went-up into the mountain. And after he himself sat down, his disciples came to him.
{Mat 5:2-12 & Luk 6:20-26.}
5:2 And he opened his mouth and was teaching them, saying: 5:3 The poor in spirit are fortunate, because theirs is the kingdom of the heavens. 5:4 The ones mourning are fortunate, because they themselves will be comforted. 5:5 The meek are fortunate, because they themselves will inherit the earth. 5:6 The ones who hunger and are thirsty for righteousness are fortunate, because they themselves will be fully-fed. 5:7 The merciful are fortunate, because they themselves will be shown-mercy. 5:8 The clean in heart are fortunate, because they themselves will be seeing God. 5:9 The peacemakers are fortunate, because they themselves will be called sons of God. 5:10 The ones who have been persecuted because of righteousness are fortunate, because theirs is the kingdom of the heavens. 5:11 You° are fortunate whenever they reproach and persecute you° and say every evil word against you°, lying, because of me. 5:12 Rejoice° and be° glad, because your° reward is much in the heavens; for* thus, they persecuted the prophets who were before you°.
{Mat 5:13-16; no parallel.}
5:13 You° are the salt of the earth, but if the salt is flavorless, then with* what will it be salted? It is still not strong-enough to be used *for anything, except to be cast outside and to be trampled down by men. 5:14 You° are the light of the world. A city laying upon a mountain is not able to be hidden. 5:15 Nor are they burning a lamp and placing it under a peck-container, but upon the lamp-stand, and it is shining to all who are in the house. 5:16 So let your° light shine before men, *that they may see your° good works and may glorify your° Father, the one in the heavens.
{Mat 5:17-48 & Luk 6:27-36.}
5:17 Do° not suppose that I came to tear-down the law or the prophets. I came, not to tear-down, but to fulfill. 5:18 For* assuredly I am saying to you°, Until heaven and earth would pass-away, one iota or one serif should never pass-away from the law, until all things would become fulfilled.
5:19 Therefore, whoever should loosen one of these least commandments and should teach men to do so, will be called least in the kingdom of the heavens, but if he should practice and should teach them, this one will be called great in the kingdom of the heavens. 5:20 For* I am saying to you°, that if your° righteousness does not abound more-than that of the scribes and Pharisees, you° should never enter into the kingdom of the heavens.
5:21 You° have heard that it was said to the ancients, ‘Do not murder,’ but ‘Whoever should murder, he will be liable to the judgment.’ {Exo 20:13 & Deu 5:17} 5:22 But I am saying to you°, that everyone who is vainly angry toward his brother will be liable to the judgment, and if he should say to his brother, Empty-head, will be liable to the council, but whoever says, Fool, will be liable to the hell of fire.
{Hell (Gehenna) is listed under Definitions section.}
{Vainly can be: with emptiness (without cause or reason; i.e., to further one’s own vanity)}
{The words here in Mat 5:22 don’t matter, but the way in which they are expressed or meant. Empty-head is an expression of contempt. The Greek here could be simply ‘fool’ said as an expression of condemnation or could be a transliteration of ‘Moreh’ which is a Hebrew expression of condemnation.}
5:23 Therefore, if you should be offering your gift at the altar, and while you are there, you should remember that your brother has something against you, 5:24 leave your gift there before the altar and proceed-away. First be reconciled to your brother and then when you have come back, offer your gift. 5:25 Be agreeable with your opponent quickly, until which time you are with him on the road; lest the opponent should give you to the judge and the judge should give you to the attendant and you will be cast into prison. 5:26 Assuredly I am saying to you, You should never come forth from there, until you should repay the last brass-coin.
5:27 You° have heard that it was said, ‘Do not commit adultery.’ {Exo 20:14 & Deu 5:18} 5:28 But I am saying to you°, that everyone who is looking at a woman {Or wife} in-order-to lust-after her already committed adultery with her in his heart. 5:29 Now if your right eye is offending you, pluck it out and cast it from you; for* it is advantageous for you, that* one of your members should perish and not that* your whole body should be cast into hell. 5:30 And if your right hand is offending you, cut it off and cast it away from you; for* it is advantageous for you, that* one of your members should perish and not that* your whole body should be cast into hell.
5:31 Now it was said that, ‘Whoever divorces his wife, let him give her a document of divorcement.’ {Deu 24:1, 3} 5:32 But I am saying to you°, that whoever divorces his wife, except-for the reason of fornication, is making* her commit adultery and whoever marries her who has been divorced is committing adultery.
{Mat 19:9, Luk 16:18}{Once betrothed, once the couple leave the parents house (Mat 1:19), with or without all the pomp and ceremony, they were married.
We have a ‘separation’ and ‘a legal separation’ in English, the Jews had no such thing, nor did most of the world before the 20th century. The Jews only had divorce (release, disband, dismiss). ‘Put away’ was a kindness to mean divorce, similar to our ‘he passed on’ vs. ‘he is dead’. Once you separated, or moved out or were put out, you were divorced.}
5:33 Again, you° have heard that it was said to the ancients, ‘You will not perjure yourself, but will be giving your oaths to the Lord.’ {Lev 19:12, Num 30:2, Deu 23:21} 5:34 But I am saying to you°, Literally not to swear; neither in the heaven, because it is the throne of God; 5:35 nor in the earth, because it is the footstool of his feet; nor toward Jerusalem, because it is the city of the Great King, 5:36 nor should you swear in your head, because you are not able to make* one hair white or black. 5:37 But let your° word be, a Yes, yes; a No, no; and the thing which is more-than these, is from the evil one.
5:38 You° have heard that it was said, An eye in exchange-for an eye and a tooth in exchange-for a tooth. {Exo 21:24, Lev 24:20, Deu 19:21} 5:39 But I am saying to you°, Not to stand against an evil man, but whoever will slap you upon the right jaw, turn also the other to him. 5:40 And to the one willing to have a lawsuit with you and wants to take your tunic, then also allow for him to take your° outer garment. 5:41 And the one who will be compelling you to go one mile, proceed with him two. 5:42 Give to the one who asks you and do not turn away from the one who wishes to borrow from you.
5:43 You° have heard that it was said, ‘You will love* your neighbor’ and hate your enemy. {Lev 19:18} 5:44 But I am saying to you°, Love*° your° enemies, speak° well of the ones who curse you°, do*° good things to the ones who hate you° and pray° on behalf of the ones railing at you° and the ones persecuting you°. 5:45 Do this *that you° may become sons of your° Father who is in the heavens, because his sun rises upon the evil and the good and it rains upon the righteous and the unrighteous. 5:46 For* if you° love* the ones who love* you°, what reward do you° have? Do not even the tax collectors do* the same? 5:47 And if you° only greet your° friends, what are you° doing* more-than others? Are not even the tax collectors doing* so? 5:48 Therefore, you° will be complete, just-like your° Father is complete, the one in the heavens.
[Matthew 6] TOC
{Mat 6:1-34; no parallel.}
6:1 Take-heed° not to do* your° charity before men, in-order-to be seen by them, but otherwise you° have no reward from your° Father, the one in the heavens.
6:2 Therefore, whenever you are doing* charity, do not sound a trumpet before you just-like the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the lanes, *that they may be glorified by men. Assuredly I am saying to you°, They are fully having their reward. 6:3 But when doing* charity, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing*, 6:4 *that your charity may be in secret, and your Father who sees in secret will be repaying you openly himself.
6:5 And whenever you pray, do not be just-like the hypocrites, because they love to pray, standing in the synagogues and at the corners of the streets, *that they may appear devout to men. Assuredly I am saying to you°, that they are fully having their reward. 6:6 But you, whenever you pray, enter into your storeroom, and after you have locked your door, pray to your Father in secret, and your Father who sees in secret will be repaying you openly. 6:7 And while praying, do° not be repetitious just-like the Gentiles; for* they think that they will be heard in their many words. 6:8 Therefore, do° not be similar to them, for* your° Father knows which things you° have need of before you° ask him.
{The example prayer. The Lord’s prayer is for unity in John 17. Also see 6:11 note.}
6:9 Therefore, you°, pray° thus: our Father, the one in the heavens, let your name be made holy. 6:10 Let your kingdom come. Let your will happen as in heaven, also upon the earth. 6:11 Give our {F} needful bread to us today. 6:12 And forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors. 6:13 And do not bring us into temptation, but rescue us from the evil one, because it is your kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. 6:14 For* if you° forgive men their trespasses, your° heavenly Father will also be forgiving you°. 6:15 But if you° do° not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your° Father be forgiving your° trespasses.
{Footnotes: Mat 6:11, no one knows for sure what the original word means. It is only in the N.T. twice and no where else.}
6:16 Now whenever you° fast, do° not become just-like the hypocrites, with a gloomy face; for* they disfigure their faces, *that they may appear to men to be fasting. Assuredly I am saying to you°, They are fully having their reward. 6:17 But when you are fasting, anoint your head and wash your face 6:18 *that you should not appear to be fasting to men, but to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees in secret will be repaying you.
6:19 Do° not store up treasures upon the earth for you°, where moth and rust ingest, and where thieves burrow through your° wall and steal. 6:20 But store° up treasures for you° in heaven, where neither moth nor rust ingest, and where thieves do not burrow through nor steal. 6:21 For* where your° treasure is, your° heart will also be there.
6:22 The lamp of the body is the eye, therefore, if your eye is clear, your whole body will be radiant. 6:23 But if your eye is evil, your whole body will be dark. Therefore, if the light which is in you is darkness, how-much greater is the darkness!
6:24 No one is able to serve* two lords, for* either he will hate the one and will love* the other; or he will hold to one and will despise the other. You° are not able to serve* God and money {Money as in God of Money,’ a.k.a. ‘The Almighty Dollar.’}
6:25 Because of this, I am saying to you°, Do° not be anxious for your° life, what you° may eat and what you° may drink; nor for what you° may clothe your° body with. Is not the life worth more-than the nourishment and the body worth more-than the clothing? 6:26 Look° at the birds of the heaven, that they do not sow, nor reap, nor gather into barns, and your° heavenly Father is nourishing them. Are you° not rather carrying more-value-than them? 6:27 Now who out-of you° is able to add one cubit upon his stature by being anxious? 6:28 And why are you° anxious concerning clothing? Learn° from the lilies of the field, somehow they are growing; they are not laboring, nor are they spinning. 6:29 But I am saying to you°, that even Solomon in all his glory was not dressed like one of these. 6:30 But if God so dresses-up the grass of the field, which is here today and the next-day is cast into the oven, will he not much more clothe you°? Small faith ones!
6:31 Therefore, do° not be anxious, saying, What should we eat? or, What should we drink? or, What should we dress ourselves in? 6:32 For* the Gentiles are seeking after all these things; for* your° heavenly Father knows that you° have needs of all these things. 6:33 But first seek° the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you°. 6:34 Therefore, do° not be anxious *for the next-day; for* the next-day will be anxious enough for the things of itself. Its evil is enough for the day.
[Matthew 7] TOC
{Mat 7:1-6 & Luk 6:37-42; similar Joh 5:30, 7:24; Lev 19:15.}
7:1 Do° not judge, in-order-that you° might not be judged! 7:2 For* in what judgment you° judge, you° will be judged and in what measure you° measure, it will be measured to you°. 7:3 And why are you looking at the speck, the one in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the beam in your own eye? 7:4 Or how will you say to your brother, Allow me, that I may cast forth the speck away from your eye, and behold, the beam in your own eye? 7:5 You hypocrite, first cast forth the beam out-of your own eye, and then you will see precisely to cast forth the speck away from your brother’s eye.
7:6 Do° not give the holy things to the dogs, nor cast your° pearls before the swine, lest they trample them down with* their feet and having turned, they may rip at you°.
{Mat 7:7-11; no parallel.}
7:7 Ask° and it will be given to you°; seek° and you° will be finding; knock° and it will be opened to you°. 7:8 For* everyone who is asking, receives; and the one who is seeking, finds; and to the one who is knocking, it will be opened. 7:9 Or what man is there out-of you°, who, if his son asks him for a loaf he will not give him a stone, will he? 7:10 And if he asks for a fish, he will not give him a serpent, will he? 7:11 Therefore, if you°, being evil, know to give good presents to your° children, how-much more will your° Father, the one in the heavens, be giving good things to the ones asking him?
{Mat 7:12 & Luk 6:31.}
7:12 Therefore, all things, as many as you° would wish that* men should do* for you°, so do*° also to them; for* this is the law and the prophets.
{Mat 7:13-23 & Luk 6:43-45.}
7:13 Enter° in through the narrow gate, because wide is the gate and broad is the way, the one leading to destruction and many people are the ones who are entering through it. 7:14 Why is it? Narrow is the gate and pressed is the way, the one leading to life and few are the ones who are finding it.
7:15 But take-heed°, stay away from false* prophets, who are coming to you° in sheep’s clothing, but inside are ravening wolves. 7:16 You° will fully know them from their fruits. They do not collect a grape-cluster from thorns or figs from thistles, do they? 7:17 Thus every good tree produces good fruits, but the rotten tree produces evil fruits. 7:18 A good tree is not able to produce evil fruits, nor is a rotten tree able to produce good fruits. 7:19 Every tree which is not producing good fruit is cut off and cast into the fire. 7:20 Consequently*, you° will fully know them from their fruits. 7:21 Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one practicing the will of my Father, the one in the heavens. 7:22 Many will be saying to me in that day, Lord, Lord, did we not: prophesy in your name, and cast forth demons in your name, and practiced many miracles in your name? 7:23 And then I will confess to them, I never knew you°. Depart° from me, the one working the lawlessness.
{Mat 7:24-29 & Luk 6:46-49.}
7:24 Therefore, everyone who hears these words from me and practices them, I will liken him to a prudent man, who built his house upon the rock; 7:25 and the rain descended and the rivers came up and the winds blew and fell before that house, and it did not fall; for* it had been founded upon the rock. 7:26 And everyone hearing these words from me and who is not doing* them, will be similar to a foolish man, who built his house upon the sand; 7:27 and the rain descended and the rivers came up and the winds blew and hit that house and it fell and great was its fall.
7:28 And it happened, when Jesus completed these words, the crowds were being astounded upon the basis of his teaching; 7:29 for* he was teaching them like one having authority and not like the scribes.
[Matthew 8] TOC
{Mat 8:1, 8:5-13 & Luk 7:1-10 Capernaum.}
8:1 Now he himself came-down from the mountain; large crowds followed him.
{Mar 1:40-45 & Mat 8:2-4 & Luk 5:12-16.}
8:2 And behold, a leper came, and was worshiping him, saying, Lord, if you should will it, you are able to cleanse me.
8:3 And Jesus, having stretched out his hand, touched him, saying, I am willing; be cleansed. And immediately his leprosy was cleansed. 8:4 And Jesus says to him, See that you should speak to no one, but proceed on, show yourself to the priest and offer the gift which Moses commanded, *for a testimony to them. {Lev 13:49, 14:2-4}
{Mat 8:1, 8:5-13 & Luk 7:1-10 Capernaum.}
8:5 Now after he {i.e., Jesus} entered into Capernaum, a centurion came to him, pleading with him, 8:6 and saying, Lord, my young-servant, a paralytic, has been put in the house, terribly tormented.
8:7 And Jesus says to him, I will heal him, after I have gone there.
8:8 And the centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not sufficient that* you should enter under my roof, but only speak by word and my young-servant will be healed. 8:9 For* I am a man also under authority, having soldiers under myself and I say to this one, Travel on and he is traveling on, and to another, Come and he comes, and to my bondservant, Do* this and he does* it.
8:10 Now after Jesus heard it, he marveled and said to the ones who are following, Assuredly I am saying to you°, Not even in Israel, have I found so-great a faith. {Or: belief; and throughout the N.T.} 8:11 But I am saying to you°, that many will be coming from the east and the west, and will be reclined with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of the heavens; 8:12 but the sons of the kingdom will be cast forth into the outer darkness; the weeping and the gnashing of teeth will be there. 8:13 And Jesus said to the centurion, Proceed on, and as you have believed, let it happen for you. And his young-servant was healed in that hour.
{Mar 1:29-34 & Mat 8:14-17 & Luk 4:38-41 Capernaum.}
8:14 And after Jesus came into Peter’s house, he saw that his mother-in-law had been put in bed and fevered. 8:15 And he touched her hand and the fever left her, and she arose and was serving him. 8:16 Now after it became evening, they brought to him many demon-possessed and he cast forth the spirits with a word and healed all having an illness; 8:17 *that what was spoken through Isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled, saying, ‘He himself took our weaknesses and bore the diseases we had.’ {Isa 53:4}
{Mar 4:35-41 & Mat:8:18-27 & Luk 8:22-25 Sea of Galilee.}
8:18 Now after Jesus saw large crowds around him, he commanded them to go away beyond-that area. 8:19 And one scribe came near to him, and said, Teacher, I will be following you wherever you go.
8:20 And Jesus says to him, The foxes have burrows and the birds of the heaven have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere he may bow his head.
8:21 Now a different one of his disciples said to him, Lord, permit* me first to go away and bury my father.
8:22 But Jesus said to him, Follow me, and leave the dead to bury their own dead.
8:23 And having stepped into the ship, his disciples followed him. 8:24 And behold, a great squall happened in the sea, so-as for the ship to be hidden by the waves, but he himself was sleeping. 8:25 And the disciples having gone to him, awakened him, saying, Save us Lord! We are perishing!
8:26 And he says to them, Why are you° cowardly? Small faith ones! Then he raised himself up and rebuked the winds and the sea, and a great calm happened.
8:27 Now the men marveled, saying, What sort of man is this, that even the winds and the sea are obeying* him?
{Mar 5:1-21 & Mat 8:28-34 & Luk 8:26-40 Gergesa.}
8:28 And he himself came to the area beyond-that into the region of the Gergesenes, two demon-possessed men met him, coming forth out-of the tombs, exceedingly fierce, so-then not anyone was able to prevail or to pass through that way. 8:29 And behold, they cried out, saying, What is this thing with us and with you, Jesus, Son of God? Did you come here to torment us before the time? 8:30 Now a herd of many swine was being fed from afar, away from them. 8:31 And the demons were pleading with him, saying, If you cast us forth, permit* us to go away into the herd of swine.
8:32 And he said to them, Proceed° away! Now they came forth and went into the herd of swine and behold, all the herd of swine rushed down the cliff into the sea and died in the waters. 8:33 Now the ones feeding them fled and went away into the city and reported all things and even the things of the ones being demon-possessed. 8:34 And behold, all the city came forth *for a meeting with Jesus and after they saw him, they pleaded with him *that he should go-away from their borders.
[Matthew 9] TOC
9:1 And he stepped into the ship and ferried over and came into his own city.
{Mar 2:1-12 & Mat 9:2-8 & Luk 5:17-26.}
9:2 And behold, they were bringing a paralytic to him, having been put upon a cot, and Jesus saw their faith said to the paralytic, Child, have courage; your sins have been forgiven to you.
9:3 And behold, some of the scribes said among themselves, This one is blaspheming.
9:4 And Jesus, having seen their contemplations said, Why are you° contemplating evil in your° hearts? 9:5 For* what is easier, to say, Your sins have been forgiven; or to say, Lift yourself up and walk? 9:6 But in-order-that you° may know that the Son of Man has authority upon the earth to forgive sins (then he says to the paralytic), After you have raised yourself up, lift up your cot and proceed-away to your house. 9:7 And having raised himself up, he went away to his house. 9:8 Now after the crowds saw it, they marveled and glorified God, who gave such authority to men.
{Mar 2:13-14 & Mat 9:9 & Luk 5:27-28 At or near Capernaum.}
9:9 And passing by from there, Jesus saw a man, called* Matthew, sitting at a tax-office and he says to him, Follow me. And having stood up, he followed him.
{Mar 2:15-22 & Mat 9:10-17 & Luk 5:29-39 Capernaum.}
9:10 And it happened, while he was reclining at a meal in the house, behold, many tax collectors and sinners came and were reclining together-with Jesus and his disciples. 9:11 And after the Pharisees saw it, they said to his disciples, Why is your° teacher eating with the tax collectors and sinners?
9:12 But Jesus having heard it, said to them, The ones who are strong have no need of a physician, but the ones who have an illness. 9:13 Now when traveling on, learn° what is meant by, ‘I will to have mercy and not sacrifice.’ {Hos 6:6} For* I came, not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
9:14 Then the disciples of John come near to him, saying, Why do we and the Pharisees fast much, but your disciples do not fast?
9:15 And Jesus said to them, The sons of the bridal-party {companions or guests} are not able to mourn, inasmuch as the bridegroom is with them, are they? But the days will come, whenever the bridegroom is taken away from them and then they will be fasting. 9:16 But no one puts a patch of unshrunk fabric upon an old garment; for* its fullness shrinks and lifts up from the garment and a worse split happens. 9:17 Nor do they put new wine into old wineskins; otherwise the wineskins burst and the wine is poured out and the wineskins will be destroyed, but they put new wine into new wineskins and both are protected together.
{Mar 5:22-43 & Mat 9:18-26 & Luk 8:41-56 Capernaum.}
9:18 While speaking these things to them, behold, one ruler came to him and was worshiping him, saying, My daughter just now died*. But after you have gone to her, lay your hand upon her and she will live. 9:19 And Jesus raised himself up and followed him and his disciples.
9:20 And behold, a woman, having had a flow of blood for twelve years, came near, behind him and touched the hem of his garment; 9:21 for* she was saying in herself, ‘If only I touch his garment; I will be cured.
9:22 Now Jesus having turned, saw her, and said, Daughter, have courage; your faith has cured you. And the woman was cured from that hour.
9:23 And after Jesus came into the house of the ruler and saw the flute-players and the crowd being in an uproar, 9:24 he says to them, Depart°; for* the girl has not died, but is sleeping. And they were laughing at him. 9:25 But when the crowd was cast forth, having entered, he took-hold of her hand, and the girl arose. 9:26 And this fame went forth into that whole land.
{Mat 9:27-34 Probably Capernaum; no parallel.}
9:27 And Jesus passing by from there, two blind men followed him, crying out and saying, Show-mercy to us, son of David!
9:28 Now he came into the house, the blind men came to him and Jesus says to them, You° believe that I am able to do* this?
They say to him, Yes, Lord.
9:29 Then he touched their eyes, saying, Let it happen for you° according-to your° faith. 9:30 And their eyes were opened. And Jesus scolded them, saying, See° that you° let no one know it. 9:31 But they went forth and broadcasted about him in that whole land.
9:32 Now while they themselves are going forth, behold, they brought a mute man to him being demon-possessed. 9:33 And after the demon was cast forth, the mute man spoke and the crowds marveled, saying, It was never so manifested in Israel.
9:34 But the Pharisees were saying, He is casting forth demons in the power of the ruler of the demons.
{Mar 6:6b-13 & Mat 9:35-10:42 & Luk 9:1-6 Third circuit of Galilee.}
9:35 And Jesus was proceeding around all the cities and the villages, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the good-news of the kingdom and healing every disease and every illness among the people. 9:36 Now having seen the crowds, he had compassion concerning them, because they were being bothered in spirit and have been tossed about, like sheep not having a shepherd. 9:37 Then he says to his disciples, The harvest is indeed large, but the workers are few. 9:38 Therefore, beseech° of the Lord of the harvest, *that he should put forth workers into his harvest.
[Matthew 10] TOC
10:1 And having called his twelve disciples, he gave to them authority over unclean spirits, so-then they are able to cast them forth, and to heal every disease and every illness.
10:2 Now the names of the twelve apostles are these: the first is Simon, who is called* Peter and Andrew his brother; James and John his brother, the sons of Zebedee; 10:3 Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; James the son of Alphaeus and Lebbaeus who was surnamed Thaddaeus; 10:4 Simon the Canaanite {Or: zealot. See Luk 6:15, Acts 1:13.} and Judas the Iscariot, who also gave him up to the Jews.
10:5 Jesus sent forth these twelve apostles and commanded them, saying, Do° not go into any road of the Gentiles and do° not enter into any city of the Samaritans; 10:6 but travel° rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. 10:7 Now while you° are traveling, preach°, saying, The kingdom of the heavens has drawn near. 10:8 Heal° the sick; cleanse° the lepers; cast° forth demons; you° received freely; give° freely. 10:9 Do° not procure gold, nor silver, nor brass coins *for your° money belts; 10:10 no knapsack *for your° journey, neither two tunics nor shoes nor staffs; for* the worker is worthy of his nourishment. 10:11 Now into whatever city or village you° enter, probe° out who is worthy in it, and abide° there until you° should go. 10:12 Now while entering into the house, greet° it. 10:13 And if indeed the house is worthy, let your° peace come upon it, but if it is not worthy, let your° peace be returned to you°. 10:14 And whoever should not accept you°, nor should hear your° words, while you° are going forth from the house or the city, shake-off° the dust from your° feet. 10:15 Assuredly I am saying to you°, It will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment, than for that city.
10:16 Behold, I am sending you° forth like sheep in the midst of wolves; therefore, become° prudent like serpents and harmless like doves. 10:17 But take-heed°, stay away from men; for* they will be giving you° up to councils, and they will be scourging you° in their synagogues; 10:18 and you° will also be led in front of governors and kings because of me, *for a testimony to them and to the Gentiles. 10:19 But whenever they may give you° up, do° not be anxious how or what you° should speak; for* it will be given to you° in that hour what you° will be speaking. 10:20 For* you° are not the one speaking, but the Spirit of your° Father who speaks in you°. 10:21 Now brother will be giving up brother to death and the father the child he has and children will be standing up against parents and will be slaying them. 10:22 And you° will be hated by all people because of my name. But he who has endured to the end, this one will be saved. 10:23 But whenever they may persecute you° in this city, flee° into another; for* assuredly I am saying to you°, You° should never complete the cities of Israel, until the Son of Man should come.
10:24 A disciple is not above the teacher, nor a bondservant above his lord. 10:25 It is enough for the disciple that* he should become like his teacher and the bondservant like his lord. If they called the householder Beelzebub, how-much more the kinfolk! 10:26 Therefore, do° not fear them; for* nothing is being hidden, which will not be revealed, and nothing secret, which will not be known. 10:27 What I am speaking to you° in the darkness, speak° in the light, and what you° hear in your° ear, preach° upon the housetops. 10:28 And do° not have fear from the ones who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul, but rather fear° the one who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. 10:29 Are two sparrows not sold for a copper-coin? And not one out-of them will be falling upon the earth without your° Father knowing it; 10:30 but even the hairs of your° head are all being numbered. 10:31 Therefore, do° not fear, because you° are carrying more-value-than many sparrows. 10:32 Therefore, everyone who will confess to be in me before men, I will also confess to be in him before my Father, who is in the heavens. 10:33 But whoever denies me before men, I will also be denying him before my Father who is in the heavens.
10:34 Do° not suppose that I came to cast peace upon the earth; I came, not to cast peace, but a sword. 10:35 For* I came to pit man against his father and the daughter against her mother and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; 10:36 and, ‘A man’s enemies will be his own kinfolk.’ {Mic 7:6} 10:37 He who loves his father or mother above me is not worthy of me, and he who loves his son or daughter above me is not worthy of me. 10:38 And he who is not taking up his cross and following after me, is not worthy of me. 10:39 He who has found his life will be losing it, and he who has lost his life because of me will be finding it.
10:40 He who accepts you°, accepts me; and he who accepts me, accepts the one who sent me. 10:41 He who accepts a prophet in the name of a prophet, will be receiving a reward of a prophet, and he who accepts a righteous man in the name of a righteous man, will be receiving a righteous man’s reward. 10:42 And whoever delivers only a cup of cold water to drink to one of these little ones, in the name of a disciple, assuredly I am saying to you°, He should never lose his reward.
[Matthew 11] TOC
11:1 And it happened when Jesus had completed commanding his twelve disciples, he went-away from there to teach and to preach in their cities.
{Mat 11:2-30 & Luk 7:18-35 Galilee.}
11:2 Now after John heard the works of the Christ while in prison, he sent two of his disciples 11:3 and said to him, Are you the one who is coming, or should we expect a different one?
11:4 And Jesus answered and said to them, After traveling back, report° to John what you° hear and see: 11:5 the blind recover their sight and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear, the dead are raised and the poor are proclaimed the good-news. 11:6 And whoever is not offended at me is fortunate.
11:7 Now while these disciples are traveling on, Jesus began to say to the crowds concerning John, What did you° go forth into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken by the wind? 11:8 But what did you° go forth to see? A man who has been dressed-up in soft garments? Behold, the ones wearing soft garments are in royal houses. 11:9 But why did you° go forth? To see a prophet? I am saying to you°, Yes, and one who is more-than a prophet. 11:10 For* this is he, concerning whom it has been written, ‘Behold, I send my messenger before your face, who will be preparing your way before you.’ {Mal 3:1} 11:11 Assuredly I am saying to you°, A greater man has not been raised up among those born of women than John the Immerser*. But he who is least in the kingdom of the heavens is greater than he. 11:12 But from the days of John the Immerser* until now the kingdom of the heavens suffers-violently and the violent ones seize it. 11:13 For* all the prophets and the law prophesied until John. 11:14 And if you° are willing to accept it, he himself is Elijah, who is the one about to come. 11:15 He who has ears to hear, let him hear.
11:16 But to what will be similar to this generation? It is similar to children sitting in the marketplaces and shouting to their comrades 11:17 and saying, We piped to you° and you° did not dance. We mourned for you° and yet you° did not grieve for yourselves. 11:18 For* John came neither eating nor drinking and they say, He has a demon. 11:19 The Son of Man came eating and drinking and they say, Behold, a man who is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners! And wisdom was made righteous from her children.
11:20 Then he began to reproach the cities in which most of his miracles had happened, because they did not repent. 11:21 Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! Because if the miracles which happened in Tyre and Sidon the ones having happened in you°, they would have repented long-ago in sackcloth and ashes. 11:22 However I say to you°, It will be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the day of judgment than for you°. 11:23 And you, Capernaum, who was exalted to heaven, you will be descending insofar as Hades, because if the miracles which happened in Sodom, the ones having happened in you, they would have remained till today. 11:24 However I say to you°, that it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in the day of judgment, than for you.
11:25 Jesus answered and said at that time, I profess you, O Father, Lord of heaven and the earth, that you hid these things from the wise and intelligent and revealed them to infants. 11:26 Yes, Father, because thus it became a delight before you. 11:27 All things were given to me by my Father and no one fully knows the Son, except the Father; nor does anyone know the Father fully, except the Son and he to whomever the Son wills to reveal him. 11:28 Come-here° to me, all the ones laboring and have been loaded down, and I will be giving-rest to you°. 11:29 Take° my yoke upon you° and learn° from me, because I am meek and humble in heart and you° will be finding rest for your° souls. 11:30 For* my yoke is easy and my load is light.
[Matthew 12] TOC
{Mar 2:23-28 & Mat 12:1-8 & Luk 6:1-5 Jerusalem to Galilee.}
12:1 Jesus traveled on the Sabbath through the grain-fields at that time, and his disciples were hungry and began to pluck the tops and to eat them. 12:2 But the Pharisees, having seen it, said to him, Behold, your disciples are doing* what is not legal to practice on the Sabbath.
12:3 But he said to them, Did you° not read what David did*, when he himself hungered and the ones with him; 12:4 how he entered into the house of God and ate the showbread, which was not legal for him to eat, nor the ones with him, unlawful except for the priests only? 12:5 Or have you° not read in the law, that on the Sabbath the priests in the temple profane the Sabbath and yet are crimeless? {1Sam 21:6} 12:6 But I am saying to you°, that a greater thing than the temple is here. 12:7 But if you° had known what is meant by this, ‘I will to have mercy and not sacrifice,’ you° would not have sentenced the crimeless. {Hos 6:6} 12:8 For* the Son of Man is lord of the Sabbath.
{Mar 3:1-6 & Mat 12:9-14 & Luk 6:6-11 Probably Galilee.}
12:9 And having gone-away from there, he went into their synagogue. 12:10 And behold, there was a man who has a dried up hand. And they asked him, in-order-that they might accuse him, saying, Is it legal if one was to heal on the Sabbath?
12:11 But he said to them, What man will there be out-of you°, who will have one sheep and if this one falls into a ditch on the Sabbath, will he not take-hold of it and lift it up? 12:12 Therefore, how-much does a man carry more-value-than a sheep? So-then is it legal to do* good on the Sabbath?
12:13 Then he says to the man, Stretch out your hand. And he stretched it out, and it was restored as healthy as the other. 12:14 But the Pharisees having gone forth, took a council against him, *that they should destroy him.
{Mar 3:7-12 & Mat 12:15-21 Sea of Galilee.}
12:15 But Jesus having known it, departed from there and large crowds followed him, and he healed them all, 12:16 and rebuked them, in-order-that they should not make* him apparent; 12:17 *that what was spoken through Isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled, saying, 12:18 ‘Behold, my young-servant whom I selected. My beloved in whom my soul was delighted. I will be placing my Spirit upon him and he will be proclaiming judgment to the Gentiles.’ 12:19 ‘He will not have selfish ambition, nor will he cry-out; nor will anyone hear his voice in the streets. 12:20 He will not fracture a bruised reed and he will not quench a smoking wick, until he should cast forth the judgment to victory. 12:21 And the Gentiles will hope in his name.’ {Isa 42:1-3}
{Mar 3:19b-30 & Mat 12:22-37.}
12:22 Then a blind and mute man being demon-possessed was brought to him, and he healed him, so-then the blind and mute man is able both to speak and to see. 12:23 And all the crowds were astonished and were saying, This is not the son of David, is it?
12:24 But after the Pharisees heard it, they said, This one is not casting forth demons, except in Beelzebub the ruler of the demons.
12:25 But Jesus knowing their contemplations said to them, Every kingdom having been divided against itself is made desolate, and every city or house having been divided against itself will not be established. 12:26 And if the Adversary casts forth the Adversary, he was divided against himself. Therefore, how will his kingdom be established? 12:27 And if I cast forth demons in Beelzebub, in whom do your° sons cast them forth? They themselves will be your° judges because of this. 12:28 But if I cast forth demons with* the Spirit of God; consequently*, the kingdom of God has arrived-unexpectedly upon you°. 12:29 Or how is anyone able to enter into the house of the strong man, and to be ravening through his goods, if he does not first bind the strong man? And then he will be ravening through his house. 12:30 He who is not with me is against me and he who is not gathering together with me scatters. 12:31 Because of this, I am saying to you°, Every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven to men, but the blasphemy of the Spirit will not be forgiven to men. 12:32 And whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him, but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, not in the age which is now, nor in the future one. 12:33 Either make*° the tree good and its fruit good; or make*° the tree rotten and its fruit rotten; for* the tree is known from the fruit it has. 12:34 Offsprings of vipers! How are you°, being evil, able to speak good things? For* out-of the abundance of the heart the mouth is speaking. 12:35 The good man out-of the good treasure in him, is casting forth good things and the evil man out-of the evil treasure in him, is casting forth evil things. 12:36 But I am saying to you°, that every idle declaration, whatever men speak, they will be giving an account in the day of judgment concerning it. 12:37 For* you will be made righteous from your words and you will be sentenced from your words.
{Mat 12:38-45; no parallel.}
12:38 Then some of the scribes and Pharisees answered him, saying, Teacher, we wish to see a sign from you.
12:39 But he answered and said to them, An evil and adulterous generation is seeking after a sign, and a sign will not be given to it except the sign of Jonah the prophet; 12:40 for* just-like Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the sea-creature; so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
12:41 The men of the Ninevites will be standing up with this generation in the judgment and will be condemning it, because they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and behold, more-than Jonah is here. 12:42 The queen of the south will be arisen with this generation in the judgment and will be condemning it, because she came from the limits of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and behold, more-than Solomon is here.
12:43 But the unclean spirit, whenever it goes away from the man, it goes through waterless places, seeking rest and does not find it. 12:44 Then it says, I will return into my house from where I came forth, and having gone back, it finds it unoccupied, that it has been swept and has been adorned. 12:45 Then it travels and takes with itself seven other spirits more evil than itself and when it has entered again, they dwell there and the last state of that man becomes worse than the first. So it will also be to this evil generation.
{Mar 3:31-35 & Mat 12:46-50 & Luk 8:19-21.}
12:46 But while he is still speaking to the crowds, behold, his mother and his brethren stood outside, seeking to speak to him. 12:47 Now someone said to him, Behold, your mother and your brethren are standing outside, seeking to speak to you.
12:48 But he answered and said to the one who spoke to him, Who is my mother? And who are my brethren? 12:49 And he stretched out his hand over toward the disciples and said, Behold, my mother and my brethren! 12:50 For* whoever practices the will of my Father who is in the heavens, he himself is my brother and sister and mother.
[Matthew 13] TOC
{Mar 4:1-25 & Mat 13:1-23 & Luk 8:4-18 Sea of Galilee.}
13:1 Now in that day, Jesus went away from the house and was sitting beside the sea. 13:2 And large crowds were gathered to see him, so-then he stepped onto a ship to sit, and all the crowd stood upon the beach.
13:3 And he spoke many things to them in parables, saying: Behold, the sower went forth to sow; 13:4 and while* he himself was sowing, some which fell beside the road and the birds came and devoured them.
13:5 Now others fell upon the rocky-areas, where it did not have much soil and immediately it rose up because it had no depth of soil; 13:6 and after the sun rose, it was burnt, and it dried up because it has no root.
13:7 Now others fell upon the thorns, and the thorns shot-up and choked them.
13:8 But now, others fell upon the good soil and was giving fruit, which some was a hundred times, but which some was sixty, but which some was thirty.
13:9 He who has ears to hear, let him hear.
13:10 And the disciples came near and said to him, Why do you speak to them in parables?
13:11 But he answered and said to them, It has been given to you° to know the mysteries of the kingdom of the heavens, but it has not been given to those men. 13:12 For* whoever has, to him will be given and he will abound, but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken-away from him. 13:13 Because of this, I speak to them in parables, because seeing, they do not see, and hearing, they do not hear, nor do they understand. 13:14 And the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled in them, which says, ‘In hearing you° will hear and should never understand, and seeing you° will see and should never know; 13:15 for* the heart of this people became-callous and they have selectively heard with their ears and they closed their eyes; lest they should see with their eyes and should hear with their ears and should understand with their heart and should turn again and I will be healing them.’ {Isa 6:9-10} 13:16 But your° eyes are fortunate, because they are seeing, and your° ears, because they are hearing. 13:17 For* assuredly I am saying to you°, that many prophets and righteous men desired to see the things which you° are seeing and did not see them, and to hear the things you° are hearing and did not hear them.
13:18 Therefore, you°, hear° the parable of the sower: 13:19 everyone hearing the word of the kingdom and not understanding it, then the evil one comes and seizes what has been sown in his heart. This is he who was sown beside the road.
13:20 And he who was sown upon the rocky-areas, this is he who hears the word and immediately is receiving it with joy; 13:21 but he does not have root in himself, but is temporary, and after affliction or persecution has happened to him because of the word, immediately he stumbles.
13:22 And he who was sown into the thorns, this is he who hears the word, and the anxiety of this age and the deception of riches, choke the word and he becomes unfruitful.
13:23 Now he who was sown upon the good soil, this is he who hears the word and understands it; who bears-fruit and produces some a hundred times, and some sixty, and some thirty!
{Mat 13:24-30; no parallel.}
13:24 He placed another parable before them, saying: The kingdom of the heavens was likened to a man who sows good seed in his field; 13:25 but while* the men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed darnels between the stalks of the wheat and went away. 13:26 But when the blade sprouted and produced fruit, then the darnels also appeared. 13:27 Now the bondservants of the householder came near and said to him, Lord, did you not sow good seed in your field? Therefore, from where have the darnels come?
13:28 Now he said to them, A man, an enemy, did* this.
Now the bondservants said to him, Therefore, do you wish that after we have gone away, that we will collect them?
13:29 But he said, No; lest while collecting up the darnels, you° may uproot the wheat at the same-time with them. 13:30 Allow° both to be grown together till the harvest, and I will be saying to the reapers in the time of the harvest, Collect° first the darnels and bind° them in bundles in-order-to burn them, but gather° together the wheat into my barn.
{Mar 4:30-34 & Mat 13:31-35.}
13:31 He placed another parable before them, saying: The kingdom of the heavens is similar to a kernel of a mustard-seed, which a man took and sowed in his field; 13:32 which indeed is least compared to all of the other seeds, but whenever it is grown, it is greater than the herbs and becomes a tree, so-then the birds of the heaven come and nest in its branches.
13:33 He spoke another parable to them: The kingdom of the heavens is similar to leaven, which a woman took and hid in three three-gallon-containers of flour, until which time it was entirely leavened.
13:34 Jesus spoke all these things in parables to the crowds, and he was not speaking to them without a parable; 13:35 *that what was spoken through the prophet might be fulfilled, saying, ‘I will open my mouth in parables. I will be uttering things which have been hidden from the conception of the world.’ {Psa 78:2}
{Mat 13:36-53; no parallel.}
13:36 Then Jesus, having left the crowds, went into the house and his disciples came to him, saying, Explain to us the parable of the darnels of the field.
13:37 Now he answered and said to them, He who is sowing the good seed is the Son of Man; 13:38 and the field is the world, and the good seed, these are the sons of the kingdom, and the darnels are the sons of the evil one; 13:39 and the enemy who sowed them is the devil and the harvest is the end of the world, and the reapers are messengers. 13:40 Therefore, just-like the darnels are collected and burned in fire; so it will be in the end of this world. 13:41 The Son of Man will be sending forth his messengers and they will be collecting out-of his kingdom all the offenses and the ones practicing lawlessness, 13:42 and will be casting them into the furnace of fire; the weeping and the gnashing of teeth will be there. 13:43 Then the righteous will be shining out like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.
13:44 Again, the kingdom of the heavens is similar to a treasure which has been hidden in the field; which a man having found, he hid, and he proceeds-away and sells all his things from his joy, as many things as he has and buys that field.
13:45 Again, the kingdom of the heavens is similar to a man, who is a merchant, seeking beautiful pearls; 13:46 who found one very precious pearl, went and has sold* all his things, as many things as he had, and bought it.
13:47 Again, the kingdom of the heavens is similar to a dragnet, which was cast into the sea and gathered fish from every variety; 13:48 which, when it was filled, they hauled it up upon the beach. And having sat down, they collected the good into containers, but they cast the rotten outside. 13:49 So it will be in the end of the world; the messengers will be going forth and separate* the evil from the midst of the righteous, 13:50 and will be casting them into the furnace of fire; the weeping and the gnashing of teeth will be there.
13:51 Jesus says to them, Have you° understood all these things?
They say to him, Yes, Lord.
13:52 Now he said to them, Because of this, every scribe who was made a disciple to the kingdom of the heavens is similar to a man who is a householder, who casts forth out-of his treasure, new and old things.
13:53 And it happened, when Jesus had completed these parables, he took off from there.
{Mar 6:1-6a & Mat 13:54-58 Nazareth.}
13:54 And after he came into his fatherland, he was teaching them in their synagogue, so-then for them to be astounded and to say, From where did this one receive the wisdom and the miracles? 13:55 Is this not the son of the carpenter? Is his mother not called* Mary? And his brethren, James and Joses and Simon and Jude? 13:56 And his sisters, are they not all with us? Therefore, from where did this one receive all these things? 13:57 And they were being offended at him.
But Jesus said to them, A prophet is not without honor, except in his fatherland and in his own house. 13:58 And he did not do* many miracles there because of their unbelief.
[Matthew 14] TOC
{Mar 6:14-29 & Mat 14:1-12 & Luk 9:7-9.}
14:1 Herod the Tetrarch heard the report of Jesus at that time, 14:2 and said to his young-servants, This is John the Immerser*; he was raised from the dead, and because of this, these powers are working in him. 14:3 For* Herod having taken-hold of John, bound him and placed him in prison because of Herodias, his brother Philip’s wife.
14:4 For* John said to him, It is not legal for you to have her.
14:5 And wishing to kill him, but he feared the crowd, because they were holding him up as a prophet.
14:6 Now Herod’s birthday-festivities being brought* together, the daughter of Herodias danced in the midst of the court and pleased Herod; 14:7 from where he confessed with an oath to give her whatever she herself might ask for.
14:8 Now having been pushed forward by her mother, she says, Give me the head of John the Immerser* upon a platter here.
14:9 And the king was sorrowful, but because of the oaths he said and because of the ones who were reclining at the meal together-with him, he commanded it to be given. 14:10 And he sent and beheaded John in the prison. 14:11 And his head was carried upon a platter, and given to the girl, and she carried it to her mother. 14:12 And his disciples came near and lifted up the body, and buried it, and they went and reported to Jesus.
{Mar 6:30-32 & Mat 14:13 & Luk 9:10 & Joh 6:1 East shore of Galilee.}
14:13 And after Jesus heard it, he departed from there in a ship, privately to a desolate place, and after the crowds heard of it, they followed him on-foot from the cities.
{Mar 6:33-44 & Mat 14:14-21 & Luk 9:11-17 & Joh 6:2-14.}
14:14 And after Jesus went forth, he saw a large crowd, and he had compassion upon them and healed their sick. 14:15 Now after it became evening, his disciples came near to him, saying, The place is desolate and the hour has already passed-away; dismiss the crowds in-order-that after they have gone away into the villages, they might buy various foods for themselves.
14:16 But Jesus said to them, They have no need to go away; you°, give° them food to eat!
14:17 But they say to him, We do not have anything here except five loaves and two fish.
14:18 Now he said, Bring° them here to me. 14:19 And he commanded the crowds to recline upon the grass, and he took the five loaves and the two fish, having looked up to heaven, he gave-thanks and broke them. He gave the loaves to the disciples, and the disciples then gave to the crowds. 14:20 And they all ate and were fully-fed, and they took up what is leftover of the broken pieces, twelve baskets full. 14:21 Now the ones eating were approximately five thousand men, plus women and children.
{Mar 6:45-56 & Mat 14:22-36 & Joh 6:15-21.}
14:22 And immediately, Jesus urged the disciples to step onto the ship, and to precede him to the area beyond-that, until which time he should dismiss the crowds. 14:23 And having dismissed the crowds, he went-up into the mountain privately to pray. Now after it became evening, he was alone there. 14:24 But the ship was already in the midst of the sea, and was being tormented by the waves; for* the wind was adverse. 14:25 Now in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went to them, walking upon the sea. 14:26 And after the disciples saw him walking upon the sea, they were disturbed, saying, It is an apparition, and they cried out from their fear.
14:27 But Jesus immediately spoke to them, saying, Have° courage; I am here; do° not be afraid.
14:28 Now Peter answered to him, and said, Lord, if you are here, command me to come to you upon the waters.
14:29 Now he said, Come.
And Peter descended from the ship, and walked upon the waters to go toward Jesus. 14:30 But he was afraid, seeing the strong wind, and began to sink, he cried out, saying, Lord, save me!
14:31 Now Jesus immediately stretched out his hand, and grabbed him, and says to him, Small faith ones! In what were you skeptical?
14:32 And after they themselves stepped into the ship, the wind paused. 14:33 Now the ones who are in the ship came to him and, worshiped him, saying, You are truly the Son of God.
14:34 And having ferried over, they came to the land of Gennesaret. 14:35 And after the men of that place recognized him, they sent word into the whole region around that place and brought to him all the ones who have an illness, 14:36 and they were pleading with him in-order-that they might only touch the hem of his garment and as many as touched it, were cured.
[Matthew 15] TOC
{Mar 7:1-23 & Mat 15:1-20 & Joh 7:1 Galilee, probably Capernaum Spring 29 AD.}
15:1 Then the scribes and Pharisees from Jerusalem come to Jesus, saying, 15:2 Why are your disciples transgressing the tradition of the elders? For* they do not wash their hands whenever they eat bread.
15:3 But he answered and said to them, Why do you° also transgress the commandment of God because of your° tradition? 15:4 For* God commanded, saying, ‘Honor your father and your mother.’ {Exo 20:12 & Deu 5:16} And, ‘He who is speaking evil of their father or mother, let him be ended by the sentence of death.’ {Exo 21:17 & Lev 20:9} 15:5 But you° say, Whoever says to the father or the mother, in whatever you might be profited from me, it is a gift to God, and then should never honor his father or mother, 15:6 and thus you° invalidated the commandment of God because of your° tradition. 15:7 O hypocrites! Isaiah prophesied well concerning you°, saying, 15:8 ‘This people are drawing near to me with their mouth, and are honoring me with their lips, but their heart is distant, faraway from me. 15:9 But they are worshiping me in futility, teaching as their teachings the commandments of men.’ {Isa 29:13}
15:10 And having called the crowd, he said to them, Hear° and understand°! 15:11 Not what enters into the mouth desecrates the man, but what is traveling from the mouth, this desecrates the man.
15:12 Then the disciples came near to him and said, Do you know that the Pharisees were offended after they heard the speech of yours?
15:13 But he answered and said, Every plant which my heavenly father did not plant will be uprooted. 15:14 Leave° them! They are blind guides of the blind. Now if the blind guide the blind, both will be falling into a ditch.
15:15 Now Peter answered and said to him, Explain to us this parable.
15:16 Now Jesus said, Are you° also without understanding at this point? 15:17 Are you° not yet perceiving, that everything which travels into the mouth is making room in the belly, and is cast forth into the sewer? 15:18 But the things traveling out from the mouth, come forth from the heart, and they desecrate the man. 15:19 For* out-of the heart comes forth evil reasonings, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false* testimonies, blasphemies. 15:20 These things are what is desecrating the man, but to eat with unwashed hands does not desecrate the man.
{Mar 7:24 & Mat 15:21.}
15:21 And Jesus went forth from there, and departed into the parts of Tyre and Sidon.
{Mar 7:25-30 & Mat 15:22-28 Tyre and Sidon.}
15:22 And behold, a woman from Canaan went forth from those borders, and cried-out to him, saying, Show-mercy to me, Lord, son of David. My daughter is evilly demon-possessed. 15:23 But he answered her not a word.
And his disciples came near and were asking him, saying, Dismiss her, because she is crying behind us.
15:24 But he answered and said, I was not sent, except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
15:25 But she came and worshiped him, saying, Lord, help me.
15:26 Now he answered and said, It is not good to take the children’s bread and cast it to the puppies.
15:27 But she said, Yes, Lord; for* even the puppies eat from the crumbs, the ones falling from the table of their lords.
15:28 Then Jesus answered and said to her, O woman, great is your faith. Let it happen for you as you will it. And her daughter was healed from that hour.
{Mar 7:31 & Mat 15:29 Avoiding Herod’s territory.}
15:29 And Jesus, having gone-away from there, went beside the sea of Galilee, and he went-up into the mountain and was sitting there.
{Mar 7:32-37 & Mat 15:30-31 Magadan and Bethsaida Summer 29 AD.}
15:30 And many crowds came to him there, having their own lame, blind, mute, crippled and many others with them. They tossed them beside the feet of Jesus, and he healed them; 15:31 so-then for the crowds to marvel, seeing the mute speaking; the crippled healthy; the lame walking; and the blind seeing; and they glorified the God of Israel.
{Mar 8:1-9 & Mat 15:32-38.}
15:32 Now Jesus called his disciples to him, and said, I have compassion upon the crowd because they already remain with me three days, and do not have what they might eat, and I am not willing to dismiss them starving, lest they might faint on the road.
15:33 And his disciples say to him, From where can we buy so-many loaves for us in the wilderness, so-then to fully-feed so-great a crowd?
15:34 And Jesus says to them, How-many loaves do you° have?
But they said, Seven and a few small-fish.
15:35 And he commanded the crowds to lean-back upon the soil. 15:36 And he took the seven loaves and the few fish, and he gave-thanks and broke them, and gave to his disciples, and the disciples gave to the crowd. 15:37 And they all ate and were fully-fed, and they took up what is leftover of the broken pieces, seven baskets full. 15:38 Now the ones eating were approximately four thousand men, plus women and children.
{Mar 8:10-26 & Mat 15:39-16:12 Near Caesarea Philippi Summer 29 AD.}
15:39 And having dismissed the crowds, he stepped into the ship, and went into the borders of Magadan.
[Matthew 16] TOC
16:1 And the Pharisees and Sadducees came near, testing him, and asked him to show them a sign from heaven. 16:2 But having answered, he said to them, After it became evening, you° say, It will be fair-weather; for* the heaven is red. 16:3 And in the morning, There will be a storm today; for* the heaven is red and dismal. Hypocrites! You° indeed know how to discern the face of the heaven, but you° are not able to discern the signs of the times. 16:4 An evil and adulterous generation is seeking after a sign, and no sign will be given to it, except the sign of Jonah the prophet. And he left them and went away.
16:5 And his disciples came to the area beyond-that, and forgot to take bread. 16:6 Now Jesus said to them, Behold° and take-heed°, stay away from the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees!
16:7 Now they were reasoning among themselves, saying, It is because we took no bread.
16:8 Now Jesus having known it, said to them, Small faith ones! Why are you° reasoning among yourselves, because you° took no bread? 16:9 Do you° not yet perceive, nor remember the five loaves of the five thousand, and you° took up how-many baskets? 16:10 Nor the seven loaves of the four thousand, and you° took up how-many baskets? 16:11 How are you° not perceiving that I did not speak to you° concerning bread, but to take-heed, stay away from the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees? 16:12 Then they understood that he did not say to take-heed, stay away from the leaven of bread, but stay away from the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
{Mar 8:27-30 & Mat 16:13-20 & Luk 9:18-21 Caesarea Philippi.}
16:13 Now after Jesus came into the parts of Caesarea Philippi, he was asking his disciples, saying, Who do men say me (the Son of Man) to be {i.e., I am}?
16:14 Now they said, Some say John the Immerser*; others, Elijah, and others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.
16:15 He says to them, But who do you° say me to be {i.e., that I am}?
16:16 Now Simon Peter answered and said, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.
16:17 And Jesus answered and said to him, You are fortunate, Simon, Son-of-Jonah, because flesh and blood did not reveal it to you, but my Father, the one in the heavens. 16:18 But I also say to you, that you are Peter {Pebble} and upon this, the rock {i.e., rock foundation}, I will be building my congregation* of believers, and the gates of Hades will not be prevailing against her. 16:19 I will be giving to you the keys of the kingdom of the heavens, and whatever you bind upon the earth will have already been bound in the heavens, and whatever you loose upon the earth will have already been loosed in the heavens. 16:20 Then he ordered his disciples in-order-that they should speak to no one that he himself is Jesus, the Christ.
{Footnotes: Mat 16:18, these words are different in Greek. Peter translated is a ‘pebble’ and the other word is ‘rock’ as in ‘a massive rock or rock foundation,’ the kind of rock that the wise man built his house on in Mat 7:24-25.}
{Mar 8:31-9:1 & Mat 16:21-28 & Luk 9:22-27 Caesarea Philippi.}
16:21 Jesus began to show to his disciples from then on, that it is essential for him to go to Jerusalem and to suffer many things from the elders and high-priests and scribes, and to be killed, and to be raised in the third day. 16:22 And Peter took him and began to rebuke him, saying, God will be lenient to you, Lord. This will never be happening to you.
16:23 But he turned and said to Peter, Proceed behind me, adversary! You are an offense to me, because you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men.
16:24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, If anyone is willing to come after me, let him deny himself and let him lift up his cross and let him follow me. 16:25 For* whoever wishes to save his life, will be losing it, and whoever should lose his life because of me will be finding it. 16:26 For* what is a man profited, if he gains the whole world, and his soul should be forfeited? Or what will a man give as an exchange for his soul? 16:27 For* the Son of Man is about to come in the glory of his Father with his messengers, and then he will be giving to each one according-to his practice. 16:28 Assuredly I am saying to you°, Some standing here who should never taste of death, until they should see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.
[Matthew 17] TOC
{Mar 9:2-13 & Mat 17:1-13 & Luk 9:28-36 Caesarea Philippi.}
17:1 And after six days Jesus takes with him Peter and James and John his brother, and privately brings them up into a high mountain. 17:2 And he was transfigured before them, and his face shined like the sun, and his garments became white like the light. 17:3 And behold, Moses and Elijah were seen with them, speaking together-with him.
17:4 Now Peter answered and said to Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here; if you will it. Should we make* three tabernacles here; one to you and one to Moses and one to Elijah?
17:5 While he is still speaking, behold, a radiant cloud overshadowed them, and behold, a voice out-of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am delighted; hear° him!
17:6 And after the disciples heard it, they fell upon their face, and were extremely afraid. 17:7 And Jesus came near and touched them and said, Arise°, do° not be afraid. 17:8 Now having lifted up their eyes, they saw no one except Jesus only.
17:9 And while coming-down from the mountain, Jesus commanded them, saying, Tell the vision to no one, until which time the Son of Man should rise* from the dead.
17:10 And his disciples asked him, saying, Therefore, why do the scribes say that it is essential for Elijah to come first?
17:11 Now Jesus answered and said to them, Indeed Elijah comes first and will be restoring all things. 17:12 But I am saying to you°, that Elijah already came, and they did not recognize him, but did* with* him as many things as they wished. So the Son of Man is also about to suffer by them. 17:13 Then the disciples understood that he said this to them concerning John the Immerser*.
{Mar 9:14-29 & Mat 17:14-21 & Luk 9:37-43 Region of Caesarea Philippi.}
17:14 And when they themselves came to the crowd, a man came near to him, kneeling down to him, 17:15 and saying, Lord, show-mercy to my son, because he is epileptic, and suffers evilly; for* he often falls into the fire and often into the water. 17:16 And I brought him to your disciples, and they were not able to heal him.
17:17 But Jesus answered and said, O unbelieving and perverse generation, until when will I be with you°? Until when will I tolerate you°? Bring° him here to me. 17:18 And Jesus rebuked him, and the demon went forth from him, and the boy was healed from that hour.
17:19 Then the disciples came near to Jesus privately and said, Why were we not able to cast it forth?
17:20 Now Jesus said to them, Because of your° unbelief. For* assuredly I am saying to you°, If you° have faith like a kernel of a mustard-seed, you° will say to this mountain, Go-away from here to over there, and it will go-away, and nothing will be impossible for you°. 17:21 But this variety of demon does not travel out except in prayer and fasting.
{Mar 9:30-32 & Mat 17:22-23 & Luk 9:43-45 Return to Galilee.}
17:22 Now while turning back in Galilee, Jesus said to them, The Son of Man is about to be given up into the hands of men; 17:23 and they will be killing him, and he will be arisen in the third day. And they were extremely sorrowful.
{Mat 17:24-27 Capernaum Sept. 29 AD; no parallel.}
17:24 Now they themselves went to Capernaum, the ones who receive the four-denarii tax came to Peter and said, Does your° teacher not pay the four-denarii tax?
17:25 He says, Yes.
And when he entered into the house, Jesus anticipated him, saying, What do you think, Simon? The kings of the earth, from whom do they receive taxes or tribute? From their sons or from the aliens?
17:26 Peter says to him, From aliens.
Jesus said to him, Consequently*, the sons are free. 17:27 But in-order-that we might not offend them, after traveling to the sea, cast in a fishhook, and lift out the fish ascending first, and after you have opened the mouth of it, you will find a four-denarii-coin. After you have taken it out, give that to them in exchange-for you and me.
[Matthew 18] TOC
{Mar 9:33-50 & Mat 18:1-14 & Luk 9:46-50 Sept. 29 AD.}
18:1 The disciples came to Jesus in that hour, saying, Who then is greater in the kingdom of the heavens?
18:2 And Jesus, having called to him a child, stood it in the midst of them, 18:3 and said, Assuredly I am saying to you°, If you° do not turn and become like young children, you° should never enter into the kingdom of the heavens. 18:4 Therefore, who will be humbling himself like this young child, this one is the greater one in the kingdom of the heavens. 18:5 And whoever accepts one such child in my name, accepts me. 18:6 But whoever offends one of these little ones who believes in me, it is more advantageous for him that* a millstone, the ones rotated by a donkey, should be hung at his neck, and that* he should be sunk in the deep-sea of the sea.
18:7 Woe to the world from the coming offenses! For* it is a necessity for the offenses to come; however, woe to that man through whom the offense comes! 18:8 Now if your hand or your foot is offending you, cut both of them off and cast them from you. It is good for you to enter into life lame or crippled, rather than to be cast into the everlasting fire, having two hands or two feet. 18:9 And if your eye is offending you, pluck it out and cast it from you. It is good for you to enter into life one-eyed, rather than having two eyes, and to be cast into the hell of fire.
18:10 See° that you° do not despise one of these little ones; for* I say to you°, that in the heavens their messengers are always looking at the face of my Father who is in the heavens. 18:11 For* the Son of Man came to save what has been lost.
{Similar: Mat 18:12-14, Luk 15:3-7}
18:12 What are you° thinking? If it should happen to any man who has a hundred sheep, and one out-of them might be misled, does he not seek the one which is misled, having left the ninety-nine, traveling upon the mountains? 18:13 And if he happens to find it, assuredly I am saying to you°, He rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine which have not been misled. 18:14 So it is not the will before your° Father who is in the heavens, that* one of these little ones should perish.
{Mat 18:15-35; no parallel.}
18:15 Now if your brother should sin at {i.e., against} you, proceed-away and reprove him, the sin is between you and him only; if he hears you, you have gained your brother. 18:16 But if he does not hear you, take with you one or two more, in-order-that, ‘at the mouth of two or three witnesses every declaration should be established.’ {Deu 19:15} 18:17 But if he should refuse to hear them, tell it to the congregation*, and if he also should refuse to hear the congregation*, let him be just-like the Gentile and the tax collector to you.
18:18 Assuredly, I am saying to you°, As many things as you° would bind upon the earth will have already been bound in heaven, and as many things as you° would loose upon earth will have already been loosed in heaven. 18:19 Assuredly I say to you° again, that if two of you° agree together upon the earth concerning any matter, whatever they ask, it will happen for them from my Father who is in the heavens. 18:20 For* where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there in the midst of them.
18:21 Then Peter came near to him and said, Lord, how-often will my brother sin against {Greek: at or toward} me and I will forgive him? Until seven-times?
18:22 Jesus says to him, I do not say to you, Until seven-times, but, until seventy-times seven. 18:23 Because of this, the kingdom of the heavens was likened to a man: a king who wished to settle the account with his bondservants. 18:24 Now having begun to settle the account, one man was brought to him, a debtor of ten-thousand silver talants {170 million dollars US}. 18:25 But he had nothing to repay him with, so his lord commanded him and his wife and children and all things, as many things as he was holding, to be sold* and the money to be repaid to him.
18:26 Therefore, the bondservant having fallen down, was worshiping him, saying, Lord, have patience upon me, and I will be repaying all of it to you. 18:27 But the lord of that bondservant, having compassion on him, released him and forgave him the loan.
18:28 But that bondservant went forth and found one of his fellow bondservants who was owing him a hundred denarii, and he took-hold of him, and was choking him, saying, Repay if you are owing me anything.
18:29 Therefore, his fellow bondservant, having fallen at his feet, was pleading with him, saying, Have patience upon me and I will be repaying you. 18:30 But he did not wish to, but having gone away he cast him into prison, until he should repay what is owed. 18:31 But his fellow bondservants, having seen the things which happened, were extremely sorrowful. And they came to their own lord, and they told all the things which had happened.
18:32 Then having called him, his lord says to him, Evil bondservant, I forgave you all that debt, since you pleaded with me. 18:33 Was it not essential for you to show-mercy also on your fellow bondservant, like I also showed-mercy to you. 18:34 And his lord was made angry, and gave him to the torturers until he should repay everything which is owed to him. 18:35 So my heavenly Father will also be doing* to you°, if each of you° does not forgive his brother their trespasses from your° hearts.
[Matthew 19] TOC
{Mar 10:1-12 & Mat 19:1-12.}
19:1 And it happened, when Jesus had completed these words, he took off from Galilee and came into the borders of Judea beyond-that of the Jordan; 19:2 and large crowds followed him, and he healed them there.
19:3 And the Pharisees came to him, testing him and saying to him, If it is legal for a man to divorce his wife according-to every cause?
19:4 But he answered and said to them, Did you° not read, He who made* them, made* them male and female from the beginning. {Gen 1:27, 5:2} 19:5 And said, Because of this, a man will be leaving the father and the mother and will be joined to his wife, and the two will be jointed into one flesh. {Gen 2:24} 19:6 So-then they are no more two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God yoked together; let man not separate.
19:7 They say to him, Therefore, why did Moses command us to give a document of divorcement and to release her? {Deu 24:1-4}
19:8 He says to them, Moses permitted* you° to divorce your° wives for your° hardness of heart, but from the beginning it has not become so. 19:9 But I am saying to you°, Whoever divorces his wife not over {Greek: upon. Or: upon the basis of} fornication, and should marry another, is committing adultery, and he who married the one who has been divorced is committing adultery. {Mat 5:32, Luk 16:18}
19:10 His disciples say to him, If thus is the case of the man with his wife, it is not advantageous to marry.
19:11 But he said to them, Not all people will make room for this word in their hearts, but they to whom it has been given: 19:12 for* there are eunuchs who were born so out-of the womb of their mother, and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs because of the kingdom of the heavens. He who is able to make room in his heart {i.e., accept this} for it, let him make room for it.
{Mar 10:13-16 & Mat 19:13-15 & Luk 18:15-17 Peraea.}
19:13 Then young children were brought to him, in-order-that he might lay his hands upon them and might pray for them, and the disciples rebuked them. 19:14 But Jesus said, Allow° the young children, and do° not forbid them to come to me; for* the kingdom of the heavens is of such. 19:15 And having laid his hands upon them, he traveled from there.
{Mar 10:17-31 & Mat 19:16-20:16 & Luk 18:18-30 Peraea.}
19:16 And behold, one man came near to him and said to him, Good teacher, what good thing should I practice in-order-that I may have everlasting life?
19:17 Now he said to him, Why do you call* me good? No one is good except one: God, but if you wish to enter into everlasting life, keep the commandments.
19:18 He says to him, What ones?
Now Jesus said, 'Do not murder; Do not commit adultery; Do not steal; Do not falsely testify, 19:19 Honor your father and mother.' {Exo 20:12-16 & Deu 5:16-20} And, 'You will love* your neighbor like yourself.' {Lev 19:18}
19:20 The young-man says to him, I have observed all these things from my youth. What am I still lacking?
19:21 Jesus said to him, If you are willing to be complete, proceed-away, sell your possessions and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven and come-here. Follow me. 19:22 But after the young-man heard the word, he went away, being sorrowful; for* he was holding many properties.
19:23 Now Jesus said to his disciples, Assuredly I am saying to you°, A rich man will hardly enter into the kingdom of the heavens. 19:24 But again I am saying to you°, It is easier for a camel to go through a needle’s eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
19:25 Now after his disciples heard it, they were being extremely astounded, saying, Who then is able to be saved?
19:26 But Jesus, looked at them and said to them, This is impossible with men, but all things are possible with God.
19:27 Then Peter answered and said to him, Behold, we left all and followed you; what then will be left for us?
19:28 But Jesus said to them, Assuredly I am saying to you°, that you° who have followed me, whenever the Son of Man sits upon the throne of his glory in the regeneration*, you° will also sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. 19:29 And everyone who has left houses or brethren or sisters, or their father or mother or wife, or children or fields, because of my name, will be receiving a hundred-times that, and will be inheriting everlasting life. 19:30 But many will be last who are first, and first who are last.
[Matthew 20] TOC
20:1 For* the kingdom of the heavens is similar to a man who is a householder, who went forth at the same-time every morning to hire workers into his vineyard. 20:2 And having agreed together with the workers at a denarius a day {a standard day’s pay}, he sent them into his vineyard. 20:3 And he went forth around the third hour {i.e., 9:00 AM} and saw others standing idle in the marketplace; 20:4 and he said to those men, You° also, proceed° into the vineyard and I will be giving you° whatever is just. 20:5 Again, they went forth around the sixth {i.e., Noon} and the ninth hour; {i.e., 3:00 PM} and he did* likewise*. 20:6 Now around the eleventh hour, {i.e., 5:00 PM} he went forth and found others standing idle, and he says to them, Why are you° standing here idle the whole day?
20:7 They say to him, Because no one hired us.
So he says to them, You° also, proceed° into the vineyard and you° will be receiving whatever is just. 20:8 Now after it became evening, the lord of the vineyard says to his commissioner, Call the workers and after you have begun from the last until the first, give to them their wages. 20:9 And after the hired ones around the eleventh hour {i.e., 5:00 PM} came, they each received a denarius apiece. 20:10 Now after the first came, they supposed that they will be receiving more, but they themselves also received a denarius apiece.
20:11 But having received it, they were murmuring against the householder, 20:12 saying, These last ones did* only one hour of work, and you made* them equal to us, who bore the burden of the day and the burning heat.
20:13 But he answered and said to one of them, Comrade, I am not wronging you. Did you not agree together-with me for a denarius? 20:14 Take up the thing which is yours and proceed-away. I will to give to this last one, as I also did to you. 20:15 Or is it not legal for me to do* what I will in the things which are mine? Or what if your eye is evil, because I am good? {i.e., They are envious.} 20:16 So the last will be first, and the first last; for* many are the invited ones but few are chosen.
{Mar 10:32-45 & Mat 20:17-28 & Luk 18:31-34; Peraea or Judea, near Jordan.}
20:17 And while going-up to Jerusalem, Jesus took the twelve disciples privately on the road and he said to them, 20:18 Behold, we go-up into Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be given up to the high-priests and scribes, and they will be condemning him to death, 20:19 and they will be giving him up to the Gentiles, *that* they should mock and scourge and crucify him, and he will rise* in the third day.
20:20 Then the mother of the sons of Zebedee, with her sons, came to him, worshiping him, and asking something from him. 20:21 But he said to her, What do you wish?
She says to him, Say that* these, my two sons, may sit, one at your right hand and one at your left hand in your kingdom.
20:22 But Jesus answered and said, You° do not know what you° ask. Are you° able to drink the cup which I am about to drink, or to be immersed* with the immersion* to which I am about to be immersed*?
They say to him, We are able.
20:23 And he says to them, Indeed, you° will be drinking my cup and you° will be immersed* with the immersion* to which I am immersed*, but to sit at my right and at my left, is not mine to give, but it is for whom it has been prepared by my Father. 20:24 And having heard this, the ten were indignant concerning the two brothers.
20:25 But Jesus called them and said, You° know that the rulers of the Gentiles are lording it over them, and their great ones wield authority over them. 20:26 But it will not be so among you°, but whoever wishes to become great among you°, he will be your° servant; 20:27 and whoever wishes to be first among you°, let him be your° bondservant; 20:28 just-like the Son of Man did not come to be served to, but to serve and to give his life as a redemption in exchange-for many.
{Mar 10:46-52 & Mat 20:29-34 & Luk 18:35-43; Jericho.}
20:29 And while they themselves are traveling out from Jericho, a large crowd followed him. 20:30 And behold, two blind men sitting beside the road, having heard that Jesus is passing by, they cried out, saying, Lord, son of David, show-mercy to us! 20:31 But the crowd rebuked them, in-order-that they should be silent, but they were crying out the greatest, saying, Lord, son of David, show-mercy to us!
20:32 And Jesus stood and summoned them, and said, What do you° will that I might do* for you°?
20:33 They say to him, Lord, that* our eyes might be opened. 20:34 Now Jesus, having compassion, touched their eyes, and immediately their eyes recovered their sight and they followed him.
[Matthew 21] TOC
{The week of Jesus’ crucifixion. Mar 11:1-11 & Mat 21:1-12, 14-17 & Luk 19:29-44 & Joh 12:12-19 Bethany to Jerusalem and back Sun., April 2, 30 AD.}
21:1 And when they drew near to Jerusalem and came to Bethphage, toward the Mountain of Olives, Jesus then sent two disciples, 21:2 saying to them, Travel° into the village which is in front of you°, and immediately you° will be finding a donkey which has been tied and a young-donkey {i.e., a foal} with her. Having loosed them, lead° them to me. 21:3 And if anyone says anything to you°, you° will say, The Lord has need of them, and immediately he will send them. 21:4 Now this whole thing has happened in-order-that what was spoken through the prophet might be fulfilled, saying, 21:5 ‘Say° to the daughter of Zion, Behold, your King is coming to you, meek and has been mounted upon a donkey and a young-donkey, the son of a burro.’ {Isa 62:11 & Zec 9:9} 21:6 Now the disciples traveling on, and did* just-as Jesus commanded them, 21:7 they led the donkey and the young-donkey and placed their garments upon them, and he sat upon them. 21:8 But most of the crowd spread their garments in the road, and others were cutting branches from the trees and spreading them in the road.
21:9 Now the crowds, the ones preceding and the ones following him, were crying, saying, ‘Hosanna to the son of David! The one coming in the name of the Lord has been blessed! Hosanna in the highest!’ {Psa 118:25-26} 21:10 And when he himself entered into Jerusalem, all the city was shaken up, saying, Who is this one?
21:11 But the crowds were saying, This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth of Galilee.
{Mar 11:12-18 & Mat 21:18-19, Mat 21:12-13 & Luk 19:45-48 Road from Bethany to Jerusalem Mon.}
21:12 And Jesus entered into the temple of God, and cast forth all the ones selling and buying in the temple, and turned over the tables of the brokers and the chairs of the ones selling the doves; 21:13 and he says to them, It has been written, My house will be called a house of prayer, but you° made* it a den of robbers. {Isa 56:7 & Jer 7:11}
21:14 And the blind and the lame came to him in the temple, and he healed them. 21:15 But after the high-priests and the scribes saw the marvelous things which he did*, and the boys crying out in the temple and saying, Hosanna to the son of David!
They were indignant, 21:16 and said to him, Do you hear what these are saying?
But Jesus says to them, Yes. Did you° never read, ‘You completed for yourself praise out-of the mouth of infants and nursing babies?’ {Psa 8:2} 21:17 And having left them, he went forth outside the city to Bethany, and camped there.
21:18 Now in the morning, while leading them back to the city, he hungered. 21:19 And having seen one fig tree upon the road, he came upon it and found nothing in it, except leaves only, and he says to it, Let it happen that there is no fruit from you any longer, forever. And instantly the fig tree dried up.
{Mar 11:19-26 & Mat 21:20-22 & Luk 21:37-38 Road from Bethany to Jerusalem Tues.}
21:20 And after the disciples saw it, they marveled, saying, How did the fig tree instantly dry up?
21:21 Now Jesus answered and said to them, Assuredly I am saying to you°, If you° have faith and do not doubt, you° will not only be doing* the miracle of the fig tree, but even if you° say to this mountain, Be lifted up and cast yourself into the sea, it will happen. 21:22 And all things, as many things as you° would ask in prayer, and believing, you° will be receiving.
{Mar 11:27-33 & Mat 21:23-27 & Luk 20:1-8 Courtyard of the Temple, Tues.}
21:23 And he came by himself into the temple, the high-priests and the elders of the people came to him as he was teaching, saying, In what authority are you doing* these things? And who gave you this authority?
21:24 But Jesus answered and said to them, I will also ask you° one question, which if you° tell me, I will also tell you° in what authority I am doing* these things. 21:25 The immersion* of John, where was it from, from heaven or from men?
Now they were reasoning with themselves, saying, If we say, From heaven; he will say to us, Therefore, why did you° not believe him? 21:26 But if we say, From men; we fear the crowd; for* all are holding John up like a prophet. 21:27 And they answered Jesus and said, We do not know.
He himself also said to them, Nor do I tell you° in what authority I am doing* these things.
{Mat 21:28-32; no parallel.}
21:28 But what do you° think? A man had two children, and he came near to the first and said, Child, proceed on, work today in my vineyard.
21:29 But he answered and said, I am not willing, but later he regretted it and went.
21:30 And he came to the second and said likewise*. But he answered and said, I will go lord, and did not go away. 21:31 Who out-of the two did* the will of his father?
They say to him, The first.
Jesus says to them, Assuredly I am saying to you°, that the tax collectors and the prostitutes will precede you° into the kingdom of God. 21:32 For* John came to you° in the way of righteousness, and you° did not believe in him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes believed in him, and then having seen it, you° did not even regret it later, so as to believe in him.
{Mar 12:1-12 & Mat 21:33-46 & Luk 20:9-19.}
21:33 Hear° another parable: there was a certain man, a householder, who planted a vineyard and placed a fence around it, and shoveled a winepress in it, and built a tower and rented it out to farmers, and went-abroad. 21:34 Now when the time of the fruits drew near, he sent his bondservants to the farmers, to receive his fruits. 21:35 And the farmers took his bondservants who they indeed whipped, one who they killed and one who they stoned. 21:36 Again, he sent other bondservants, more-than the first, and they did* to them likewise*. 21:37 But later he sent to them his son, saying, They will revere my son. 21:38 But the farmers, after they saw the son, said among themselves, This is the heir. Come-here°. We should kill him, and we might hold-onto his inheritance. 21:39 And having taken him, they cast him forth outside the vineyard, and killed him. 21:40 Therefore, whenever the lord of the vineyard comes, what will he do* to those farmers?
21:41 They say to him, Evil men! He will evilly be destroying them, and will be renting the vineyard out to other farmers, who will be giving to him the fruits at their seasons.
21:42 Jesus says to them, Did you° never read in the Scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected*, this became the head of the corner; this came* from the Lord and it is marvelous in our eyes? {Psa 118:22-23} 21:43 Because of this, I am saying to you°, The kingdom of God will be taken from you°, and will be given to a nation producing the fruits of it. 21:44 And the one who has fallen upon this stone, will be shattered, but upon whomever it falls, it will be smashing him. 21:45 And after the high-priests and the Pharisees heard his parables, they knew that he is speaking concerning them. 21:46 And seeking to take-hold of him, but they feared the crowds, since they were holding him up like a prophet.
[Matthew 22] TOC
{Mat 22:1-14; no parallel.}
22:1 And Jesus answered and spoke again to them in parables, saying: 22:2 The kingdom of the heavens was likened to a man: a king who made* a marriage-festivities for his son, 22:3 and sent forth his bondservants to call the ones who have been invited to the marriage-festivities, and they were not willing to come. 22:4 Again he sent forth other bondservants, saying, Say° to the ones who have been invited, Behold, I prepared my meal; the oxen and the fattened calves have been sacrificed, and all things are prepared. Come-here° to the marriage-festivities. 22:5 But having neglected it, they went away, one to his own field, and the one to his merchandise; 22:6 but the rest took-hold of his bondservants, abused and killed them. 22:7 And that king, having heard it, was made angry, and after having sent his armies, he destroyed those murderers and scorched their city.
22:8 Then he says to his bondservants, The marriage is indeed prepared, but the ones who have been invited were not worthy. 22:9 Therefore, travel° upon the thoroughfares of the roads, and as many as you° would find, invite° to the marriage-festivities. 22:10 And those bondservants, having gone forth into the roads, gathered together everyone, as many people as they found, both evil and good and the marriage was filled with people reclining at the table.
22:11 But after the king entered to look at the ones reclining at the table, he saw a man there who has not clothed himself with marriage attire; 22:12 and he says to him, Comrade, how did you enter here not having on your marriage attire? Now he was dumbfounded. 22:13 Then the king said to the servants, After you° have bound him hands and feet, take° him away and cast° him forth into the outer darkness; the weeping and the gnashing of teeth will be there. 22:14 For* many are the invited ones, but few are chosen.
{Mar 12:13-17 & Mat 22:15-22 & Luk 20:20-26 Courtyard of the Temple, Tues.}
22:15 Then the Pharisees traveling away, took a council on how they might ensnare him in his speech. 22:16 And they send their disciples to him, with the Herodians, saying, Teacher, we know that you are true* and teach the way of God in truth, and do not care concerning one’s appearance; for* you do not look at the countenance of men. 22:17 Therefore, tell us, What do you think? Is it legal to give tribute to Caesar or not?
22:18 But Jesus, having known their wickedness, said, Why are you° testing me, you° hypocrites? 22:19 Show° me the tribute coin. Now they brought to him a denarius. 22:20 And he says to them, Whose face is this image and inscription? 22:21 They say to him, Caesar’s. Then he says to them, Therefore, give° to Caesar, the things which are Caesar’s, and to God, the things which are God’s. 22:22 And having heard it, they marveled. And they went away, having left him.
{Mar 12:18-27 & Mat 22:23-33 & Luk 20:27-39.}
22:23 The Sadducees came to him in that day, the ones saying, There is to be no resurrection, and they asked him, 22:24 saying, Teacher, Moses said, If anyone dies, having no children, his brother will marry his wife and will be raising* up seed to his brother. {Deu 25:5} 22:25 Now seven brothers were with us, and the first having married, but after he died*, having no seed, left his wife to his brother; 22:26 likewise also the second and the third, until the seventh. 22:27 But after them all, the woman also died. 22:28 Therefore, whose wife will she be of the seven in the resurrection? For* they all had her as a wife.
22:29 But Jesus answered and said to them, You° are being misled, by not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God. 22:30 For* they neither marry, nor are betrothed in the resurrection, but are like messengers of God in heaven. 22:31 But concerning the resurrection of the dead, have you° not read what was said to you° by God, saying, 22:32 I am the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob? {Exo 3:6} God is not the God of the dead, but of the living. 22:33 And after the crowds heard it, they were being astounded over his teaching.
{Mar 12:28-34 & Mat 22:34-40 & Luk 20:40.}
22:34 But the Pharisees, having heard that he had hushed the Sadducees, were gathered together upon the same ground. 22:35 And one out-of them, a professor of the law, asked a question, testing him and saying, 22:36 Teacher, what is the great commandment in the law?
22:37 Now Jesus said to him, You will love* the Lord your God in your whole heart and in your whole soul and in your whole mind. {Deu 6:5} 22:38 This is the first and the great commandment. 22:39 And the second commandment is similar to it, You will love* your neighbor like yourself. {Lev 19:18} 22:40 The whole law and the prophets are hung together in these two commandments.
{Mar 12:35-37 & Mat 22:41-46 & Luk 20:41-44.}
22:41 Now the Pharisees having been gathered together, Jesus asked them a question, 22:42 saying, What do you° think concerning the Christ? Whose son is he?
They say to him, David’s.
22:43 He says to them, Therefore, how does David in the Spirit call him Lord, saying, 22:44 The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at my right, until I should place your enemies as the footstool of your feet? {Psa 110:1} 22:45 Therefore, if David calls him Lord, how is he his son? 22:46 And no one was able to answer him a word, nor did anyone dare from that day forth to ask him anymore questions.
[Matthew 23] TOC
{Mar 12:38-40 & Mat 23:1-39 & Luk 20:45-47 Courts of the Temple, Tues.}
23:1 Then Jesus spoke to the crowds and to his disciples, 23:2 saying, The scribes and the Pharisees sat upon the seat of Moses. 23:3 Therefore, all things, as many things as they would say for you° to keep, keep° and do*°, but do*° not do them according-to their works; for* they say and are not doing*. 23:4 For* they bind burdensome and unbearable loads, and place them upon men’s shoulders, but they are not willing to move them even with their finger. 23:5 And they are practicing all their works in-order-to be seen by men. And they widen their phylacteries and magnify the hems of their garments, 23:6 and they love the foremost-place in the suppers and the foremost seats in the synagogues, 23:7 and the greetings in the marketplaces and to be called by men, Rabbi, rabbi. 23:8 But do° not be called rabbi; for* only one is your° leader, the Christ, and you° are all brethren. 23:9 And do° not call anyone your° father upon the earth; for* only one is your° Father, the one in the heavens; 23:10 nor be called leaders; for* only one is your° leader: the Christ. 23:11 But the greater of you° will be your° servant. 23:12 But he who exalts himself, he will be humbling himself. And whoever humbles himself, he will be exalting himself.
{Footnotes: Mat 23:13 & 23:14 are flipped in various Greek texts.}
23:13 But woe to you°, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because you° are devouring widows’ houses, and praying long prayers for a pretext, because of this, you° will be receiving even-more condemnation.
23:14 Woe to you°, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because you° lock the kingdom of the heavens before men; for* you° are not entering in yourselves, nor are you° allowing the ones who are entering, to enter either.
23:15 Woe to you°, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because you° proceed all around the sea and the dry land to make* one Jewish-convert, and whenever he has become one, you° are making* him double the son of hell as you° are.
23:16 Woe to you°, blind guides, the ones saying, Whoever should swear by the temple, it is nothing, but whoever should swear by the gold of the temple, he is obligated. 23:17 Foolish and blind! For* what is greater, the gold, or the temple which makes the gold holy? 23:18 And, Whoever should swear by the altar, it is nothing, but whoever should swear by the gift which is upon it, he is obligated. 23:19 You° are foolish and blind; for* what is greater, the gift, or the altar which makes the gift holy? 23:20 Therefore, the one having sworn by the altar, swears by it, and by all things upon it. 23:21 And the one having sworn by the temple, swears by it, and in the one who dwelt in it. 23:22 And the one having sworn by the heaven, swears by the throne of God, and in the one who is sitting upon it.
23:23 Woe to you°, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because you° tithe the mint and the dill and the cumin, and yet you° left behind the weighty things of the law: the judgment and the mercy and the faith. It was essential for you° to practice these, and not to leave those undone. 23:24 Blind guides, who strain out the gnat and swallow the camel!
23:25 Woe to you°, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because you° cleanse the outside of the cup and the plate, but they are full from ravening and unrighteousness inside. 23:26 Blind Pharisee! First cleanse the cup from within and the plate, in-order-that the outside of them might also become clean.
23:27 Woe to you°, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because you° are similar to whitewashed burial chambers, which on the outside indeed appear beautiful, but inside are full of dead men’s bones, and full of all uncleanness. 23:28 So on the outside you° indeed appear also righteous to men, but inside, you° are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.
23:29 Woe to you°, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because you° build the burial chambers of the prophets and adorn the tombs of the righteous, 23:30 and say, If we were in the days of our fathers, we would have not been their partners in the blood of the prophets. 23:31 So-then you° are testifying to yourselves, that you° are sons of the ones who murdered the prophets. 23:32 And you°, fill° up the measure of your° fathers. 23:33 Serpents, offsprings of vipers! How may you° flee from the judgment of hell? 23:34 Because of this, behold, I am sending to you° prophets and wise men and scribes, and you° will be killing and will be crucifying some out-of them, and you° will be scourging in your° synagogues and will be persecuting from city to city some out-of them, 23:35 so *that upon you° should come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of Abel the righteous {Gen 4:8} until the blood of Zechariah son of Barachiah, whom you° murdered between the temple and the altar. {Zec 1:7 (?)} 23:36 Assuredly I am saying to you°, All these things will be coming upon this generation.
23:37 Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones the ones who have been sent to her! How-often I willed to gather together your children in the manner a bird gathers together its brood under her own wings, and you° did not will it! 23:38 Behold, your° house is left to you° desolate; 23:39 for* I say to you°, You° should never see me from now on, until you° should say, The one coming in the name of the Lord has been blessed. {Psa 118:26}
[Matthew 24] TOC
{It is best to always read Luke 21 first. See also: Luk 19:41-44 & Luk 23:28-31. Mat 24:1-26, 28 & Mar 13:1-23 & Luk 21:5-24 Destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD.}
24:1 And Jesus went forth, and was traveling away from the temple, and his disciples came to him to show him the buildings of the temple. 24:2 But Jesus said to them, Do you° not see all these things? Assuredly I am saying to you°, One stone may not be left here upon another stone, which will not be torn-down.
24:3 Now while seating himself upon the Mountain of Olives, the disciples came to him privately, saying, Tell us, when will these things be? And what is the sign of your presence and of the end of the world?
24:4 And Jesus answered and said to them, Beware°, do° not let anyone mislead you°. 24:5 For* many will be coming in my name, saying, I am the Christ, and will be misleading many. 24:6 But you° will be about to hear of wars and reports of wars; behold°, do° not be alarmed; for* it is essential for all these things to happen, but the end is not yet. 24:7 For* nation will be raised against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and plagues and earthquakes in different places. 24:8 But all these things are the beginning of travails. 24:9 Then they will be giving you° up to affliction and will be killing you°, and you° will be hated by all the nations because of my name. 24:10 And then many will be offended, and will be giving up one another and will be hating one another. 24:11 And many false* prophets will be raised and will be misleading many. 24:12 And because of the multiplying lawlessness, the love* of the many will be cold. 24:13 But he who has endured to the end, this one will be saved. 24:14 And this good-news of the kingdom will be preached in the whole inhabited-earth, *for a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will be coming.
24:15 Therefore, whenever you° see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet, stopping in the holy place (let the one who is reading, perceive), {Da 9:27 & 11:31 & 12:11 the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD, see Luke 21.} 24:16 then let° the ones in Judea flee to the mountains; 24:17 let the one who is upon the housetop not go-down to take the things out-of his house, 24:18 and let the one who is in the field not turn behind to take his garments. 24:19 But woe to the ones who are holding a child in their womb {i.e., pregnant} and to the ones who are nursing in those days! 24:20 But pray° in-order-that your° flight might not happen in winter, nor on a Sabbath. 24:21 For* then will be great affliction, such-as has not happened from the beginning of the world until now, nor should never happen again. 24:22 And except those days were shortened, not any flesh would have been saved, but because of the chosen, those days will be shortened. 24:23 Then if anyone says to you°, Behold, here is the Christ; or, over here is the Christ. Do° not believe it. 24:24 For* false* Christs and false* prophets will be raised and will be giving great signs and wonders; so-then to mislead, if possible, even the chosen. 24:25 Behold, I have said to you° beforehand. 24:26 Therefore, if they say to you°, Behold, he is in the wilderness; do° not go. Behold, he is in the storerooms; do° not believe it.
24:27 For* just-like the lightning comes from the east and appears insofar as the west; so also will be the presence of the Son of Man.
24:28 For* wherever the corpse is, the vultures will be gathered together there.
{Mat 24:27, 24:29-31 & Mar 13:24-37 & Luk 21:25-28 & Acts 1:11 & 1Th 4:13-17 & 2Th 1:7-9 & 1Co 15:51-15:58 & Rev 1:7 Second Coming.}
24:29 But immediately after the affliction of those days, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not be giving her radiance, and the stars will be falling from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken; 24:30 and then the sign of the Son of Man will be appearing in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will be grieving, and they will be seeing the Son of Man coming upon the clouds of heaven with power and with much glory. 24:31 And he will be sending forth his messengers with a loud voice of a trumpet, and they will be gathering together his chosen from the four winds, from the tips of the heavens insofar as the tips of them.
{Mat 24:32-35 & Mar 13:28-31 & Luk 21:29-33 Destruction of Jerusalem AD 70.}
24:32 Now learn° from the fig tree its parable: whenever her branch already becomes tender and whenever the leaves may spring forth, you° know that the summer is near; 24:33 so also you°, whenever you° see all these things, know° that it is near, even at the doors. 24:34 Assuredly I am saying to you°, This generation should never pass-away, until all these things should happen. 24:35 The heaven and the earth will pass-away, but my words should never pass-away.
{Mat 24:36-44 & Mar 13:32-37 & Luk 21:34-36 Second Coming.}
24:36 But concerning that day and hour, no one knows, neither the messengers of the heavens, except my Father only. 24:37 But just-like the days of Noah were, so will the presence of the Son of Man also be. 24:38 For* just-like in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and being betrothed, till the day of which Noah entered into the ark, 24:39 and they did not know until the flood came and took them all away; so also will be the presence of the Son of Man. 24:40 Then two men will be in the field; the one is taken and the one is left. 24:41 Two women will be grinding in the mill-house; the one is taken and the one is left. 24:42 Therefore, watch°, because you° do not know in what hour your° Lord is coming. 24:43 But know° this, that if the householder knew in what watch the thief is coming, he would have watched and would have not permitted his house wall to be burrowed through. 24:44 Because of this, you° also, become° prepared, because the Son of Man is coming in what hour you° do not think.
{Mat 24:45-51 & Luk 21:37.} {Mat 25:1-46 Mountain of Olives, Tues.}
24:45 Who then is the faithful and prudent bondservant, whom his lord designated over his bondservants, to give them their nourishment in season? 24:46 That fortunate bondservant, whom, when his lord had come, will find him doing* so. 24:47 Assuredly I am saying to you°, that he will be designating him over all his possessions. 24:48 But if that evil bondservant says in his heart, My lord is delaying to come; 24:49 and may begin to beat the fellow bondservants and to eat and drink with the drunken; 24:50 the lord of that bondservant will be coming in a day in which he is not expecting him, and in an hour which he does not know, 24:51 and will flog him, and will place his part with the hypocrites; the weeping and the gnashing of teeth will be there.
[Matthew 25] TOC
25:1 Then the kingdom of the heavens will be similar to ten virgins, who took their lamps and went forth to the encounter of the bridegroom. 25:2 Now five out-of them were prudent and five were foolish. 25:3 Those who were foolish, having taken their own lamps, took no oil with them; 25:4 but the prudent took oil in their containers with their lamps. 25:5 Now the bridegroom while he was delaying, they all slumbered and were sleeping. 25:6 But in the middle of the night, an outcry has happened, Behold, the bridegroom is coming! Go° forth to the encounter of him. 25:7 Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. 25:8 Now the foolish said to the prudent, Give° us some oil from your° oil, because our lamps are quenched. 25:9 But the prudent answered, saying, No, lest it might not be enough for us and you° too, but rather, travel° to the ones who sell and buy° for yourselves. 25:10 But while going away from them to buy, the bridegroom came, and the prepared ones entered with him to the marriage-festivities, and the door was locked. 25:11 But later the rest of the virgins also come, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. 25:12 But he answered and said, Assuredly I am saying to you°, I do not know you°. 25:13 Therefore, watch°, because you° do not know the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming.
25:14 For* it is just-like a man, going-abroad, who called his own bondservants and gave to them his possessions. 25:15 And to whom {i.e., ‘one’ all 3 places} he indeed gave five silver talants {84,000 dollars US}, but to whom two, and to whom one talant; to each according-to his own ability, and immediately he went-abroad. 25:16 Now he who received the five talants traveling away, took them and worked with* them, and made* another five talants. 25:17 Likewise*, he who also received the two also gained for him another two. 25:18 But he who received the one, having gone away, shoveled in the soil and hid his lord’s silver. 25:19 Now after much time, the lord of those bondservants comes back, and settles the account with them. 25:20 And he who received the five talants came near and brought the other five talants, saying, Lord, You gave to me five talants. Behold, I gained another five talants over them.
25:21 But his lord said to him, Well done, good and faithful bondservant. You were faithful over a few things, I will be designating you over many things; enter into the joy of your lord.
25:22 Now he who also received the two talants came near and said, Lord, You gave to me two talants. Behold, I gained another two talants over them.
25:23 His lord said to him, Well done, good and faithful bondservant. You were faithful over a few things, I will be designating you over many things; enter into the joy of your lord.
25:24 Now he who also had received the one talant came near and said, Lord, I knew you, that you are a harsh man, reaping where you did not sow and gathering from where you did not scatter; 25:25 and I was afraid and went away and hid your talant in the soil. Behold, you have yours.
25:26 But his lord answered and said to him, Evil and lazy bondservant, you knew that I reap where I did not sow and gather from where I did not scatter? 25:27 Therefore, it was essential for you to put my silver with the bankers, and when I came back, I would get back mine for myself together-with interest. 25:28 Therefore, take° the talant from him and give° it to the one who has the ten talants. 25:29 For* to everyone who has, will be given more, and he will abound, but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken from him. 25:30 And cast° forth the useless bondservant into the outer darkness; the weeping and the gnashing of teeth will be there.
25:31 But whenever the Son of Man comes in his glory and all the holy messengers with him, then he will be sitting upon the throne of his glory; 25:32 and all the nations will be gathered before him, and he will be separating* them one from another, just-like the shepherd separates* the sheep from the young-goats; 25:33 and he will indeed stand the sheep at his right, but the young-goats at the left.
25:34 Then the King will be saying to the ones at his right, Come-here°, the ones who have been blessed from my Father, inherit° the kingdom which has been prepared for you° from the conception of the world: 25:35 for* I was hungry and you° gave me food to eat; I was thirsty and you° delivered to me a drink; I was a stranger and you° brought* me in; 25:36 I was naked and you° dressed me; I was sick and you° visited me; I was in prison and you° came to me.
25:37 Then the righteous will answer him, saying, Lord, when did we see you hungry and nourish you? Or thirsty and delivered to you a drink? 25:38 But when did we see you as a stranger and we brought* you in? Or naked and dressed you? 25:39 But when did we see you sick or in prison and came to you?
25:40 And when the King has answered, he will say to them, Assuredly I am saying to you°, Inasmuch as you° did* it to one of these, my brethren, even the least, you° did* it to me.
25:41 Then he will also say to the ones at the left, Travel° away from me, the ones who have been cursed into the everlasting fire which has been prepared for the devil and his messengers: 25:42 for* I was hungry and you° did not give me anything to eat; I was thirsty and you° delivered to me nothing to drink; 25:43 I was a stranger and you° did not bring* me in; naked and you° did not dress me; sick and in prison and you° did not visit me.
25:44 Then they themselves will also answer, saying, Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty, or as a stranger or naked, or sick or in prison, and did not serve you?
25:45 Then he will answer them, saying, Assuredly I am saying to you°, Inasmuch as you° did* it not to one of these, the least, neither did* you° do it to me. 25:46 And these will be going away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into everlasting life.
[Matthew 26] TOC
{Mar 14:1-2 & Mat 26:1-5 & Luk 22:1-2 mountain Olives, Bethany, Jerusalem, Tues Evening, Wed. for the Jews.}
26:1 And it happened, when Jesus had completed all these words, he said to his disciples, 26:2 You° know that after two days the Passover happens and the Son of Man is given up, *that* he might be crucified.
26:3 Then the high-priests and the scribes and the elders of the people were gathered together to the courtyard of the high-priest, the one being called* Caiaphas; 26:4 and they planned together in-order-that they might take-hold of Jesus with treachery, and might kill him. 26:5 But they were saying, Not at the feast, in-order-that an uproar among the people might not happen.
{Mar 14:3-9 & Mat 26:6-13.}
26:6 Now after Jesus came* into Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper, 26:7 a woman came to him, having an alabaster flask of precious perfume, and she poured it upon his head when he was reclining at the table. 26:8 But after his disciples saw it, they were indignant, saying, To what purpose is this waste? 26:9 For* this perfume was able to be sold* for much and given to the poor.
26:10 But Jesus having known, said to them, Why are you° harassing the woman? For* she has worked a good work *for me. 26:11 For* you° always have the poor with yourselves, but you° do not always have me. 26:12 For* when this woman put this perfume upon my body, she did* it in-order-to bury me. 26:13 Assuredly I am saying to you°, Wherever this good-news might be preached in the whole world, what this woman did*, will also be spoken of *for her memorial.
{Mar 14:10-11 & Mat 26:14-16 & Luk 22:3-6 & Joh 12:2-8.}
26:14 Then one of the twelve, who is called* Judas Iscariot, traveling on to the high-priests 26:15 and said, What are you° willing to give me and I will be giving him up to you°? Now they weighed out thirty pieces of silver for him. 26:16 And he was seeking an opportunity from then onward in-order-that he might give him to them.
{Mar 14:12-17 & Mat 26:17-20 & Luk 22:7-18, 22:24-30 Bethany to Jerusalem Thur. Evening.}
26:17 Now on the first day of unleavened bread, the disciples came to Jesus, saying to him, Where do you wish that we will prepare the Passover for you to eat?
26:18 Now he said, Proceed° into the city to a certain-person, and say° to him, The Teacher says, My time is near. I am making* the Passover with you at your house with my disciples. 26:19 And the disciples did* as Jesus commanded them, and they prepared the Passover.
{Mar 14:18-21, 14:27-31 & Mat 26:21-25, 26:31-35 & Luk 22:21-23, 22:31-38 & Joh 13:21-38.}
26:20 Now after it became evening, he was reclining at the table with the twelve.
26:21 And while they themselves are eating, he said, Assuredly I am saying to you°, that one out-of you° will be giving me up.
26:22 And they were extremely sorrowful, and each of them began to say to him, I am not the one, am I, Lord?
26:23 But he answered and said, He who dipped his hand with me in the dish, this one will be giving me up to the Jews. 26:24 The Son of Man indeed is proceeding-away, just-as it has been written concerning him, but woe to that man through whom the Son of Man is given up! It was {i.e., would be} good for him if that man was not ever born. {Psa 22:1-31?}
26:25 Now Judas (the one giving him up to the Jews), answered and said, I am not the one, am I rabbi?
He says to him, You have said so.
{Mar 14:22-25 & Mat 26:26-29 & Luk 22:19-20, 1Co 11:23-26.}
26:26 Now while they themselves are eating, Jesus, took the bread. Having given-thanks, he broke it, and was giving it to the disciples and said, Take°, eat°; this is my body. 26:27 And having taken the cup and given-thanks, he gave it to them, saying, Drink° from it, all of you°; 26:28 for* this is my blood of the new covenant*, which is poured out concerning many into the forgiveness of sins. 26:29 But I am saying to you°, I should never drink from this fruit of the vine from now on, until that day whenever I drink it new with you° in my Father’s kingdom.
{Mar 14:26, 14:32-42 & Mat 26:30, 26:36-46 & Luk 22:39-46 & Joh 18:1 Garden between Stream of Kidron and Mountain of Olives, Late Thur. night.}
26:30 And having sung a hymn, they went forth to the Mountain of Olives.
{See Mat 26:31-35 above.}
26:31 Then Jesus says to them, All of you° will be offended at me this night; for* it has been written, I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered. {Zec 13:7} 26:32 But after the time for me to be raised, I will be preceding you° into Galilee.
26:33 But Peter answered and said to him, If all will be offended at you; but I will never be offended.
26:34 Jesus said to him, Assuredly I am saying to you that in this night, before the rooster is to crow, you will be denying me three-times.
26:35 Peter says to him, Even if it is essential for me to die together-with you, I should never deny you. And all the disciples said likewise.
{See Mat 26:30 above.}
26:36 Then Jesus comes to a parcel of ground with them, called* Gethsemane, and says to the disciples, Sit° over there, until which time I have gone and might pray there*. 26:37 And he took Peter and the two sons of Zebedee and began to be sorrowful and to be disheartened. 26:38 Then Jesus says to them, My soul is very sorrowful until death. Remain° here and watch° with me.
26:39 And having gone a little further, he fell upon his face, praying and saying, My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass-away from me; however, not as I will, but as you will.
26:40 And he comes to the disciples and finds them sleeping and says to Peter, So, were you° not strong-enough to watch with me one hour? 26:41 Watch° and pray° in-order-that you° may not enter into temptation. The spirit is indeed eager, but the flesh is weak.
26:42 Having gone away again a second-time, he prayed, saying, My Father, if this cup is not able to pass from me, if I do not drink it, let your will happen.
26:43 And he came again and finds them sleeping, for* their eyes were heavy. 26:44 And having left them again, he went away and prayed a third-time, and said again the same speech.
26:45 Then he comes to his disciples and says to them, Are you° furthermore sleeping the time away and resting yourselves? Behold, the hour has drawn near, and the Son of Man is given up into the hands of sinners. 26:46 Arise°, we should be proceeding. Behold, the one giving me up to the Jews has drawn near.
{Mar 14:43-52 & Mat 26:47-56 & Luk 22:47-53 & Joh 18:2-11 Gethsemane, Fri. a few hours before dawn.}
26:47 And while still speaking, behold, Judas, one of the twelve, came and with him, a large crowd with swords and clubs, from the high-priests and elders of the people. 26:48 Now the one giving him up, gave them a sign, saying, Whomever I kiss; it is him; take-hold° of him. 26:49 And immediately he came near to Jesus and said, Hail, rabbi. And he kissed him.
26:50 But Jesus said to him, Comrade, upon what purpose are you here? Then they came near and put hands upon Jesus and took-hold of him. 26:51 And behold, one of the ones who was with Jesus stretched out his hand and pulled the sword, and struck the bondservant of the high-priest, and took off his ear.
26:52 Then Jesus says to him, Return your sword into its place; for* all the ones who have taken up the sword will be dying with* the sword. 26:53 Or do you think that I am not able now to plead with my Father and he will not stand beside me with more than twelve legions of messengers? 26:54 Therefore, how might the Scriptures be fulfilled, that it is essential to happen as thus?
26:55 Jesus said to the crowds in that hour, Why did you° come forth with swords and clubs to take me, like against a robber? I was sitting daily with you° in the temple, teaching, and you° have not taken-hold of me. 26:56 But this whole thing has happened in-order-that the Scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled. Then all the disciples left him and fled.
{Mar 14:53 & Mat 26:57 & Luk 22:54a & Joh 18:24 Palace of Caiaphas, before dawn.}
26:57 Now the ones who took-hold of Jesus led him away to the house of Caiaphas the high-priest, where the scribes and the elders were gathered together.
{Mar 14:54 & Mat 26:58 & Luk 22:54b-62 & Joh 18:15-18 Courtyard of High Priest’s residence, Fri. around dawn.}
26:58 But Peter was following him from afar until the courtyard of the high-priest, and entered inside, and was sitting with the attendants, to see the end.
{Mar 14:55-65 & Mat 26:59-68 & Luk 22:63-65.}
26:59 Now the high-priests and the elders and the whole council were seeking false* testimony against Jesus, how they might slay him; 26:60 and they did not find any, even though many false* witnesses came. Still, they did not find any. 26:61 But later, two false* witnesses came near and said, This one was saying, I am able to tear-down the temple of God and to build it again through {i.e., in} three days.
26:62 And the high-priest, having stood up, said to him, Are you answering nothing? What are these witnesses testifying against you? 26:63 But Jesus was silent. And the high-priest answered and said to him, I implore you before the living God in-order-that you should tell us if you are the Christ, the Son of God?
26:64 Jesus says to him, You have said so. However I am saying to you°, From now on, you° will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of power, and coming upon the clouds of heaven.
26:65 Then the high-priest ripped his garments, saying, He blasphemed. Why do we still have need of witnesses? Behold, now you° have heard his blasphemy. 26:66 What are you° thinking?
And they answered and said, He is liable of death. 26:67 Then they spat at his face and battered him, and some slapped him, 26:68 saying, Prophesy to us, Christ. Who is he who struck you?
{Mar 14:66-72 & Mat 26:69-75 & Luk 22:55-62 & Joh 18:25-27.}
26:69 Now Peter was sitting outside in the courtyard, and one maidservant came to him, saying, You were also with Jesus the Galilean.
26:70 But he denied it before them all, saying, I do not know what you are saying.
26:71 Now having gone forth into the gate area, another one saw him, and says to them there, This one was also with Jesus of the Nazarenes.
26:72 And again he denied with an oath, I do not know the man.
26:73 Now after a little while, the ones standing by, came near and said to Peter, You truly also are one out-of them; for* even your speech makes* it evident.
26:74 Then he began to curse and to swear, I do not know the man. And immediately, the rooster crowed. 26:75 And Peter was reminded of the declaration of Jesus, when he had said to him, Before the rooster is to crow, you will be denying me three-times. And having gone outside, he wept bitterly.
[Matthew 27] TOC
{Mar 15:1 & Mat 27:1-2 Luk 22:66-23:1 Joh 18:28a Jerusalem early Fri. morning.}
27:1 Now after it became morning, all the high-priests and the elders of the people took a council against Jesus so-as to slay him; 27:2 and having bound him, they led him away and gave him up to Pontius Pilate the governor.
{Mat 27:3-10 & Acts 1:18-19 Fri. morning and toward the future.}
27:3 Then Judas (the one giving him up), after he saw that he was condemned, regretted and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the high-priests and the elders, 27:4 saying, I sinned, having given up innocent blood.
But they said, What is that to us? You will see. 27:5 And having tossed the pieces of silver in the temple, he departed. And having gone away, he hung-himself.
27:6 Now the high-priests took the pieces of silver and said, It is not legal to put them into the depository, since it is the price of blood. 27:7 Now they took a council and bought from them the potter’s field, *for the burial of strangers. 27:8 Hence until today, that field was called, The Field of Blood. 27:9 Then what was spoken through Jeremiah the prophet was fulfilled, saying, ‘And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of the one who had been priced, whom some of the sons from Israel priced for themselves; 27:10 and they gave them *for the potter’s field, just-as the Lord commanded me.’ {Jer 32:6-9}
{Mar 15:2-5 & Mat 27:11-14 & Luk 23:2-5 & Joh 18:28b-38 Jerusalem early Fri. morning.}
27:11 Now Jesus stood before the governor and the governor asked him, saying, Are you the King of the Jews?
Now Jesus said to him, You speak it correctly. 27:12 And while* he himself was accused by the high-priests and the elders, he answered nothing.
27:13 Then Pilate says to him, Do you not hear how-many things they are testifying against you? 27:14 And he did not answer him, not even with one word; so-then making the governor to marvel exceedingly.
{Mar 15:6-19 & Mat 27:15-30 & Joh 18:39-19:16 Fri., April 7, 30AD.}
27:15 Now the governor had been accustomed every Passover feast to release one prisoner to the crowd, whom they were wishing for. 27:16 Now then they were holding a notable prisoner called* Barabbas. 27:17 Therefore, having been gathered together, Pilate said to them, Whom do you° wish that I may release to you°? Barabbas or Jesus who is called* Christ? 27:18 For* he knew that they gave him up because of envy.
27:19 Now while sitting upon the judicial-seat, his wife sent to him, saying, Have nothing between you and that righteous man; for* I suffered many things today in a dream because of him.
27:20 Now the high-priests and the elders persuaded the crowds in-order-that they should ask for Barabbas and should destroy Jesus. 27:21 But the governor answered and said to them, Whom do you° wish that I may release to you° from the two?
But they said, Barabbas!
27:22 Pilate says to them, Therefore, what should I do* to Jesus who is called* Christ?
They all say to him, Let him be crucified!
27:23 But the governor said, For* what evil did he do*?
But they were crying out even-more, saying, Let him be crucified!
27:24 Pilate saw he is profiting nothing, but rather that an uproar is happening, took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd, saying, I am innocent from the blood of this righteous man; you° will see to it.
27:25 And all the people answered and said, His blood is upon us and upon our children.
27:26 Then he released to them Barabbas, but having scourged Jesus, he gave him up in-order-that he should be crucified.
27:27 Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the palace and gathered together the whole cohort {600 soldiers} upon him. 27:28 And having stripped him, they placed a scarlet cloak around him. 27:29 And having braided a crown from thorns, they placed it upon his head and a reed upon his right hand, and they knelt down before him and were mocking him, saying, Hail, King of the Jews! 27:30 And having spat at him, they took the reed and were beating it into his head.
{Mar 15:20-23 & Mat 27:31-34 & Luk 23:26-33 & Joh 19:17 Road to the Cross, Fri. morning.}
27:31 And when they had mocked him, they stripped the cloak off him and clothed him with his own garments and led him away, *that* they should crucify him.
27:32 Now while going forth, they found a man from Cyrene, Simon by name. They compelled this one to go with them in-order-that he might lift up his cross.
27:33 And they came to a place called* Golgotha, which is called*, the place of a skull; 27:34 they gave him vinegar to drink, having been mixed with gall. And having tasted it, he was not willing to drink it.
{Mar 15:24-32 & Mat 27:35-44 & Luk 23:33-43 & Joh 19:18-27 9:00 until Noon, Fri.}
27:35 Now having crucified him, ‘they divided his garments, casting a lot’; {T} in-order-that the Scripture might be fulfilled, which says, ‘They divided my garments among them and they cast a lot for my garment.’ {Psa 22.18} 27:36 And sitting down, they were guarding him there. 27:37 And they placed above his head an accusation which had been written, This Jesus is the King of the Jews. 27:38 Then two robbers are crucified together-with him, one at the right and one at the left. 27:39 Now the ones who are traveling by were blaspheming him, wagging their heads, 27:40 and saying, He who tears-down the temple and builds it in three days, save yourself. If you are the Son of God, come-down from the cross.
27:41 Now likewise, also the high-priests with the scribes and elders and Pharisees, mocking him, and were saying, 27:42 He saved others, yet he is not able to save himself. If he is the King of Israel; let him come-down now from the cross and we will believe in him. 27:43 He has confidence upon God. Let him rescue him now, if he is willing to save him; for* he said, I am the Son of God. 27:44 Now the robbers who were also crucified together-with him were reproaching him with the same thing.
{Mar 15:34 & Mat 27:45 & Luk 23:44 around Noon.}
27:45 Now darkness became upon all the earth from the sixth hour until the ninth hour {i.e., Noon until 3:00 PM; Amos 8:8-9?}.
{Mar 15:34-41 & Mat 27:46-56 & Luk 23:45-49 & Joh 19:28-30 around 5:00 PM.}
27:46 Now around the ninth hour {i.e., 3:00 PM} Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? This is: ‘My God, my God, why did you forsake me?’ {Psa 22:1}
27:47 But some of the ones standing there, after they heard it, were saying, This one is summoning Elijah. 27:48 And immediately one out-of them ran, took a sponge and filled it from the vinegar vessel and placed it around a reed and was delivering a drink to him.
27:49 But the rest were saying, Allow it, that we may see if Elijah comes; he will save him.
27:50 Now Jesus, having cried again with a loud voice, his spirit left. 27:51 And behold, the curtain of the temple was split-apart into two pieces, from the top to the bottom, and the earth was shaken, and the rocks were split-apart; 27:52 and the tombs were opened, and many bodies of the holy-ones who had fallen-asleep were raised.
27:53 And having gone forth out-of the tombs after his awakening, they entered into the holy city and were manifesting themselves to many.
27:54 Now the centurion and the ones guarding Jesus with him, having seen the earthquake and the things which happened, were extremely afraid, saying, This one truly was the Son of God. 27:55 Now many women were there viewing from afar, who had followed Jesus from Galilee, serving him: 27:56 among whom was Mary the Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Joses and the mother of the sons of Zebedee.
{Mar 15:42-47 & Mat 27:57-66 & Luk 23:50-56 & Joh 19:31-42 Before The Sabbath.}
27:57 Now after it became evening, a rich man came from Arimathaea, named Joseph, who also made himself a disciple to Jesus. 27:58 This one having gone to Pilate, asked for the body of Jesus. Then Pilate commanded the body to be given up. 27:59 And Joseph took the body and entwined it in a clean linen cloth, 27:60 and placed it in his new tomb, which he had hewed out in the rock and he rolled a great stone in the doorway of the tomb and went away. 27:61 Now Mary the Magdalene and the other Mary were there, sitting in front of the burial chamber.
27:62 Now on the next-day, which is the day after the Preparation, the high-priests and the Pharisees were gathered together to Pilate, 27:63 saying, Lord, we have remembered what that misleader said while still living, I am raised after three days. 27:64 Therefore, command that the burial chamber is to be made secure until the third day, lest his disciples, having come by night, might steal him away and might say to the people, He was raised from the dead and the last deceit will be worse than the first.
27:65 Now Pilate said to them, You° have a sentry. Proceed° away, make° it as secure as you° know how. 27:66 Now traveling away, they secured the burial chamber, having sealed the stone, and with the sentry.
[Matthew 28] TOC
{Mar 16:1-8 & Mat 28:1-8 & Luk 24:1-8, 12 & Joh 20:1-10 Dawn and very early Sun.}
28:1 Now after the Sabbath, as it was dawning toward the first daylight of the week, Mary the Magdalene and the other Mary came to view the burial chamber. 28:2 And behold, a great earthquake happened; for* a messenger of the Lord descended out-of heaven, who came near and rolled away the stone from the door and was sitting upon it. 28:3 His form was like lightning and his clothing was white like snow; 28:4 and the ones guarding the door, were shaken from the fear of him and became like dead men.
28:5 Now the messenger answered and said to the women, Do° not be afraid; for* I know that you° are seeking Jesus, who has been crucified. 28:6 He is not here; for* he was raised, just-as he said. Come-here°, behold° the place where the Lord was laying. 28:7 And traveling quickly, say° to his disciples, He was raised from the dead, and behold, he is preceding you° into Galilee; you° will be seeing him there. Behold, I have said this to you°.
28:8 And having gone forth quickly from the tomb with fear and great joy, they ran to report to his disciples.
{Mar 16:9-11 & Mat 28:9-10 & Luk 24:9-11 & Joh 20:11-18.}
28:9 Now as they were traveling to also report it to his disciples, behold, Jesus encountered them, saying, Rejoice°! But they came and took-hold of his feet and worshiped him. 28:10 Then Jesus says to them, Do° not be afraid. Proceed° away; report° to my brethren in-order-that they might go into Galilee and they will be seeing me there.
{Mat 28:11-15 Sun. Morning; no parallel.}
28:11 Now while they are traveling, behold, some of the sentry came into the city and reported to the high-priests all the things which had happened. 28:12 And having been gathered together with the elders and having taken council, they gave a considerable amount of silver to the soldiers, 28:13 saying, Say°: the disciples stole him from us, being fallen-asleep, after they came from the night. 28:14 And if this thing is heard of over at the governor, we will be persuading him and will be making* you° carefree. 28:15 Having taken the silver, they did* like they were taught and this speech was broadcasted with the Jews and is continuing till today.
{Mat 28:16-17 & 1Co 15:6 Mountain in Galilee.}
28:16 But the eleven disciples traveled into Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had appointed to them. 28:17 And having seen him, they worshiped him, but they were skeptical.
{Mar 16:15-18 & Mat 28:18-20 & Luk 24:46-47 Mountain in Galilee; The Great Commission.}
28:18 And Jesus came near and spoke to them, saying, All authority was given to me in heaven and upon earth.
28:19 When traveling, make° disciples of all the nations, immersing* them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 28:20 teaching them to observe all things, as many things as I commanded you°, and behold, I am with you° all the days until the end of the world.
{{ Introduction to Mark 45-52 AD.
The book of Mark, better titled as ‘The Good-news According to Mark,’ was written for a Roman audience. The author of the book does not identify himself, but the early Christian congregations attributed the authorship to John Mark, cousin of Barnabas and possibly Peter’s son. It is fast paced and should have been the first book of the New Testament. With this in mind, many feel this gospel was written primarily to the Romans who were very industrious and proud of their achievements. Jesus’ heroic service to others and His willingness to die for others would attract Roman attention too. The Romans were not interested in lots of extra details, nor were they too concerned about prophecies contained in Jewish writings from hundreds of years earlier (Mark only quotes three Old Testament prophecies). Mark even disregards many instances of special Jewish interest and explains Jewish customs and language for non-Jewish readers (5:41; 7:34; 15:34). Mark gives us one of the three reasons for Jesus’ death: A ransom for many - 10:45. For the forgiveness of sins - Matthew 26:28. For the sheep - John 10:11. Isaiah 52:13-53:12 is the very relevant background for this Good-news book. The events in Mark are held by scholars to be in chronological order. Starting from His immersion (baptism) Mark portrays Jesus as a Man constantly on the move for God, with the word ‘immediately’ appearing 42 times in this book, the shortest of the Good-news accounts. Percentage-wise, Mark spends more time dealing with the final week of Jesus’ life than any of the other Good-news writers. The final instructions given by Jesus after His resurrection, in this biography, are to ‘preach the good-news to the whole creation. He who believes and is immersed will be saved, but he who disbelieves will be condemned’ (Mark 16:15-16).}}
[Mark 1] TOC
{Harmony of the New Covenant}
{Joh 1:1-18 Jesus’ Deity.}
{Luk 1:1-4 Introduction.}
{Mat 1:1-17 & Luk 3:23-28 Genealogy.}
{Luk 1:5-25 Jerusalem 6 BC.}
{Luk 1:26-38 Nazareth 5 BC.}
{Luk 1:39-80 Hill region of Judea, 5 BC.}
{Mat 1:18-25 Nazareth 5 BC.}
{Luk 2:1-20 Bethlehem 5 BC.}
{Luk 2:21-39a Temple at Jerusalem 4 BC.}
{Mat 2:1-12 Jerusalem & Bethlehem 4 BC.}
{Mat 2:13-18 Leaving for Egypt 4 BC.}
{Mat 2:19-23 & Luk 2:39b Egypt & Nazareth 4 BC.}
{Luk 2:40-52 Nazareth and Jerusalem 7 or 8 AD.}
{Mar 1:1-8 & Mat 3:1-12 & Luk 3:1-18. Judea near Jordan River 25 or 26 AD.}
1:1 The beginning of the good-news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. 1:2 As it has been written in the prophets, ‘Behold, I send my messenger before your face, who will be preparing your way.’ {Mal 3:1} 1:3 ‘The voice of one crying in the wilderness, prepare° the way of the Lord; make*° his paths straight.’ {Isa 40:3} 1:4 John came*, immersing* in the wilderness and preaching the immersion* of repentance into the forgiveness of sins. 1:5 And all the region of Judea and those from Jerusalem were traveling out to him, and all were being immersed* by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins. 1:6 Now John was eating locusts and wild honey, having clothed himself with camel’s hair, and a leather belt around his loin.
1:7 And he was preaching, saying, He is coming after me, the mightier one than I. I am not sufficient, having stooped down, to loose the strap of his shoes. 1:8 I indeed immersed* you° in water, but he himself will immerse* you° in the Holy Spirit.
{Mar 1:9-11 & Mat 3:13-17 Luk 3:21-22 Jordan east of Jericho, Spring 27 AD.}
1:9 And it happened in those days, that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was immersed* by John into the Jordan. 1:10 And immediately coming-up from the water, he saw the heavens being split-apart, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon him. 1:11 And a voice came* out-of the heavens, You are my beloved Son, in whom I am delighted.
{Mar 1:12-13 & Mat 4:1-11 & Luk 4:1-13.}
1:12 And immediately the Spirit cast him forth into the wilderness. 1:13 And he was there in the wilderness for forty days, being tempted by the Adversary, and he was with the beasts, and the messengers were serving him.
{Joh 1:19-34 Bethany beyond Jordan, Feb. 27 AD.} {Joh 1:35-51 Bethany beyond Jordan, Spring 27 AD.} {Joh 2:1-11 Cana in Galilee.} {Joh 2:12 Capernaum.} {Joh 2:13-25 Jerusalem April 9, 27 AD.} {Joh 3:1-21.} {Joh 3:22-36 Judea and Aenon.}
{Mar 1:14a & Mat 4:12 & Luk 3:19-20 & Joh 4:1-4 Judea to Galilee.}{Joh 4:5-43 Jacob’s Well and at Sychar.} {Luk 4:14a & Joh 4:44-45 Arrival in Galilee.}
1:14 Now after John was given up,
{Mar 1:14b-15 & Mat 4:17 & Luk 4:14b-15.}
Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the good-news of the kingdom of God, 1:15 and saying, The time has been fulfilled and the kingdom of God has drawn near. Repent° and believe° in the good-news.
{Joh 4:46-54 Cana.} {Luk 4:16-31.} {Mat 4:13-16 Capernaum.}
{Mar 1:16-20 & Mat 4:18-22 & Luk 5:1-11 Sea of Galilee near Capernaum.}
1:16 Now walking beside the sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew his brother, who are Simon’s sons, casting a net in the sea; for* they were fishermen. 1:17 And Jesus said to them, Come-here° after me and I will make* you° to become fishermen of men. 1:18 And immediately they left their nets and followed him. 1:19 And having advanced a few feet from there, he saw James and John his brother, the sons of Zebedee, and they were in the ship mending the nets. 1:20 And immediately he called them, and they left their father Zebedee with the hired-servants in the ship and went after him.
{Mar 1:21-28 & Luk 4:31-37 Capernaum.}
1:21 And they travel into Capernaum, and he immediately entered into the synagogue on the Sabbath and was teaching. 1:22 And they were being astounded at his teaching; for* he was teaching them like one having authority and not like the scribes.
1:23 And a man was in their synagogue in him was an unclean spirit, and he cried out, 1:24 saying, Ah! What is this thing with us and with you, Jesus the Nazarene? Did you come to destroy us? I know you, I know who you are, the Holy One of God.
1:25 And Jesus rebuked it, saying, Hush and come forth out-of him.
1:26 And the unclean spirit went forth out-of him, having convulsed him and having cried out with a loud voice. 1:27 And they were all amazed, so-then they began to debate together-with themselves, saying, What is this thing? What new teaching is this that he commands even the unclean spirits according-to God’s authority, and they are obeying* him?
1:28 Now the report of him went forth immediately, into the whole region around Galilee.
{Mar 1:29-34 & Mat 8:14-17 & Luk 4:38-41 Capernaum.}
1:29 And immediately, they came forth out-of the synagogue, and they came into the house of Simon and Andrew, with James and John. 1:30 Now Simon’s mother-in-law was reclining, fevered, and immediately they speak to him concerning her. 1:31 And he came near and lifted her up, having taken-hold of her hand, and immediately the fever left her and she was serving them.
1:32 Now after it became evening, when the sun set, they were bringing to him all who have an illness and the ones being demon-possessed. 1:33 And the whole city was being gathered together next to the door. 1:34 And he healed many having an illness with various diseases, and cast forth many demons, and he was not allowing the demons to speak, because they knew him.
{Mar 1:35-39 & Mat 4:23-25 & Luk 4:42-44 Preaching through Galilee.}
1:35 And exceedingly early, having risen* up in the morning, while yet at night, he came forth and went away into a desolate place, and he was praying there. 1:36 And Simon, and the ones with him, pursued him; 1:37 and having found him, they say to him, All are seeking you.
1:38 And he says to them, We should be proceeding into the next towns in-order-that I should also preach there, for* I have come *for this purpose. 1:39 And he was preaching and casting forth demons in their synagogues in the whole of Galilee.
{Mar 1:40-45 & Mat 8:2-4 & Luk 5:12-16.}
1:40 And a leper comes to him, pleading with him, and kneeling down to him and saying to him, If you are willing, you are able to cleanse me.
1:41 Now Jesus, having compassion on him, stretched out his hand, touched him and says to him, I am willing. Be cleansed. 1:42 And having said that, the leprosy immediately went away from him and he was cleansed. 1:43 And having scolded him, he immediately put him forth, 1:44 and says to him, See that you say nothing to anyone, but proceed-away; show yourself to the priest, and offer the thing which Moses commanded concerning your cleansing *for a testimony to them. {Lev 13:49, 14:2-4} 1:45 But he went forth and began to preach it much, and to broadcast the word, so-then he {i.e., Jesus} was no longer able to openly enter into the city, but was outside in desolate places, and they were coming to him from everywhere.
[Mark 2] TOC
{Mar 2:1-12 & Mat 9:2-8 & Luk 5:17-26.}
2:1 And he again entered into Capernaum after several days, and it was heard that he is in a house there. 2:2 And immediately many were gathered together, so-then it was no longer possible to make room, not even next to the door, and he was speaking the word to them.
2:3 And they come, carrying to him a paralytic, lifted up by four men. 2:4 And not being able to draw near to him because of the crowd, they unroofed the roof where he was. And they shoveled a hole in it, and lower the pallet upon which the paralytic was laying. 2:5 Now Jesus saw their faith {Or: belief; and throughout the N.T.} and says to the paralytic, Child, your sins have been forgiven to you.
2:6 But some of the scribes were sitting there and reasoning in their hearts, 2:7 Why is this one speaking blasphemies so? Who is able to forgive sins except one, our God?
2:8 And immediately Jesus, having fully known in his spirit that they reason so in themselves, said to them, Why are you° reasoning these things in your° hearts? 2:9 What is easier to say to the paralytic, Your sins have been forgiven; or to say, Lift yourself up, and take up your pallet and walk? 2:10 But in-order-that you° may know that the Son of Man has authority upon the earth to forgive sins (he says to the paralytic), 2:11 I say to you, Lift yourself up, and take up pallet and proceed-away to your house.
2:12 And he immediately arose, and having lifted up the pallet, went forth in front of them all; so-then for all to be astonished and to glorify God, saying, We never saw this happen so.
{Mar 2:13-14 & Mat 9:9 & Luk 5:27-28 At or near Capernaum.}
2:13 And he went forth again beside the sea, and all the crowd was coming to him and he was teaching them. 2:14 And passing by, he saw Levi the son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax-office, and he says to him, Follow me. And he stood up and followed him.
{Mar 2:15-22 & Mat 9:10-17 & Luk 5:29-39 Capernaum.}
2:15 And it happened, while* he was reclining at a meal in his house, many tax collectors and sinners were also reclining together-with Jesus and his disciples; for* many were there, and they followed him. 2:16 And the scribes and the Pharisees, having seen him eating with the tax collectors and sinners, were saying to his disciples, Why is it that he is eating and drinking with tax collectors and sinners?
2:17 And after Jesus heard it, he says to them, The ones who are strong have no need of a physician, but the ones who are ill. I came, not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
2:18 And the disciples of John, and the ones of the Pharisees, were fasting, and they come and say to him, Why do the disciples of John and the ones of the Pharisees fast, but your disciples do not fast?
2:19 And Jesus said to them, The sons of the bridal-party {companions or guests} are not able to fast at which time the bridegroom is with them, are they? Inasmuch time as they have the bridegroom with themselves, they are not able to fast. 2:20 But the days will come, whenever the bridegroom is taken away from them and then they will be fasting in those days. 2:21 And no one sews a patch of unshrunk fabric upon an old garment; otherwise its fullness shrinks and lifts the new patch up from the old one and a worse split happens. 2:22 And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; otherwise the new wine will burst the wineskins, and the wine is poured out and the wineskins will be destroyed, but new wine is put into new wineskins.
{Joh 5:1-47 Jerusalem probably the Passover.} {Mar 2:23-28 & Mat 12:1-8 & Luk 6:1-5 Jerusalem to Galilee.}
2:23 And he himself happened to travel on the Sabbath through the grain-fields, and his disciples began to make* their way plucking the tops. 2:24 And the Pharisees were saying to him, Behold, why are they doing* what is not legal on the Sabbath?
2:25 And he said to them, Have you° never read what David did*, when he himself had need, being hungry, and the ones with him ? 2:26 How he entered into the house of God in the days of Abiathar the high-priest and ate the showbread, which is not legal to eat, except for the priests, and he also gave it to the ones who being together-with him? {1Sam 21:6} 2:27 And he said to them, The Sabbath came* to be because of man and not man because of the Sabbath; 2:28 so-then, the Son of Man is lord even of the Sabbath.
[Mark 3] TOC
{Mar 3:1-6 & Mat 12:9-14 & Luk 6:6-11 Probably Galilee.}
3:1 And he entered again into the synagogue, and a man having a dried up hand was there. 3:2 And they were observing him, if he will heal him on the Sabbath, in-order-that they might accuse him. 3:3 And he says to the man the one having the hand which had been dried up, You in the middle, lift yourself up! 3:4 And he says to them, Is it legal on the Sabbath to do good or to do* evil? To save a life or to kill? But they were silent. 3:5 And having looked around at them with anger, being sorrowful at the hardening of their heart, he says to the man, Stretch out your hand. And he stretched it out, and his hand was restored as healthy as the other. 3:6 And the Pharisees went forth and were immediately making* a council against him with the Herodians, how they might destroy him.
{Mar 3:7-12 & Mat 12:15-21 Sea of Galilee.}
3:7 And Jesus departed to the sea with his disciples, and a large multitude followed him from Galilee and from Judea, 3:8 and from Jerusalem and from Idumaea, and beyond-that of the Jordan, and the ones around Tyre and Sidon. This large multitude, having heard how-much he was doing*, came to him. 3:9 And he spoke to his disciples; in-order-that a small-boat should wait-on him because of the crowd, in-order-that they might not press against him. 3:10 For* he healed many; so-then as many as had disorders tried to fall upon him in-order-that they might touch him. 3:11 And the unclean spirits, whenever they were viewing him, were falling before him and were crying out, saying, You are the Son of God. 3:12 And he was rebuking them much in-order-that they might not make* him apparent.
{Mar 3:13-19a & Luk 6:12-16 Near Capernaum.}
3:13 And he goes-up into the mountain and is calling to himself whomever he was wishing, and they went to him. 3:14 And he made* the appointment of the twelve, in-order-that they might be with him and in-order-that he may send them forth to preach, 3:15 and to have authority to heal the diseases and to cast forth demons. 3:16 And he added the name Peter to Simon; 3:17 and James the son of Zebedee and John the brother of James, and he added to them the names Boanerges, which is, Sons of Thunder; 3:18 and Andrew and Philip and Bartholomew and Matthew and Thomas and James the son of Alphaeus and Thaddaeus and Simon the Canaanite, 3:19 and Judas Iscariot, who also gave him up to the Jews.
{Mat 5:1 & Luk 6:17-20.} {Mat 5:2-12 & Luk 6:20-26.} {Mat 5:13-16.} {Mat 5:17-48 & Luk 6:27-36.} {Mat 6:1-34.} {Mat 7:1-6 & Luk 6:37-42.} {Mat 7:7-11.} {Mat 7:12 & Luk 6:31.} {Mat 7:13-23 & Luk 6:43-45.} {Mat 7:24-29 & Luk 6:46-49.} {Mat 8:1, 8:5-13 & Luk 7:1-10 Capernaum.} {Luk 7:11-17 At Nain in Galilee.} {Mat 11:2-30 & Luk 7:18-35 Galilee.} {Luk 7:36-50 Galilee.} {Luk 8:1-3 Journeying in Galilee.}
{Mar 3:19b-30 & Mat 12:22-37.}
And they come into a house. 3:20 And a crowd comes together again, so-as for them to not even be able to eat bread. 3:21 And after the ones close beside him heard it, they went forth to take-hold of him; for* they were saying that he was crazy.
3:22 And the scribes that came-down from Jerusalem were saying, He has Beelzebub, and, He is casting forth the demons by the ruler of the demons.
3:23 And having called them, he was speaking to them in parables: How is the Adversary able to cast forth the Adversary? 3:24 And if a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom is not able to stand. 3:25 And if a house is divided against itself, that house is not able to stand. 3:26 And if the Adversary has stood up against himself, and has been divided, he is not able to stand, but has come to an end. 3:27 No one having entered into the house of the strong man is able to be ravening through his goods, if he does not first bind the strong man, and then he may be ravening through his house. 3:28 Assuredly I am saying to you°, All their sins and blasphemies will be forgiven to the sons of men; as many things as they would blaspheme. 3:29 But whoever might blaspheme at the Holy Spirit does not have forgiveness, forever, but is liable to an everlasting judgment. 3:30 (Because they were saying, ‘He has an unclean spirit.’)
{Mat 12:38-45.}
{Mar 3:31-35 & Mat 12:46-50 & Luk 8:19-21.}
3:31 Therefore, his brethren and his mother come, and standing outside, they sent to him, summoning him. 3:32 And a crowd was sitting around him, and they said to him, Behold, your mother and your brothers and your sisters are outside seeking you.
3:33 And he answered them, saying, Who is my mother or my brethren? 3:34 And having looked around in a circle at those sitting around him, he says, Behold, my mother and my brethren! 3:35 For* whoever practices the will of God, this one is my brother and sister and mother.
[Mark 4] TOC
{Mar 4:1-25 & Mat 13:1-23 & Luk 8:4-18 Sea of Galilee.}
4:1 And again he began to teach beside the sea. And a large crowd was gathered together to him, so-then having stepped onto the ship to sit in the sea, and all the crowd were next to the sea upon the land.
4:2 And he was teaching them many things in parables and said to them in his teaching, 4:3 Listen°: behold, the sower went forth to sow, 4:4 and it happened, while* he was sowing, some seed which fell beside the road and the birds came and devoured it. 4:5 But other seed fell upon the rocky-area, where it did not have much earth, and immediately it rose up, because it had no depth of earth; 4:6 but after the sun rose, it was burnt, and it dried up because it has no root. 4:7 And other seed fell into the thorns, and the thorns shot-up and choked it, and it gave no fruit. 4:8 And other seed fell into the good soil and it was giving fruit, shooting-up and growing, and it was bringing forth by thirty times, and by sixty times, and by a hundred times as much. 4:9 And he said, He who has ears to hear, let him hear.
4:10 And when he happened to be alone, the ones around him together-with the twelve, asked about the parable. 4:11 And he said to them, It has been given to you to know the mystery of the kingdom of God, but to those, the ones who are outside, all things happen in parables; 4:12 in-order-that seeing, they may see and yet may not know, and hearing, they may hear and yet may not understand; lest they should turn again and their sins might be forgiven them.
4:13 And he says to them, Do you° not know this parable? And how will you° know all the parables? 4:14 The sower is sowing the word. 4:15 Now these are the ones beside the road, where the word is sown, and whenever they hear, immediately the Adversary comes and takes the word which has been sown in their hearts.
4:16 And likewise, these are the ones who are sown upon the rocky-areas, who, whenever they hear the word, they immediately receive it with joy; 4:17 and they have no root in themselves, but are temporary. Thereafter, after affliction or persecution happened to them because of the word, immediately they stumble.
4:18 And these are the ones who are sown into the thorns; the ones who hear the word, 4:19 and the anxieties of this age, and the deception of riches, and the lusts concerning all the rest of the worldly things travel into their hearts, are choking the word, and it becomes unfruitful.
4:20 And these are the ones who were sown upon the good soil; who hear the word and accept it, and bear-fruit, by thirty times and by sixty times and by a hundred times.
4:21 And he said to them, Why not come with the lamp in-order-that it might be placed under a peck-container or under the bed? No, you bring it in-order-that it might be placed upon the lamp-stand. 4:22 For* not anything is hidden, which would not be made manifest, nor has anything hidden, happened, but in-order-that it should come into apparent view. 4:23 If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.
4:24 And he said to them, Beware° what you° are hearing; in what measure, you° measure, it will be measured to you°, and to you° who hear, more will be added. 4:25 For* whoever has, it will be given to him, and he who does not have, even what he has will be taken from him.
{Mar 4:26-29; no parallel.}
4:26 And he said, So is the kingdom of God, as if a man cast seed upon the earth; 4:27 and he should sleep and should arise night and day, and the seed may sprout and should be lengthened, he himself did not know how. 4:28 For* the earth is bearing-fruit by herself; first the blade, thereafter the top, thereafter the full grain in the top. 4:29 But whenever the fruit gives way, immediately he sends forth the sickle, because the harvest is standing ready.
{Mat 13:24-30.}
{Mar 4:30-34 & Mat 13:31-35.}
4:30 And he said, To what may be similar to the kingdom of God? Or in what parable may we put it in comparison? 4:31 It is like a kernel of a mustard-seed, which, whenever it should be sown upon the earth, though it is least compared to all the seeds which are upon the earth, 4:32 and yet whenever it should be sown, it shoots-up and becomes greater than all the herbs and produces great branches; so-as for the birds of the heaven to be able to nest under its shadow.
4:33 And he was speaking the word to them with many such parables, as they were able to hear it. 4:34 But he was not speaking to them without a parable, but privately he was interpreting all things for his disciples.
{Mat 13:36-53.}
{Mar 4:35-41 & Mat:8:18-27 & Luk 8:22-25 Sea of Galilee.}
4:35 And after it became evening in that day, he says to them, We should go through to the area beyond-that. 4:36 And having left the crowd, they take him with them, as he was in the ship. But also other small-boats were with him. 4:37 And a great gale of wind happens, and the waves were putting water into the ship, so-as for it now to be filled with water. 4:38 And he himself was upon the stern, sleeping upon the cushion, and they awaken him and say to him, Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?
4:39 And having been awakened, he rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, Be silent. Hush. And the wind paused and it became a great calm. 4:40 And he said to them, Why are you° so cowardly? How do you° not have faith?
4:41 And they feared with a great fear, and were saying to one another, Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea are obeying* him?
[Mark 5] TOC
{Mar 5:1-21 & Mat 8:28-34 & Luk 8:26-40 Gergesa.}
5:1 And they came to the area of the sea beyond-that, into the region of the Gadarenes. 5:2 And he went forth out-of the ship by himself, immediately a man encountered him out-of the tombs in him was an unclean spirit, 5:3 who had his dwelling in the tombs, and no one was able to bind him, not even in chains. 5:4 Because of the same, he had been bound often in shackles and chains, and the chains had been torn to shreds by him and the shackles had been crushed, and no one was strong-enough to tame him. 5:5 And he was always crying out and cutting himself with stones, night and day, in the mountains and in the tombs.
5:6 Now after he saw Jesus from afar, he ran and worshiped him. 5:7 And having cried out with a loud voice, he said, What is this thing with me and with you, Jesus, Son of the Highest God? I am imploring you by God, do° not torment me.
5:8 For* he said to him, Come forth out-of the man, you unclean spirit. 5:9 And he was asking him, What name is in you?
And he answered, saying, Legion is the name in me, because we are many. 5:10 And he was pleading with him much in-order-that he might not send them forth outside the region. 5:11 Now there was there a great herd of swine being fed before the mountain. 5:12 And all the demons pleaded with him, saying, Send us into the swine, in-order-that we may enter into them. 5:13 And Jesus immediately permitted* them. And the unclean spirits came forth, and entered into the swine and the herd rushed down the cliff into the sea. Now they were approximately two thousand, and they were choked in the sea.
5:14 Now the ones feeding the swine fled and reported it to the city and to the rural-areas. And they came forth to see what it is which has happened. 5:15 And they come to Jesus and are viewing the one previously being demon-possessed and has had the legion, sitting and having his garments on and being sensible, and they were afraid. 5:16 But the ones who saw it described to them how it happened to the one previously being demon-possessed and concerning the swine. 5:17 And they began to plead with him to go away from their borders.
5:18 And after he stepped onto the ship, he who was demon-possessed was pleading with him in-order-that he may be with him. 5:19 But Jesus did not allow him, but says to him, Proceed-away to your house, to who are yours and report to them how-much the Lord has done* for you and how he showed-mercy on you. 5:20 And he went and began to preach in Decapolis how-much Jesus did* for him and all were marveling.
5:21 And after Jesus ferried over again in the ship to the area beyond-that, a large crowd was gathered upon him, and he was beside the sea.
{Mar 5:22-43 & Mat 9:18-26 & Luk 8:41-56 Capernaum.}
5:22 And behold one of the rulers of the synagogue, Jairus by name, comes and having seen him, he falls toward his feet; 5:23 and was pleading with him much, saying, My young-daughter is holding on her last moments. I pray that* you might lay your hands upon her after you have gone to her, *that she may be cured and will live. 5:24 And he went with him.
And a large crowd was following him and they were pressing against him. 5:25 And a certain woman, being in her a flowing of blood for twelve years, 5:26 and had suffered many things under many physicians and had spent from her things all and was profited nothing, but rather she came into a worse condition. 5:27 Having heard concerning Jesus, she came in the crowd behind and touched his garment. 5:28 For* she was saying, If-only I touch his garments, I will be cured. 5:29 And immediately the spring of her blood was dried up, and she knew that she has been healed from the disorder in her body. 5:30 And immediately Jesus, having fully known in himself that the power went forth from him and having turned around in the crowd, said, Who touched my garments?
5:31 And his disciples were saying to him, You see the crowd pressing against you and you say, Who touched me? 5:32 And he was looking around to see the one having done* this thing. 5:33 But the woman was afraid, trembling, and knowing what has happened upon her, came and fell down before him and spoke all the truth to him.
5:34 And he said to her, Daughter, your faith has cured you; proceed-away in peace and be healthy from your disorder.
5:35 While he is still speaking, they come from the ruler of the synagogue’s house, saying, Your daughter died. Why are you still bothering the Teacher?
5:36 But Jesus immediately having heard the word being spoken, says to the ruler of the synagogue, Do not fear, only believe. 5:37 And he allowed no one to follow together-with him, except Peter and James and John the brother of James. 5:38 And he comes to the house of the ruler of the synagogue, and he views an uproar, many weeping and wailing. 5:39 And having entered, he says to them, Why are you° in an uproar and weeping? The child has not died, but is sleeping. 5:40 And they were laughing at him. But having cast them all forth, he takes the father of the child and the mother and the ones with him and he travels into where the child was reclining. 5:41 And having taken-hold of hand of the child, he says to her, Talitha kumi; which is, after being translated, Girl, I say to you, Lift yourself up! 5:42 And immediately the girl rose* up and was walking; for* she was twelve years old. And they were astonished with a great astonishment. 5:43 And he ordered them much in-order-that no one should know this and he said that something is to be given to her to eat.
[Mark 6] TOC
{Mat 9:27-34 Probably Capernaum.}
{Mar 6:1-6a & Mat 13:54-58 Nazareth.}
6:1 And he went forth from there, and he came into his fatherland, and his disciples follow him. 6:2 And after it became the Sabbath, he began to teach in the synagogue. And many hearing him were being astounded, saying, From where did this one receive these things? And what is the wisdom which was given to him? And how are such miracles happening through his hands? 6:3 Is this not the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James and Joses and Jude and Simon? And are not his sisters here with us? And they were being offended at him.
6:4 But Jesus said to them, A prophet is not without honor, except in his fatherland and among his relatives and in his house. 6:5 And he was not able to do* any miracle there, except that he laid his hands upon a few who were sick and healed them. 6:6 And he was marveling because of their unbelief.
{Mar 6:6b-13 & Mat 9:35-10:42 & Luk 9:1-6 Third circuit of Galilee.}
And he was proceeding around the villages in a circle, teaching.
6:7 And he calls the twelve and began to send them forth two by two, and he was giving them authority over the unclean spirits; 6:8 and he commanded them in-order-that they should take nothing *for the journey, except only a staff; no knapsack, no bread, no brass coins in the belt; 6:9 but only tied on sandals, also do° not clothe yourselves with two tunics. 6:10 And he said to them, Wherever you° enter into a house, abide° there until you° should go from there. 6:11 And as many as would not accept you°, nor may not hear you°, while traveling out from there, shake-off° the dirt which is underneath your° feet *for a testimony to them. Assuredly, I am saying to you°, It will be more tolerable for Sodom or Gomorrah in the day of judgment than for that city. 6:12 And they, the twelve, went forth and were preaching in-order-that they all should repent. 6:13 And they were casting forth many demons and anointing many with oil who were sick and healing many.
{Mar 6:14-29 & Mat 14:1-12 & Luk 9:7-9.}
6:14 And King Herod heard of this; for* his name became apparent to him and he said, John, he who immerses*, was raised from the dead and because of this, these powers are working in him.
6:15 Others were saying, He is Elijah.
But others were saying, He is a prophet, like one of the prophets of old.
6:16 But having heard of it, Herod said, John, whom I beheaded, this one is he; he was raised from the dead.
6:17 For* Herod himself had sent forth and took-hold of John and bound him in prison because of Herodias, his brother Philip’s wife, because he had married her. 6:18 For* John said to Herod, ‘It is not legal for you to have your brother’s wife.’ 6:19 But Herodias was holding it against him. And she was willing to kill him and was not able; 6:20 for* Herod was fearing John, knowing him to be a righteous and holy man, and was protecting him. And having heard him, he was doing* many things, and was gladly hearing him, often.
6:21 And when it became an opportune day, along with his birthday-festivities, when Herod was making* a supper to his great-men and the commanders, and the foremost men of Galilee; 6:22 and the daughter of Herodias herself entered and danced, and she pleased Herod and the ones reclining at the meal together-with him. The king said to the girl, Ask me whatever you wish and I will be giving it to you. 6:23 And after he had sworn to her, Whatever you might ask me, I will be giving it to you, insofar as half of my kingdom.
6:24 Now she went forth and said to her mother, What will I ask for?
Now she said, The head of John the Immerser*.
6:25 And she, immediately and with diligence, entered to the king asked, saying, I wish that* you might give me promptly the head of John the Immerser* upon a platter.
6:26 And the king became very sorrowful because of the oaths he said and the ones reclining at the meal together-with him, he did not wish to reject her. 6:27 And the king immediately sent forth an executioner and commanded his head to be brought. 6:28 Now he went and beheaded him in the prison, and carried his head upon a platter and gave it to the girl, and the girl gave it to her mother. 6:29 And having heard of it, his disciples came and lifted up his corpse and placed it in a tomb.
{Mar 6:30-32 & Mat 14:13 & Luk 9:10 & Joh 6:1 East shore of Galilee.}
6:30 And the apostles are gathered together-with Jesus, and they reported to him all things, both how-much they had done* and how-much they had taught. 6:31 And he said to them, You° yourselves come-here° privately into a desolate place and rest° yourselves a few. For* the ones coming and the ones proceeding-away were many and they were not having an opportunity to eat. 6:32 And they went away into a desolate place in the ship privately.
{Mar 6:33-44 & Mat 14:13-21 & Luk 9:11-17 & Joh 6:2-14.}
6:33 And they saw them proceeding-away and many recognized him and they ran together there on-foot from all of the cities and went before them, and came together to him. 6:34 And Jesus went forth, and saw a large crowd and he had compassion upon them, because they were like sheep not having a shepherd and he began to teach them many things.
6:35 And after it already became a late hour, his disciples came near to him and are saying, The place is desolate and already it is a late hour; 6:36 dismiss them, in-order-that they might buy bread for themselves, after they have gone into the circle of the rural-areas and villages, for* they do not have what they might eat {i.e., they have nothing to eat}.
6:37 But he answered and said to them, You°, give° them something to eat.
And they say to him, After we have gone away, should we buy two hundred denarii worth of loaves, and we might give them that to eat?
6:38 Now he says to them, How-many loaves do you° have? Proceed° away and see°.
And after they knew, they say, Five and two fish. 6:39 And he commanded them all to recline in groups; all the groups upon the pale-green grass. 6:40 And they leaned-back in rows of a hundred apiece and rows of fifty apiece. 6:41 And he took the five loaves and the two fish, and looked up to heaven, he gave-thanks and broke the loaves. And he was giving them to his disciples in-order-that they might place the bread beside them, and he divided the two fish to all. 6:42 And they all ate and were fully-fed. 6:43 And they took up twelve full baskets of broken pieces and also from the fish. 6:44 And the ones who ate the loaves were five thousand men.
{Mar 6:45-56 & Mat 14:22-36 & Joh 6:15-21.}
6:45 And immediately he urged his disciples to step onto the ship, and to precede him to the area beyond-that into Bethsaida, until he should dismiss the crowd. 6:46 And having bid farewell to them, he went away into the mountain to pray.
6:47 And after it became evening, the ship was in the middle of the sea and he himself was alone upon the land. 6:48 And he saw them tormented in their rowing, for* the wind was adverse to them, and he comes to them around the fourth watch of the night, walking upon the sea, and he was willing to pass-beside them.
6:49 But after they saw him walking upon the sea, they thought it to be an apparition and cried out; 6:50 for* they all saw him and were disturbed.
And immediately, he spoke with them, and says to them, Have° courage. I am here. Do° not be afraid. 6:51 And he went-up to them into the ship, and the wind paused, and they were exceedingly, exceptionally, astonished in themselves and were marveling! 6:52 For* they did not understand what happened upon the loaves, for* their heart was hardening. 6:53 And having ferried over, they came upon the land of Gennesaret and they were anchored there, 6:54 and they themselves gone forth out-of the ship, immediately the people recognized him.
6:55 Having ran around that whole region around there, they began to carry around the ones having an illness upon their pallets, where they were hearing: he is over there. 6:56 And wherever he was traveling, if into villages or cities or the rural-areas, they were laying the sick in the marketplaces and were pleading with him in-order-that if-only they might touch the hem of his garment, and as many as would touch him were being cured.
[Mark 7] TOC
{Joh 6:22-71 Synagogue in Capernaum.}
{Mar 7:1-23 & Mat 15:1-20 & Joh 7:1 Galilee, probably Capernaum Spring 29 AD.}
7:1 And the Pharisees and some of the scribes are gathered together to see him, after they came from Jerusalem, 7:2 and having seen some of his disciples eating their bread with common, this is: unwashed hands; they found-fault. 7:3 For* the Pharisees and all the Jews, if they do not wash their hands scrubbing with the fist, do not eat, holding-fast the tradition of the elders; 7:4 and when coming from the marketplace, they do not eat if they have not immersed* {bathe} themselves first, and there are many other things which they took to holding-fast, like immersions* {Or, O.T. ceremonial washings} of cups and pint pitchers and brass kettles and cots. 7:5 Thereafter, the Pharisees and the scribes ask him, Why are your disciples not walking according-to the tradition of the elders, but eat their bread with unwashed hands?
7:6 But he answered and said to them, Isaiah prophesied well concerning you° hypocrites, as it has been written, ‘This people are honoring me with their lips, but their heart is distant, faraway from me. 7:7 But they are worshiping me in futility, teaching as their teachings the commandments of men.’ {Isa 29:13} 7:8 For* after you° left the commandment of God, you° are holding-fast the tradition of men, like immersions* of pint pitchers and cups, and you° practice many other such similar things.
7:9 And he said to them, You° are rejecting well the commandment of God, in-order-that you° might keep your° tradition. 7:10 For* Moses said, ‘Honor your father and your mother.’ {Exo 20:12 & Deu 5:16} And, ‘He who is speaking evil of father or mother, let him be ended by the sentence of death.’ {Exo 21:17 & Lev 20:9} 7:11 But you° say, If a man says to his father or his mother, Whatever you might be profited from me is Corban (what is a gift). 7:12 And so you° no longer allow him to do* anything for his father or for his mother, 7:13 invalidating the word of God (which you° gave up) by your° tradition, and you° practice many such similar things.
7:14 And having called all the crowd, he said to them, All, hear° me and understand°. 7:15 There is nothing outside the man, which traveling into him is able to desecrate him, but the things which travel out from him, those are the things which desecrate the man. 7:16 If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.
7:17 And when he entered into the house away from the crowd, his disciples were asking him concerning the parable. 7:18 And he says to them, So are you° also without understanding? Are you° not perceiving, that everything outside which travels into the man, is not able to desecrate him; 7:19 because it is not traveling into the heart, but into the belly and travels into the sewer? (He said thus, cleansing all foods.) 7:20 Now he said, What travels out from the man, this desecrates the man. 7:21 For* evil reasonings travel from inside, out-of the heart of men, such as: adulteries, fornications, murders, 7:22 thefts, greedy-acts, wickednesses, treachery, unbridled-lust, an evil eye, blasphemy, haughtiness, foolishness. 7:23 All these evil things travel out from inside, and desecrate the man.
{Mar 7:24 & Mat 15:21.}
7:24 And he stood up and went away from there, into the borders of Tyre and Sidon. And he entered into a house and was wishing no one to know it, and he was not able to elude them.
{Mar 7:25-30 & Mat 15:22-28 Tyre and Sidon.}
7:25 For* a woman, having heard things concerning him (whose young-daughter herself was holding an unclean spirit), came and fell down before his feet. 7:26 Now the woman was a Greek, a Syrophoenician by birth. And she was asking of him in-order-that he might cast forth the demon out-of her daughter. 7:27 But Jesus said to her, Allow the children first to be fully-fed; for* it is not good to take the children’s bread and cast it to the puppies.
7:28 But she answered, and says to him, Yes, Lord; for* even the puppies underneath the table eat from the children’s crumbs.
7:29 And he said to her, Because of this, the speech, proceed-away; the demon has gone forth out-of your daughter. 7:30 And she went away to her house and found the daughter of her had been put upon a cot, the demon having gone forth.
{Mar 7:31 & Mat 15:29 Avoiding Herod’s territory.}
7:31 And again, having gone forth from the borders of Tyre and Sidon, he came to the sea of Galilee, between the borders of Decapolis.
{Mar 7:32-37 & Mat 15:30-31 Magadan and Bethsaida Summer 29 AD.}
7:32 And they bring to him a speaking impaired deaf man and they are pleading with him in-order-that he might lay his hand upon him. 7:33 And having taken him away from the crowd privately, he put his fingers into his ears, and he spat, and touched his tongue. 7:34 And having looked up to heaven, he groaned and says to him, Ephphatha; (which is, Be opened). 7:35 And immediately his ears were opened, and the bond of his tongue was loosed, and he was speaking correctly. 7:36 And he ordered them in-order-that they should tell no one, but as many things as he himself was ordering them not to tell, rather, they were preaching it even-more.
7:37 And they were being abundantly astounded, saying, He has done* all things well; he makes* even the deaf to hear, and the mute to speak.
[Mark 8] TOC
{Mar 8:1-9 & Mat 15:32-38.}
8:1 The crowd being enormous in those days, and they do not have what they might eat {i.e., they have nothing to eat}. Jesus, having called to him his disciples, says to them, 8:2 I have compassion upon the crowd, because they already remain with me for three days and do not have what they might eat. 8:3 And if I dismiss them starving to their house, they will faint on the road; for* some of them are coming from far away.
8:4 And his disciples answered him, From where will anyone be able to fully-feed these men bread here in the wilderness?
8:5 And he was asking them, How-many loaves do you° have?
Now they said, Seven.
8:6 And he commanded the crowd to lean-back upon the soil. And he took the seven loaves, and having given-thanks, he broke them and was giving them to his disciples in-order-that they might place them beside them, and they placed them beside the crowd. 8:7 And they were holding a few small-fish, and having given-thanks, he said to his disciples to also place these beside them. 8:8 Now they ate and were fully-fed, and they took up abundances of broken pieces, seven baskets. 8:9 Now the ones who ate were approximately four thousand, and he dismissed them.
{Mar 8:10-26 & Mat 15:39-16:12 Near Caesarea Philippi Summer 29 AD.}
8:10 And immediately he stepped into the ship with his disciples and came into the parts of Dalmanutha.
8:11 And the Pharisees came forth and began to debate together-with him, seeking from him a sign from the heaven, testing him. 8:12 And having groaned deeply in his spirit, he says, Why is this generation seeking a sign? Assuredly I am saying to you°, As if a sign will be given to this generation. 8:13 And having left them, he again stepped onto a ship, and went away to the area beyond-that.
8:14 And they forgot to take bread, and they did not have any bread, except one loaf in the ship with themselves. 8:15 And he was ordering them, saying, Behold° and beware° stay away from the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod.
8:16 And they were reasoning with one another, saying, It is because we have no bread.
8:17 And Jesus having known it, says to them, Why are you° reasoning so, because you° have no bread? Do you° not yet perceive, nor understand? Do you° still have your° heart hardened? 8:18 Having eyes, do you° not see? Having ears, do you° not hear? And do you° not remember? 8:19 When I broke the five loaves *for the five thousand, how-many baskets full of broken pieces did you° take up?
They say to him, Twelve.
8:20 Now when the seven to the four thousand, how-many baskets full of broken pieces did you° take up?
Now they said, Seven.
8:21 And he said to them, How are you° not understanding this?
8:22 And he comes to Bethsaida. And they bring to him a blind man and they are pleading with him in-order-that he might touch him. 8:23 And having grabbed the hand of the blind man, he led him outside the village, and having spat into his eyes, he laid his hands upon him, he was asking him if he sees anything.
8:24 And having looked up, he said, I see men, because I see them like walking trees. 8:25 Thereafter he laid his hands upon his eyes again, and he made* him to look at him. And he was restored and looked at everyone distinctly.
8:26 And he sent him forth to his house, saying, Neither enter into the village, nor say anything to anyone in the village.
{Mar 8:27-30 & Mat 16:13-20 & Luk 9:18-21 Caesarea Philippi.}
8:27 And Jesus went forth and his disciples, into the villages of Caesarea Philippi, and on the road he was asking his disciples, saying to them, Who do men say me to be {i.e that I am}?
8:28 Now they answered, John the Immerser* and others, Elijah, but others, One of the prophets.
8:29 And he says to them, But who do you° say me to be {i.e., that I am}?
Now Peter answered, saying to him, You are the Christ. 8:30 And he rebuked them in-order-that they should speak to no one concerning him.
{Mar 8:31-9:1 & Mat 16:21-28 & Luk 9:22-27 Caesarea Philippi.}
8:31 And he began to teach them, that it is essential for the Son of Man to suffer many things and to be rejected* from the elders and the high-priests and the scribes, and be killed, and to rise* up after three days. 8:32 And he was speaking the word frankly. And Peter took him and began to rebuke him. 8:33 But he turned again, and saw his disciples, and rebuked Peter, saying, Proceed-away, behind me, adversary, because you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men.
8:34 And having called the crowd together-with his disciples to him, he said to them, Whoever wishes to follow after me, let him deny himself, and lift up his cross and follow me. 8:35 For* whoever wishes to save his life will be losing it, and whoever should lose his life because of me and because of the good-news, this one will be saving it. 8:36 For* what will it profit a man, if he should gain the whole world and his soul should be forfeited? 8:37 Or what will a man give as an exchange for his soul? 8:38 For* whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this generation, the adulteress and sinner, the Son of Man will also be ashamed of him, whenever he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy messengers. [Mark 9] TOC 9:1 And he was saying to them, Assuredly I am saying to you°, There are some of the ones standing here, who should never taste of death, until they should see the kingdom of God having come in power.
{Mar 9:2-13 & Mat 17:1-13 & Luk 9:28-36 Caesarea Philippi.}
9:2 And after six days Jesus takes with him Peter and James and John and brings them up alone into a high mountain privately, and he was transfigured before them; 9:3 and his garments became gleaming, exceedingly white like snow, such-as no launderer upon the earth is able to whiten. 9:4 And Elijah, together-with Moses, was seen by them, and they were speaking together-with Jesus.
9:5 And Peter answered and says to Jesus, Rabbi, it is good for us to be here, and we should make* three tabernacles; one to you and one to Moses and one to Elijah. 9:6 For* he did not know what he will {i.e., should} say; for* they were fearful.
9:7 And it happened that a cloud overshadowing them, and a voice came out-of the cloud, This is my beloved Son; hear° him! 9:8 And suddenly, having looked around, they saw no one anymore, but only Jesus with themselves.
9:9 Now while coming-down from the mountain, he ordered them in-order-that they should describe to no one what they saw, except whenever the Son of Man rises* up from the dead. 9:10 And they took-hold of the word for themselves, debating together-with themselves, What is the thing, to rise* up from the dead? 9:11 And they were asking him, saying, How is it that the scribes say that it is essential for Elijah to come first?
9:12 But he answered and said to them, Elijah indeed came first, and restores all things, and how it has been written of the Son of Man in-order-that he should suffer many things and should be scorned, 9:13 But I am saying to you°, that Elijah has come, and they also did* to him as many things as they wished, just-as it has been written upon the basis of him.
{Mar 9:14-29 & Mat 17:14-21 & Luk 9:37-43 Region of Caesarea Philippi.}
9:14 And after he came back to the disciples, they saw a large crowd around them and scribes debating together-with them. 9:15 And immediately all the crowd, having seen him, were utterly amazed, and running up to him, they were greeting him. 9:16 And he asked the scribes, What are you° debating together with them?
9:17 And one out-of the crowd answered and said, Teacher, I brought my son to you, who has a mute spirit; 9:18 and wherever it overtakes him, it rips at him and he foams and grinds his teeth and he is dried up, and I spoke to your disciples in-order-that they might cast it out, and yet they were not strong-enough.
9:19 But he answered and says, O unbelieving generation, until when will I be with you°? Until when will I tolerate you°? Bring° him to me. 9:20 And they brought him to him, and after having seen him, immediately the spirit convulsed him, and he fell upon the earth. He was wallowing, foaming. 9:21 Now he asked his father, How-much time is it that things like this has happened to him?
And he said, From childhood. 9:22 And often it has cast him both into fire and into waters in-order-that it might destroy him, but if you are able to do anything, help us and have compassion upon us.
9:23 Now Jesus said to him, If you are able to believe. All things are possible to the one believing.
9:24 And immediately the father of the child cried out with tears and said, I believe; Lord, help me with my unbelief.
9:25 Now after Jesus saw that a crowd is running together, he rebuked the unclean spirit, saying to it, I command you, the mute and deaf spirit, come forth out-of him and enter into him no longer.
9:26 And having cried out and having convulsed him much, it came forth, and the boy became like one dead; so-then for many to say, He died.
9:27 But having taken-hold of the hand of him, Jesus lifted him up, and he stood up. 9:28 And having entered into the house, his disciples were asking him privately, How is it that we were not able to cast it forth?
9:29 And he said to them, This variety is not able to come forth with* anything, except in prayer and fasting.
{Mar 9:30-32 & Mat 17:22-23 & Luk 9:43-45 Return to Galilee.}
9:30 And they went forth from there, and were traveling through Galilee, and he did not wish that* anyone should know it. 9:31 For* he was teaching his disciples and was saying to them, The Son of Man is to be given up into the hands of men, and they will be killing him, and having been killed, he will be rising* in the third day. 9:32 But they were not considering the declaration, and were fearing to ask him.
{Mat 17:24-27 Capernaum Sept. 29 AD.}
{Mar 9:33-50 & Mat 18:1-14 & Luk 9:46-50 Sept. 29 AD.}
9:33 And he came into Capernaum, and after he came* into the house he was asking them, What were you° reasoning with yourselves on the road? 9:34 But they were silent; for* they had reasoned with one another on the road, who was greater. 9:35 And having sat down, he summoned the twelve, and he says to them, If anyone wishes to be first, he will be last of all and servant of all. 9:36 And having taken a young child, he stood it in the midst of them. And having wrapped it in his arms, he said to them, 9:37 Whoever accepts one of such children in my name, accepts me, and whoever accepts me, does not accept me, but the one who sent me.
9:38 Now John answered him, saying, Teacher, we saw someone casting forth demons in your name, who is not following us, and we forbade him because he is not following us.
9:39 But Jesus said, Do° not forbid him; for* there is no one who will be doing* a miracle in my name, and be able to speak evil of me quickly. 9:40 For* he who is not against you° is working on your° behalf. 9:41 For* whoever delivers to you° a cup of water to drink in my name, because you° are of Christ, assuredly I am saying to you°, He should never lose his reward. 9:42 And whoever offends one of these little ones who believe in me, it is good for him rather if a mill’s stone encompassed around his neck, and he has been cast into the sea.
9:43 And if your hand offends you, cut it off. It is good for you to enter into life crippled, rather than having the two hands, and to go into hell, into the unquenchable fire, 9:44 where a maggot of them does not die* and the fire is not quenched.
9:45 And if your foot offends you, cut it off. It is good for you to enter into life lame, rather than having the two feet, and to be cast into hell, into the unquenchable fire, 9:46 where their maggot does not die* and the fire is not quenched.
9:47 And if your eye offends you, cast it forth. It is good for you to enter into the kingdom of God one-eyed, rather than having two eyes, and to be cast into the hell of fire, 9:48 where a maggot of them does not die* and the fire is not quenched.
9:49 For* everyone will be salted with fire and every sacrifice will be salted with salt. 9:50 The salt is good, but if the salt becomes non-salty, in what will you° season it? Have° salt in yourselves and be° at peace one with* another.
[Mark 10] TOC
{Mat 18:15-35.} {Joh 7:2-9; Galilee, probably Capernaum.} {Luk 9:51-56 & Joh 7:10; Samaria, Sept., 29 AD.} {Luk 9:57-62.} {Joh 7:11-10:21; Jerusalem, Oct., 29 AD.} {Luk 10:1-24; Probably Judea, Oct., 29 AD.} {Luk 10:25-37; Probably Judea.} {Luk 10:38-42; Bethany, near Jerusalem.} {Luk 11:1-13; Probably Judea.} {Luk 11:14-13:9.} {Luk 13:10-21; Probably Peraea.} {Joh 10:22-42; Jerusalem and beyond Jordan.} {Luk 13:22-35; Peraea; Luk 14:1-24 Probably Peraea; Luk 14:25-17:10.} {Joh 11:1-46; Peraea to Bethany, Jan. 30 AD; Joh 11:47-54; Jerusalem and Ephraim in Judea.} {Luk 17:11-37; Borders of Samaria and Galilee; Luk 18:1-14.}
{Mar 10:1-12 & Mat 19:1-12.}
10:1 And having risen* up from there, he goes into the borders of Judea through the area beyond-that of the Jordan, and crowds travel together to him again. And as he had been accustomed, he was teaching them again. 10:2 And the Pharisees came near and asked him, testing him, If it is not legal for a man to divorce his wife, then?
10:3 But he answered and said to them, What did Moses command you°?
10:4 But they said, Moses permitted* us to write a document of divorcement and to divorce. {Deu 24:1}
10:5 And Jesus answered and said to them, He wrote this commandment for you°, for your° hardness of heart. 10:6 But ‘God made* them male and female’ from the beginning of the creation. {Gen 1:27, 5:2} 10:7 ‘Because of this, a man will be leaving his father and mother and will be joined to his wife; 10:8 and the two will be into {i.e., become} one flesh,’ so-then they are no more two, but one flesh. {Gen 2:24} 10:9 Therefore, what God yoked together, let man not separate.
10:10 And his disciples in the house asked him again concerning the same thing. 10:11 And he says to them, Whoever divorces his wife and should marry another is committing adultery against her; 10:12 and if a woman divorces her husband and should be married another, she is committing adultery.
{Mar 10:13-16 & Mat 19:13-15 & Luk 18:15-17 Peraea.}
10:13 And they were bringing to him young children, in-order-that he might touch them, but the disciples were rebuking the ones bringing them. 10:14 But after Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, Allow° the young children to come to me, and do° not forbid them; for* the kingdom of God is of such. 10:15 Assuredly I am saying to you°, Whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a young child, he should never enter into it. 10:16 And having wrapped them in his arms, and laying his hands upon them, he was blessing them.
{Mar 10:17-31 & Mat 19:16-20:16 & Luk 18:18-30 Peraea.}
10:17 And while traveling toward the road, one ran up to him and knelt before him, and was asking him, Good Teacher, what should I practice in-order-that I may inherit everlasting life?
10:18 But Jesus said to him, Why do you call* me good? None is good except one, our God. 10:19 You know the commandments: ‘Do not commit adultery. Do not murder. Do not steal. Do not falsely testify. Do not defraud. Honor your father and mother.’ {Exo 20:12-16 & Deu 5:16-20}
10:20 But he answered and said to him, Teacher, I have observed all these things from my youth.
10:21 Now Jesus, having looked at him, loved* him, and said to him, You are lacking in one thing. Proceed-away, sell as many things as you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. And come-here, follow me, having lifted up the cross. 10:22 But he was dismal upon the word, and went away, being sorrowful; for* he has many properties.
10:23 And Jesus, having looked around, says to his disciples, How the ones who have wealth will hardly enter into the kingdom of God! 10:24 Now the disciples were being amazed upon his words. But Jesus again answered and says to them, Children, how hard it is for the ones who have confidence in wealth to enter into the kingdom of God! 10:25 It is easier for a camel to enter through a needle’s eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
10:26 Now they were being astounded even-more with themselves, saying to him, And who is able to be saved?
10:27 But Jesus, having looked at them, says, It is impossible with men, but not with God; for* all things are possible with God.
10:28 Peter began to say to him, Behold, we left all and followed you.
10:29 Jesus answered and said, Assuredly I am saying to you°, There is no one who has left his house or brethren or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields, because of me and because of the good-news, 10:30 who would not receive a hundred-times that now in this time, houses and brethren and sisters and mothers and children and fields, with persecutions, and in the coming age everlasting life. 10:31 But many who are first will be last, and the last will be first.
{Mar 10:32-45 & Mat 20:17-28 & Luk 18:31-34; Peraea or Judea, near Jordan.}
10:32 Now they were on the road, going-up to Jerusalem, and Jesus was leading them and they were being amazed, and following, they were afraid. And he took again the twelve, and began to tell them the things which are about to befall him, 10:33 saying, Behold, we are going-up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be given up to the high-priests and scribes, and they will be condemning him to death and will be giving him up to the Gentiles, 10:34 and they will be mocking him and will be scourging him and will be spitting on him and will be killing him, and he will rise* up in the third day.
10:35 And James and John, the sons of Zebedee, travel before him, saying, Teacher, we wish that* whatever we ask, you might do* it for us.
10:36 But he said to them, What are you° wishing me to do* for you°?
10:37 Now they said to him, Give to us that* we may sit, one at your right hand and one at your left hand in your glory.
10:38 But Jesus said to them, You° do not know what you° are asking for yourselves. Are you° able to drink the cup which I am drinking? And to be immersed* in the immersion* which I am immersed* in?
10:39 Now they said to him, We are able.
But Jesus said to them, Indeed the cup which I am drinking, you° will be drinking, and the immersion* which I am immersed* in, you° will be immersed* in. 10:40 But to sit at my right and at my left is not mine to give, but it is for them for whom it has been prepared. 10:41 And having heard it, the ten began to be indignant concerning James and John.
10:42 Now having called them, Jesus says to them, You° know that the ones who seem to rule over the Gentiles are lording it over them, and their great ones are wielding authority over them. 10:43 But it will not be so among you°, but rather, whoever wishes to become great among you° will be your° servant; 10:44 and whoever may wish to become first: he will be bondservant of all. 10:45 For* the Son of Man also came, not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a redemption in exchange-for many.
{Mar 10:46-52 & Mat 20:29-34 & Luk 18:35-43; Jericho.}
10:46 And they come into Jericho, and while traveling from Jericho with his disciples and a considerable crowd, Bartimaeus, the blind son of Timaeus, was sitting and begging beside the road. 10:47 And having heard that it is Jesus the Nazarene, he began to cry out and say, Jesus, son of David, show-mercy on me. 10:48 And many were rebuking him in-order-that he should be silent, but he was crying out much more, Son of David, show-mercy to me.
10:49 And Jesus stood still and said for him to be summoned.
And they summon the blind man, saying to him, Have courage. Lift yourself up! He is summoning you. 10:50 Now he came to Jesus, having cast away his garment, and having stood up.
10:51 And Jesus answered and says to him, What do you wish that I might do* for you?
Now the blind man said to him, Rabboni, that* I may recover my sight.
10:52 Now Jesus said to him, Proceed-away; your faith has cured you. And immediately he recovered his sight and was following Jesus on the road.
[Mark 11] TOC
{Luk 19:1-28; Jericho.} {Joh 11:55-12:11 Bethany March 31- April 1, 30 AD.}
{The week of Jesus’ crucifixion. Mar 11:1-11 & Mat 21:1-12, 14-17 & Luk 19:29-44 & Joh 12:12-19 Bethany to Jerusalem and back Sun. April 2, 30 AD.}
11:1 And when they draw near to Jerusalem, to Bethphage and Bethany, toward the Mountain of Olives, he sends two of his disciples, 11:2 and says to them, Proceed° into the village which is in front of you° and immediately while traveling into it, you° will find a young-donkey {i.e., a foal} which has been tied, upon which no one from mankind has sat, having loosed it, lead° it here. 11:3 And if anyone says to you°, Why are you° doing* this? Say° that the Lord has need of him, and immediately he will send it here. 11:4 Now they went away and found a young-donkey which has been tied to the door outside in the road, and they loose him.
11:5 And some of the ones standing there were saying to them, What are you° doing*, loosening the young-donkey?
11:6 And they said to them just-as Jesus commanded and they allowed them. 11:7 And they led the young-donkey to Jesus and cast their garments upon it, and he sat upon it. 11:8 But many spread their garments onto the road, and others were cutting leafage from the trees and were spreading them in the road. 11:9 And the ones who precede him and the ones who are following him, were crying out, saying, Hosanna; the one coming in the name of the Lord has been blessed! 11:10 The kingdom, the one coming in the name of the Lord of our father David has been blessed! Hosanna in the highest!
11:11 And Jesus entered into Jerusalem and into the temple, and having looked around at all things, already being the evening hour, he went forth to Bethany with the twelve.
{Mar 11:12-18 & Mat 21:18-19, Mat 21:12-13 & Luk 19:45-48 Road from Bethany to Jerusalem Mon.}
11:12 And on the next-day, after they themselves went forth from Bethany, he hungered. 11:13 And having seen a fig tree from afar having leaves, he went to see if he will then find anything in it, and after he came upon it, he found nothing except leaves; for* it was not the time of figs. 11:14 And Jesus answered and said to it, No one may eat fruit from you; no longer, forever. And his disciples were hearing it.
11:15 And they come to Jerusalem and Jesus entered into the temple and began to cast forth the ones who are selling and buying in the temple, and turned over the tables of the brokers and the chairs of the ones who are selling the doves; 11:16 and he was not allowing, that* anyone should carry goods through the temple. 11:17 And he was teaching them, saying to them, Has it not been written, ‘My house will be called a house of prayer for all the nations? But you° made* it a den of robbers.’ {Isa 56:7 and Jer 7:11} 11:18 And the scribes and the high-priests heard it and were seeking how they might destroy him, for* they were fearing him, because all the crowd was being astounded at his teaching.
{Mar 11:19-26 & Mat 21:20-22 & Luk 21:37-38 Road from Bethany to Jerusalem Tues.}
11:19 And when it became evening, he was traveling outside the city. 11:20 And while traveling by in the morning, they saw the fig tree which had been dried up from the roots. 11:21 And Peter, having remembered, says to him, Rabbi, behold, the fig tree which you cursed, it has been dried up.
11:22 And Jesus answered and says to them, Have° faith of God. 11:23 For* assuredly I am saying to you°, Whoever says to this mountain, Be lifted up and be cast into the sea, and should not doubt in his heart, but should believe that what he says happens; whatever he says will be to him. 11:24 Because of this, I am saying to you°, All things, as many things as you° would ask for when praying, believe° that you° are receiving them and it will be for you°. 11:25 And whenever you° stand praying, if you° have anything against anyone, forgive° them; in-order-that your° Father the one in the heavens may also forgive you° your° trespasses. 11:26 But if you° do not forgive, neither will your° Father, the one in the heavens, be forgiving your° trespasses.
{Mar 11:27-33 & Mat 21:23-27 & Luk 20:1-8 Courtyard of the Temple, Tues.}
11:27 And they come again to Jerusalem, and while he himself is walking in the temple, the high-priests and the scribes and the elders come to him; 11:28 and they say to him, By what authority are you doing* these things? And who gave you this authority in-order-that you should do these things?
11:29 But Jesus answered and said to them, I will also ask you° one question, and answer° me, and I will tell you° by what authority I am doing* these things. 11:30 The immersion* of John, was it from heaven or from men? Answer° me.
11:31 And they were reasoning with themselves, saying, If we say, From heaven; he will be saying, Therefore, why did you° not believe him? 11:32 But should we say, From men? (They were fearing the people. For* all were holding that John really was a prophet.)
11:33 And they answered and say to Jesus, We do not know.
And Jesus answered and says to them, Neither do I tell you° by what authority I am doing* these things.
[Mark 12] TOC
{Mat 21:28-32.} {Mar 12:1-12 & Mat 21:33-46 & Luk 20:9-19.}
12:1 And he began to speak to them in parables: A man planted a vineyard and placed a fence around it and shoveled a winepress in it and built a tower, and rented it out to farmers and went-abroad. 12:2 And in the harvest time, he sent a bondservant to the farmers in-order-that he might receive from the fruit of the vineyard from the farmers. 12:3 But they took him and whipped him and sent him forth empty handed. 12:4 And again, he sent another bondservant to them, and having stoned him, they bashed his head and sent him forth, having dishonored him. 12:5 And again, he sent another, and they killed him and many others, whipping some but killing some. 12:6 Therefore, he still has one, his beloved son; he also sent him last to them, saying, They will revere my son. 12:7 But those farmers said to themselves, This is the heir. Come-here°. We should kill him and the inheritance will be ours. 12:8 And they took him and killed him and cast him forth outside the vineyard. 12:9 Therefore, what will the lord of the vineyard be doing* ? He will come and will be destroying the farmers and will be giving the vineyard to others. 12:10 Did you° not even read this Scripture, ‘The stone which the builders rejected*, this one became to them the head of the corner; 12:11 this came* from the Lord and it is marvelous in our eyes’? {Psa 118:22-23} 12:12 And they were seeking to take-hold of him, and yet they feared the crowd. For* they knew that he spoke the parable to them and they left him and went away.
{Mat 22:1-14.} {Mar 12:13-17 & Mat 22:15-22 & Luk 20:20-26 Courtyard of the Temple, Tues.}
12:13 And they send to him some of the Pharisees and some of the Herodians in-order-that they might catch him in his speech. 12:14 Now after they came, they say to him, Teacher, we know that you are true* and do not care concerning one’s appearance. For* you do not look at the countenance of men, but teach the way of God in truth. Is it legal to give tribute to Caesar or not? 12:15 Should we give or should we not give?
But he, knowing their hypocrisy, said to them, Why are you° testing me? Bring° me a denarius {a standard day’s pay} in-order-that I may see it. 12:16 Now they brought it. And he says to them, Whose face is this image and inscription?
Now they said to him, Caesar’s.
12:17 And Jesus answered and said to them, Give° to Caesar the things which are Caesar’s and give to God the things which are God’s. And they marveled at him.
{Mar 12:18-27 & Mat 22:23-33 & Luk 20:27-39.}
12:18 And the Sadducees come to him, who are saying, There is to be no resurrection, and they asked him, saying, 12:19 Teacher, Moses wrote to us, If anyone’s brother should die and he should leave a wife alone and he should leave no children, that* his brother should take his wife and should raise* up seed to his brother. {Deu 25:5} 12:20 Seven brothers were with us and the first took a wife and dying left no seed; 12:21 and the second took her and died, and not even he himself left seed, and the third likewise*; 12:22 and the seven took her and left no seed. Last of all the woman also died. 12:23 Whenever they rise* up in the resurrection, whose wife will she be of them? For* the seven had her as their wife.
12:24 And Jesus answered and said to them, Are you° not being misled because of this, by not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God? 12:25 For* whenever they rise* up from the dead, they neither marry, nor are they betrothed, but are like messengers the ones in the heavens. 12:26 But concerning the dead, that they are raised; did you° not read in the book of Moses, how God spoke to him at the bush, saying, ‘I am the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob’? {Exo 3:6} 12:27 He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living. Therefore, you° are very much misled.
{Mar 12:28-34 & Mat 22:34-40 & Luk 20:40.}
12:28 And one of the scribes came near and heard them debating together, and knowing that he had answered them well, asked him, What commandment is the first of all?
12:29 But Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is: ‘Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God, the Lord is one’; 12:30 and ‘You will love* the Lord your God from your whole heart and from your whole soul and from your whole mind and from your whole strength.’ This is the first commandment. {Deu 6:4-6} 12:31 And the second one is similar to this one: ‘You will love* your neighbor like yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these. {Lev 19:18}
12:32 And the scribe said to him, Teacher, you said well in truth, that he is one, and there is not another other-than him; 12:33 and to love* him from the whole heart and from the whole intelligence and from the whole soul and from the whole strength and to love* the neighbor, he has, like himself, is more-than all the whole burnt-offerings and sacrifices.
12:34 And after Jesus saw that he answered with perception, he said to him, You are not far from the kingdom of God. And no one was daring enough to ask him anymore.
{Mar 12:35-37 & Mat 22:41-46 & Luk 20:41-44.}
12:35 And Jesus answered and said, while teaching in the temple, How is it that the scribes say that the Christ is the son of David? 12:36 For* David himself said in the Holy Spirit, ‘The Lord says to my Lord, Sit at my right hand, until I should place your enemies as the footstool of your feet.’ {Psa 110:1} 12:37 Therefore, David himself calls* him Lord, and from where is he his son? And the large crowd was gladly hearing him.
{Mar 12:38-40 & Mat 23:1-39 & Luk 20:45-47 Courts of the Temple, Tues.}
12:38 And he said to them in his teaching, Beware° of things from the scribes, who wish to walk in long robes and to have greetings in the marketplaces, 12:39 and the foremost seats in the synagogues and foremost-places at the suppers. 12:40 They are the ones who devour widows’ houses and the ones praying long prayers for a pretext; these will be receiving even-more condemnation.
{Mar 12:41-44 & Luk 21:1-4 In the Temple Treasury, Tues.}
12:41 And having sat down opposite the treasury, Jesus was viewing how the crowd is casting brass coins into the treasury, and many who were rich were casting in much. 12:42 And one poor widow came and she cast in two bronze-coins, which is equal to a brass-coin. 12:43 And having called his disciples to him, he says to them, Assuredly I am saying to you°, This poor widow has cast in more-than all the ones casting in much into the treasury; 12:44 for* they all cast in out-of the thing abounding to them, but this one cast in, out-of her lack of all things, as many things as she had, her whole livelihood.
[Mark 13] TOC
{Joh 12:20-50) In the Temple, Tues.}
{Mar 13:1-23 & Mat 24:1-28 & Luk 21:5-24 Destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. It is best to read Luke 21 first. See also: Luk 19:41-44 & Luk 23:28-31.}
13:1 And while traveling from the temple, one of his disciples says to him, Teacher, behold, what sort of stones and what sort of buildings are here.
13:2 And Jesus answered and said to him, Do you see these great buildings? One stone may not be left upon another stone, which may not be torn-down.
13:3 And while he himself is sitting at the Mountain of Olives opposite the temple, Peter and James and John and Andrew were asking him privately, 13:4 Tell us, when will these things be? And what is the sign whenever all these things are about to be completed?
13:5 But Jesus answered and began to say to them, Beware°, do not let anyone mislead you°. 13:6 For* many will be coming in my name, saying, I am he, and will be misleading many. 13:7 Now whenever you° hear of wars and reports of wars, do° not be alarmed; for* it is essential for these things to happen, but the end is not yet. 13:8 For* nation will be raised against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be earthquakes in different places; there will be famines and disturbances. These things are the beginnings of travails. 13:9 But you° yourselves, beware°, for* they will be giving you° up to councils, and you° will be whipped in synagogues and you° will be standing in front of governors and kings, because of me, *for a testimony to them. 13:10 And it is essential for the good-news to first be preached to all the nations. 13:11 But whenever they might lead you° to judgment and are giving you° up, do° not be anxious beforehand what you° should speak, nor meditate° on an answer, but whatever should be given to you° in this hour, speak° that. For* it is not you° who are speaking, but the Holy Spirit. 13:12 But brother will be giving up brother to death, and the father against the child, and children will be standing up against parents and will be slaying them. 13:13 And you° will be hated by everyone because of my name, but he who has endured to the end, this one will be saved.
13:14 But whenever you° see the abomination of desolation, the one which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet stopping where it is not essential to be (let the one who is reading perceive), then the ones who are in Judea, let° them flee to the mountains; 13:15 and let the one who is upon the housetop not go-down into the house, nor let him enter in to take anything out-of his house; 13:16 and let the one who is in the field not turn to the things behind him, that is, to take his garment. 13:17 But woe to the ones who are holding a child in their womb {i.e., pregnant} and to the ones who are nursing in those days! 13:18 Now pray° in-order-that your° flight might not happen in winter. 13:19 For* in those days will be affliction, such-as there has not happened such from the beginning of the creation which God created until now, and should never happen again. 13:20 And except that the Lord shortened the days, not any flesh would have been saved, but because of the chosen, whom he chose, he shortened the days. 13:21 Then if anyone says to you°, Behold, here is the Christ; or, Behold, there; do° not believe° it; 13:22 for* false* Christs and false* prophets will be raised and will be giving signs and wonders, if possible, in-order-to mislead even the chosen. 13:23 But you°, beware°. Behold, I have spoken to you° all things beforehand.
{Mar 13:24-37 & Mat 24:27, 24:29-31 & Luk 21:25-28 & Acts 1:11 & 1Th 4:13-17 & 2Th 1:7-9 & 1Co 15:51-15:58 & Rev 1:7 Second Coming.}
13:24 But in those days, after that affliction, the sun will be darkened and the moon will not be giving her radiance, 13:25 and the stars will be falling from the heaven and the powers in the heavens will be shaken. 13:26 And then they will be seeing the Son of Man coming in the clouds with much power and glory. 13:27 And then he will be sending forth his messengers and will be gathering together his chosen from the four winds, from the tip of the earth to the tip of heaven.
{Mar 13:28-31 & Mat 24:32-35 & Luk 21:29-33 Destruction of Jerusalem AD 70.}
13:28 Now learn° the parable from the fig tree: whenever her branch already becomes tender and whenever its leaves may spring forth, you° know that the summer is near; 13:29 so also you°, whenever you° see these things happening, know° that it is near, even at the doors. 13:30 Assuredly I am saying to you°, This generation should never pass-away, till which time all these things should happen. 13:31 Heaven and earth will pass-away, but my words should never pass-away.
{Mar 13:32-37 & Mat 24:36-44 & Luk 21:34-36 Second Coming.}
13:32 But no one knows concerning that day or hour, not even the messengers in heaven, neither the Son, except the Father only. 13:33 Beware°, watch° and pray°; for* you° do not know when the time is. 13:34 It is like a man, going-abroad, having left his house and given authority to his bondservants, and his work to each one, and he commanded the doorkeeper in-order-that he may watch. 13:35 Therefore, watch°; for* you° do not know when the lord of the house is coming, whether at evening or midnight or rooster’s crowing or in the morning; 13:36 lest having come suddenly, he might find you° sleeping. 13:37 Now what I say to you°, I say to all, Watch°!
[Mark 14] TOC
{Mat 24:45-51 & Luk 21:37.} {Mat 25:1-46 Mountain of Olives, Tues.}
{Mar 14:1-2 & Mat 26:1-5 & Luk 22:1-2 mountain Olives, Bethany, Jerusalem, Tues Evening, Wed. for the Jews.}
14:1 Now after two days it was the feast of the Passover and the unleavened bread, and the high-priests and the scribes were seeking how they might kill him if they took-hold of him in treachery; 14:2 but they were saying, Not at the feast, lest there will be an uproar of the people.
{Mar 14:3-9 & Mat 26:6-13.}
14:3 And now being in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, reclining at a meal, a woman came having an alabaster flask of costly full-strength perfume of nard, and she crushed the alabaster flask and poured it down on his head. 14:4 But some were being indignant with themselves, and saying, *For why has the waste of this perfume happened? 14:5 For* this perfume was able to be sold* for above three hundred denarii and given to the poor. And they were scolding her.
14:6 But Jesus said, Allow° her. Why are you° harassing her? She has worked a good work in me. 14:7 For* you° always have the poor with yourselves, and whenever you° wish, you° are able to do* them well, but you° do not always have me. 14:8 What this one had, she did*. She took upon herself beforehand to perfume my body *for the burial of it. 14:9 And assuredly I am saying to you°, Wherever this good-news might be preached into the whole world, what this woman also did* will be spoken *for her memorial.
{Mar 14:10-11 & Mat 26:14-16 & Luk 22:3-6 & Joh 12:2-8.}
14:10 And Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve, went away to the high-priests in-order-that he might give him up to them. 14:11 Now having heard it, they rejoiced and promised to give him silver. And he was seeking how he might opportunely give him up.
{Mar 14:12-17 & Mat 2-20 & Luk 22:7-18, 22:24-30 Bethany to Jerusalem Thur. Evening.}
14:12 And on the first day of unleavened bread, when they were sacrificing the Passover, his disciples say to him, After we have gone, where do you wish that we should prepare in-order-that you might eat the Passover?
14:13 And he sends two of his disciples and says to them, Proceed° into the city and you° will be encountering a man bearing a pitcher of water there. Follow° him. 14:14 And wherever he enters, say° to the householder, The Teacher says, Where is the guestroom, where I may eat the Passover with my disciples? 14:15 And he himself will be showing you° a big furnished upper-room, which is ready. Prepare° it for us there. 14:16 And his disciples went forth, and came into the city and found it just-as he had said to them, and they prepared the Passover. 14:17 And after it became evening, he comes with the twelve.
{Joh 13:1-20 Thur. Evening.}
{Mar 14:18-21, 14:27-31 & Mat 26:21-25, 26:31-35 & Luk 22:21-23, 22:31-38 & Joh 13:21-38.}
14:18 And while they themselves are reclining and eating, Jesus said, Assuredly I am saying to you°, One out-of you° will be giving me up to the Jews, the one eating with me.
14:19 Now they began to be sorrowful and to say to him every one {Or: one by one}, It is not I, is it? And another, It is not I, is it?
14:20 But he answered and said to them, It is one out-of the twelve, he who dips with me in the dish. 14:21 The Son of Man indeed proceeds-away, just-as it has been written concerning him, but woe to that man through whom the Son of Man is given up! It was {i.e., would be} good for him, if that man was not ever born.
{Mar 14:22-25 & Mat 26:26-29 & Luk 22:19-20, 1Co 11:23-26.}
14:22 And while they are eating, Jesus took bread and having given-thanks, he broke it and gave it to them and said, Take°, eat°; this is my body. 14:23 And having taken the cup and having given-thanks, he gave it to them, and they all drank out-of it. 14:24 And he said to them, This is my blood, the blood of the new covenant*, which is poured out concerning many. 14:25 Assuredly I am saying to you°, I should never drink anymore from the fruit* of the vine, until that day whenever I drink it new in the kingdom of God.
{Joh 14-17 Thur. Night, Fri. to the Jews.}
{Mar 14:26, 14:32-42 & Mat 26:30, 26:36-46 & Luk 22:39-46 & Joh 18:1 Garden between Stream of Kidron and Mountain of Olives, Late Thur. night.}
14:26 And having sung a hymn, they went forth to the Mountain of Olives.
14:27 And Jesus says to them, All of you° will be offended at me in this night, because it has been written, ‘I will be striking the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered.’ {Zec 13:7} 14:28 But after the time for me to be raised, I will be preceding you° into Galilee.
14:29 But Peter said to him, Even if all will be offended, but not I.
14:30 And Jesus says to him, Assuredly I am saying to you, that today, even in this night, before the rooster is to crow twice, you will be denying me three-times.
14:31 But Peter spoke rather exceptionally, If it should be essential for me to die together-with you, I should never deny you! Now likewise*, they also all were saying it.
14:32 And they come to a parcel of ground of which the name is Gethsemane, and he says to his disciples, Sit° here until I should pray. 14:33 And he takes Peter and James and John with himself, and he began to be utterly amazed and disheartened. 14:34 And he says to them, My soul is very sorrowful until death, remain° here and watch°.
14:35 And having gone a little further, he fell upon the earth and was praying in-order-that, if it is possible, the hour might pass-away from him. 14:36 And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible for you; carry this cup away from me, but not what I will, but what you will.
14:37 And he comes and finds them sleeping, and says to Peter, Simon, do you sleep? Were you not strong-enough to watch one hour? 14:38 Watch° and pray°, in-order-that you° may not enter into temptation. The spirit is indeed eager, but the flesh is weak.
14:39 And again he went away and prayed, and said the same speech.
14:40 And having returned, he found them sleeping again, for* their eyes were heavy, and they did not know what they should answer him.
14:41 And while coming the third-time, he says to them, Furthermore, are you° sleeping and resting yourselves? It is adequate.
The hour came already. Behold, the Son of Man is given up into the hands of sinners. 14:42 Arise°, we should proceed. Behold, the one giving me up has drawn near.
{Mar 14:43-52 & Mat 26:47-56 & Luk 22:47-53 & Joh 18:2-11 Gethsemane, Fri. a few hours before dawn.}
14:43 And immediately, as he is still speaking, Judas, being one of the twelve, comes* and with him, a large crowd with swords and clubs from the high-priests, and the scribes and the elders. 14:44 Now the one giving him up, had given them a predefined gesture, saying, Whomever I kiss, it is he; take-hold° of him and securely lead° him away. 14:45 And having gone to the place, he went immediately to him and says to him, Rabbi, rabbi, and kissed him. 14:46 Now they put hands upon him and took-hold of him.
14:47 But a certain one of the ones standing beside him, pulled the sword, he had, and struck the bondservant of the high-priest and took off his ear.
14:48 And Jesus answered and said to them, Did you° come forth, as against a robber with swords and clubs to take me? 14:49 I was with you° daily teaching in the temple and you° have not taken-hold of me, but this is done in-order-that the Scriptures might be fulfilled.
14:50 And they all left him and fled. 14:51 And one, a certain young-man followed with him, having been dressed in a linen cloth over his naked body, and the young-men take-hold of him; 14:52 but he left the linen cloth and fled from them naked.
{Joh 18:12-14, 19-23 Fri. before dawn.}
{Mar 14:53 & Mat 26:57 & Luk 22:54a & Joh 18:24 Palace of Caiaphas, before dawn.}
14:53 And they led Jesus away to the high-priest, and all the high-priests and the elders and the scribes are coming together-with him there.
{Mar 14:54 & Mat 26:58 & Luk 22:54b-62 & Joh 18:15-18 Courtyard of High Priest’s residence, Fri. around dawn.}
14:54 And Peter followed him from afar, until he was inside, into the courtyard of the high-priest, and he was sitting together with the attendants and warming himself in the light of the fire.
{Mar 14:55-65 & Mat 26:59-68 & Luk 22:63-65.}
14:55 Now the high-priests and the whole council were seeking testimony against Jesus, *that* they might slay him, and they were not finding it. 14:56 For* many were falsely testifying against him, and yet their testimonies were not equal. 14:57 And some, having stood up, were falsely testifying against him, saying, 14:58 We heard him say, I will be tearing-down this temple, the one made* with hands, and I will be building another through three days not made* with hands. 14:59 And thus, neither was their testimony equal.
14:60 And the high-priest having stood up in the midst of them, asked Jesus, saying, Are you answering nothing? What are these witnesses testifying against you? 14:61 But he was silent and answered nothing. Again the high-priest was asking him and says to him, Are you the Christ, the Son of the Gracious* One?
14:62 But Jesus said, I am, and you° will be seeing the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of power and coming with the clouds of heaven.
14:63 But the high-priest, having ripped his tunics, says, Why do we still have need of witnesses? 14:64 You° have heard the blasphemy. What does it appear to you°? Now they all condemned him to be liable of death. 14:65 And some began to spit on him and to cover his face and to batter him, and to say to him, Prophesy! And the attendants were casting him around with slaps on the cheek.
{Mar 14:66-72 & Mat 26:69-75 & Luk 22:55-62 & Joh 18:25-27.}
14:66 And Peter being below in the courtyard, one of the maidservants of the high-priest comes. 14:67 And having seen Peter warming himself, she looked at him and says, You were also with Jesus, the Nazarene.
14:68 But he denied it, saying, I do not know him, nor know what you are saying, and he went outside into the forecourt, and the rooster crowed.
14:69 And the maidservant saw him and began again to say to the ones standing beside her, This one is from them. 14:70 But he again was denying it. And after a little while, the ones standing beside them were again saying to Peter, You truly are from them. For* you are a Galilean and your speech is similar.
14:71 But he began to curse and swear, I do not know this man of whom you° are speaking. 14:72 And the rooster crowed the second-time. And Peter was reminded of the declaration which Jesus said to him, Before the rooster is to crow twice, you will be denying me three-times. And having put his thoughts upon it, he was weeping.
[Mark 15] TOC
{Mar 15:1 & Mat 27:1-2 Luk 22:66-23:1 & Joh 18:28a Jerusalem early Fri. morning.}
15:1 And immediately in the morning, the high-priests with the elders and scribes, and the whole ruling council, made* a council together and bound Jesus and carried him away and gave him up to Pilate.
{Mat 27:3-10 & Acts 1:18-19 Fri. morning and toward the future.}
{Mar 15:2-5 & Mat 27:11-14 & Luk 23:2-5 & Joh 18:28b-38 Jerusalem early Fri. morning.}
15:2 And Pilate asked him, Are you the King of the Jews?
But he answered and said to him, You speak correctly.
15:3 And the high-priests were accusing him of many things, {T} but He answered nothing.
15:4 But Pilate asked him again, saying, Do you answer nothing? Behold how-many things they are testifying against you. 15:5 But Jesus no more answered anything; so-then making Pilate to marvel.
{Luk 23:6-12 Jerusalem early Fri. morning.}
{Mar 15:6-19 & Mat 27:15-30 & Joh 18:39-19:16 Fri., April 7, 30AD.}
15:6 Now he was normally releasing to them one prisoner every Passover feast, whomever they were asking for. 15:7 Now there was one called* Barabbas, having been bound with the fellow rioters of his, who in the riot had practiced murder. 15:8 And the crowd having cried out, began to ask him to do like he was doing* habitually for them. 15:9 But Pilate answered them, saying, Do you° wish that I might release to you° the King of the Jews? 15:10 For* he knew that the high-priests had given him up because of envy. 15:11 But the high-priests shook up the crowd, in-order-that he should rather release Barabbas to them. 15:12 And Pilate again answered and said to them, Therefore, what do you° wish that I might do* to the one whom you° call* the King of the Jews?
15:13 But they cried out again, Crucify him!
15:14 But Pilate said to them, For* what evil did he do*?
But they cried out even-more, Crucify him. 15:15 Now Pilate, willing to do* what was sufficient for the crowd, released to them Barabbas and gave up Jesus, having scourged him, in-order-that he might be crucified.
15:16 Now the soldiers led him away, inside the courtyard, which is the palace, and they call together the whole cohort {600 soldiers}. 15:17 And they clothe him with purple, and braided a thorny crown, and they place it around his head; 15:18 and they began to greet him, Hail, King of the Jews! 15:19 And they were beating his head with a reed and were spitting on him, and placing the knees down, they were worshiping him.
{Mar 15:20-23 & Mat 27:31-34 & Luk 23:26-33 & Joh 19:17 Road to the Cross, Fri. morning.}
15:20 And when they had mocked him, they stripped the purple off him and clothed him with his own garments. And they lead him out in-order-that they should crucify him. 15:21 And they compel a certain one passing by, Simon from Cyrene, coming from the rural-area, the father of Alexander and Rufus, to go with them, in-order-that he might lift up his cross. 15:22 And they bring him upon the place called Golgotha, which is, after being translated, The place of a skull. 15:23 And they were giving to him wine to drink, having been medicated with myrrh, but he did not take it.
{Mar 15:24-32 & Mat 27:35-44 & Luk 23:33-43 & Joh 19:18-27 9:00 until Noon, Fri.}
15:24 And having crucified him, ‘they divide his garments, casting a lot upon them,’ who and what each might take. {Psa 22:18} 15:25 Now it was the third hour {i.e., 9:00 AM} and they crucified him. 15:26 And the inscription of his accusation was written upon the cross, The King of the Jews. 15:27 And they crucify two robbers together-with him; one at his right and one at his left. 15:28 And the Scripture was fulfilled, the one saying ‘And he was counted with the lawless.’ {Isa 53:12} 15:29 ‘And the ones who are traveling by were blaspheming him, wagging their heads’ and saying, Aha! He who will tear-down the temple and build it in three days; 15:30 ‘save yourself and come-down from the cross.’ {Psa 22:7}
15:31 Likewise, also, the high-priests with the scribes were mocking him with one another, and were saying, He saved others, but he is not able to save himself. 15:32 Let the Christ, the King of Israel, come-down now from the cross, in-order-that we may see and may believe in him. And the ones who have been crucified together-with him were reproaching him.
{Mar 15:34 & Mat 27:45 & Luk 23:44 around Noon.}
15:33 Now after it became the sixth hour, it became darkness over the whole earth until the ninth hour {i.e., Noon until 3:00 PM; Amos 8:8-9?}.
{Mar 15:34-41 & Mat 27:46-56 & Luk 23:45-49 & Joh 19:28-30 around 3:00 to 5:00 PM.}
15:34 And Jesus cried in the ninth hour {i.e., 3:00 PM} with a loud voice, saying, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? which is, after being translated, ‘My God, my God, why did you forsake me?’ {Psa 22:1}
15:35 And some of the ones standing beside him, having heard it, were saying, Behold, he is summoning Elijah. 15:36 But one having ran and filled a sponge from the vinegar vessel, placed it around a reed and was delivering a drink to him, saying, Allow° it, that we may see if Elijah comes to take him down.
15:37 But Jesus expired, having left with a loud voice. 15:38 And the curtain of the temple was split-apart, into two pieces, from the top to the bottom. 15:39 Now the centurion* standing there, opposite from him, saw that he thus cried out and expired, said, Truly this man was the Son of God. 15:40 Now there were also women viewing from afar, among whom were both Mary the Magdalene and Mary the mother of James the little {Or: least} and of Joses and Salome; 15:41 who also, when he was in Galilee, were following him and were serving him, and many other women who came-up together-with him to Jerusalem.
{Mar 15:42-47 & Mat 27:57-66 & Luk 23:50-56 & Joh 19:31-42 Before The Sabbath.}
15:42 And now when it became evening, since it was the Preparation, which is, the daytime before the Sabbath, 15:43 Joseph, a prominent counselor, came, who was from Arimathaea, who himself was also waiting for the kingdom of God, and having dared, he entered to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus. 15:44 Now Pilate marveled if already, he has died. And having called the centurion*, he asked him if he had died for very-long. 15:45 And having known this from the centurion*, he bestowed the body to Joseph as a gift. 15:46 And having bought a linen cloth and having taken him down, he coiled him in the linen cloth, and placed him in a tomb which was hewed out-of a rock, and he rolled a stone against the door of the tomb. 15:47 Now Mary the Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joses were viewing where he is placed.
[Mark 16] TOC
{Mar 16:1-8 & Mat 28:1-8 & Luk 24:1-8, 12 & Joh 20:1-10 Dawn and very early Sun.}
16:1 And after the Sabbath had elapsed, Mary the Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Salome bought spices in-order-that after they went there, they might anoint him.
16:2 And exceedingly early in the morning of the first day of the week, they are coming upon the tomb after the sun rose. 16:3 And they were saying to themselves, Who will be rolling away the stone from the door of the tomb for us? 16:4 And having looked up, they view that the stone has been rolled away; for* it was extremely great. 16:5 And having entered into the tomb, they saw a young-man sitting at the right side, having been dressed in a white robe, and they were utterly amazed.
16:6 Now he says to them, Do° not be utterly amazed. You° are seeking Jesus, the Nazarene, the one who has been crucified. He was raised. He is not here. Behold, the place where they had placed him. 16:7 But proceed° away; say° to his disciples and Peter, He precedes you° into Galilee. You° will be seeing him there, like he said to you°. 16:8 And they went forth and fled from the tomb. Now trembling and astonishment were holding them, and they said nothing to anyone; for* they were afraid.
{Mar 16:9-11 & Mat 28:9-10 & Luk 24:9-11 & Joh 20:11-18.}
16:9 Now having risen* in the morning on the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary the Magdalene, from whom he had cast forth seven demons. 16:10 That one traveling on, she reported to the ones who came* with him, who were mourning and weeping. 16:11 And after they heard that he is alive and was seen by her, they disbelieved.
{Mat 28:11-15 Sun. Morning.}
{Mar 16:12-13 & Luk 24:13-35 & 1Co 15:5 Sun. Afternoon.}
16:12 Now after these things, he was manifested in a different form to two out-of them while they are walking, traveling into the rural-area. 16:13 And they went away and reported it to the rest, but they did not believe those men.
{Mar 16:14 & Luk 24:36-43 & Joh 20:19-25 Sun. Evening.}
16:14 Later, while reclining at a meal, he was manifested to the eleven themselves and he reproached their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they did not believe the ones who saw him, that he has been raised.
{Joh 20:26-31 & 1Co 15:5 Sun. after the resurrection.} {Joh 21:1-25 Sea of Galilee.} {Mat 28:16-17 & 1Co 15:6 Mountain in Galilee.}
{Mar 16:15-18 & Mat 28:18-20 & Luk 24:46-47 Mountain in Galilee; The Great Commission.}
16:15 And he said to them, When traveling into all the world, preach° the good-news to all creation. 16:16 After having believed and having been immersed*, he will be saved, but he who has disbelieved {Or: disobeyed} will be condemned.
16:17 Now these signs will be following the ones who have believed: they will be casting forth demons in my name; they will be speaking in new languages; 16:18 they will be lifting up serpents and even if they should drink anything deadly, it should never harm them; they will lay hands upon the sick and they will be well.
{Luk 24:44-49 & Acts 1:3-8 & 1Co 15:7 Jerusalem.}
{Mar 16:19-20 & Luk 24:50-53 & Acts 1:9-12 Olivet, between Jerusalem and Bethany.}
16:19 Therefore indeed, the Lord, after he spoke to them, was received up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God. 16:20 Now those apostles went forth and preached everywhere, the Lord working together-with them, and confirming the word through the signs which are following them. Amen.
{{ Introduction to Luke 60-62 AD
The Good-news account by Luke was written from a historian’s point of view to Theophilus, Gentiles, and people everywhere. This doctor, a close friend of Paul, a Greek and Gentile Christian and the only Gentile writer in the New Testament was very specific when describing when and where things took place. As such, Luke is the most detail-oriented of the four Good-news accounts. Beginning with the miraculous birth of John (a relative of Jesus) and Jesus’ own birth six months later, Luke reveals the life of Jesus in a very orderly manner. Luke demonstrates how the Holy Spirit promotes belief in Jesus as the Son of God in an accurate account of the life of Christ presenting Christ as the perfect human savior. Luke also influences his readers through various elements of a narrative text of Scripture that is written from Rome or possibly Caesarea. A key verse in Luke is 19: 9, 10 and our Lord and Savior’s mission to save mankind. Luke stresses the Savior’s relationship with people. It is in this biography of Jesus that we see Jesus foretelling the completion of the Old Testament in the lifetime of the people to whom He spoke (Luke 20:21-22). Jesus’ final instructions to His apostles, after His resurrection, were ‘Repentance and forgiveness of sins should be preached in My name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem’ (Luke 24:47, shown in Acts 2:38). Luke also wrote Acts: The Book of Conversions.}}
[Luke 1] TOC
{Luk 1:1-4 Introduction; no parallel.}
1:1 Since many undertook the task to compile a narrative concerning the matters which have been fully assured among us, 1:2 just-as they gave them to us, the ones who became eyewitnesses and attendants of the word from the beginning, 1:3 it also seemed good to me, having followed accurately in all things from the start, to write to you afterwards, most-excellent Theophilus, 1:4 in-order-that you might fully know the certainty concerning the words of which you were instructed.
{Luk 1:5-25 Jerusalem 6 BC; no parallel.}
1:5 It happened in the days of Herod, the king of Judea, there was a certain priest, Zacharias by name, from the class* of Abijah and his wife was from the daughters of Aaron and her name was Elisabeth. 1:6 Now they were both righteous and blameless in God’s sight, conducting-themselves in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord. 1:7 And there was no child to them, insomuch as Elisabeth was barren, and they were both advanced in their days.
1:8 Now it happened, while* he was doing priestly duties in front of God in the order of his class*, 1:9 according-to the custom of the priest’s office, he was allotted to burn-incense, after he entered into the temple of the Lord. 1:10 And all the multitude of the people were praying outside in the hour of incense. 1:11 And a messenger of the Lord was seen by him, standing at the right side of the altar of incense. 1:12 And Zacharias, having seen him, was disturbed, and fear fell upon him.
1:13 But the messenger said to him, Do not fear, Zacharias, because your supplication was heard and your wife Elisabeth will be giving-birth to a son to you and you will call his name John. 1:14 And there will be joy and gladness to you, and many will be rejoicing at his birth. 1:15 For* he will be great in the Lord’s sight, and he should never drink wine and liquor, and he will be filled more with the Holy Spirit even from his mother’s womb. 1:16 And he will be turning many of the sons of Israel over to the Lord their God. 1:17 And he will be going beforehand, in his sight, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers again to their children, and to turn the disobedient in the prudence of the righteous; to make-ready a people who have been prepared for the Lord.
1:18 And Zacharias said to the messenger, According-to what will I know this? For* I am an elderly-man and my wife has advanced in her days.
1:19 And the messenger answered and said to him, I am Gabriel, who stands in God’s sight, and I was sent to speak to you and to proclaim to you good-news with these things. 1:20 And behold, you will be silent and not able to speak, till the day that these things should happen, because you did not believe my words, which will be fulfilled in their time.
1:21 And the people were expecting Zacharias and they were marveling while* he himself was delaying in the temple. 1:22 But after he went forth, he was not able to speak to them, and they recognized that he had seen a vision in the temple, and he himself was signaling to them and was remaining mute. 1:23 And it happened, as the days of his ministry* were fulfilled, he went away to his house.
1:24 Now after these days, Elisabeth his wife conceived, and she was hiding herself for five months, saying, 1:25 Thus the Lord has done* to me in the days in which he looked upon me, to take away my reproach among men.
{Luk 1:26-38 Nazareth 5 BC; no parallel.}
1:26 Now in the sixth month Gabriel the messenger was sent by God to a city of Galilee, to which is the name Nazareth, 1:27 to a virgin who has been engaged to a man to which is the name Joseph, from the house of David, and Mary is the name of the virgin. 1:28 And the messenger entered to her, said, Hail! She who has been favored. The Lord is with you. You have been blessed among women. 1:29 But having seen him, she was very disturbed at his speech, and was reasoning what sort of greeting this might be. 1:30 And the messenger said to her, Do not fear, Mary; for* you found favor with God. 1:31 And behold, you will conceive in your womb and will be bearing a son and will call his name Jesus. 1:32 This one will be great and will be called the Son of the Highest and the Lord God will be giving to him the throne of his father David, 1:33 and he will be reigning over the house of Jacob forever, and there will be no end of his kingdom.
1:34 But Mary said to the messenger, How will this be, since I do not know a man sexually?
1:35 And the messenger answered and said to her, The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Highest will be overshadowing you; hence the holy one being born out-of you will also be called the Son of God. 1:36 And behold, Elisabeth your relative, she herself also has conceived a son in her elderliness, and this is the sixth month with her, the one being called barren, 1:37 because every declaration from God will not be powerless.
1:38 But Mary said, Behold, the bondservant of the Lord; let it happen to me according-to your declaration. And the messenger went away from her.
{Luk 1:39-80 Hill region of Judea, 5 BC; no parallel.}
1:39 Now having risen* up in these days, Mary traveled with diligence into the hill-country, into a city of Judah, 1:40 and entered into the house of Zacharias and greeted Elisabeth. 1:41 And it happened, as Elisabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the baby jumped in her womb, and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit; 1:42 and she shouted out with a loud voice and said, You have been blessed among women, and the fruit of your womb has been blessed. 1:43 And from where did this come to me, in-order-that the mother of my Lord should come to me? 1:44 For* behold, as the voice of your greeting came* into my ears, the baby jumped in my womb in gladness. 1:45 And she who believed is fortunate, because there will be a completion of the things which have been spoken to her from the Lord.
1:46 And Mary said, My soul applauds the Lord, 1:47 and my spirit was glad upon God my Savior. 1:48 Because he looked upon the humbleness of his bondservant; for* behold, from hereafter, all generations will esteem me fortunate. 1:49 Because the mighty one did* magnificent things to me and his name is holy, 1:50 and his mercy is toward generations of generations to the ones who fear him. 1:51 He made* his dominion known with* his arm. He scattered the haughty in the perception of their heart. 1:52 He took down sovereigns from their thrones and has exalted the humble. 1:53 He filled the hungry with good things, and he sent out the rich empty. 1:54 He helped Israel his young-servant, in order to remember his mercy, 1:55 just-as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and his seed forever.
1:56 Now Mary remained together-with her approximately three months and returned to her house.
1:57 Now Elisabeth’s time was fulfilled for her to bear, and she gave-birth to a son. 1:58 And the dwellers around her, and her relatives, heard that the Lord was magnifying his mercy with her, and they were rejoicing together-with her. 1:59 And it happened on the eighth day; they came to circumcise the child, and they were to be calling it upon {i.e., after} the name of his father, Zacharias. 1:60 And his mother answered and said, Not so, but he will be called John.
1:61 And they said to her, There is no one among your relatives who is called by this name. 1:62 But they were signaling to his father, what he would wish him to be called. 1:63 And he asked for a writing-tablet and wrote, saying, His name is John. And they all marveled. 1:64 Now his mouth was instantly opened, and his tongue loosed, and he was speaking, thanking God. 1:65 And fear came* upon all the ones dwelling around them and all these declarations were being talked-about in the whole hill-country of Judea. 1:66 And all who heard, placed these in their heart, saying, What then will this child be? And the hand of the Lord was with him.
1:67 And his father Zacharias was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied, saying, 1:68 The Lord, the God of Israel is gracious*. Because he visited and made* redemption for his people. 1:69 And lifted up a horn of salvation for us in the house of his young-servant David, 1:70 (just-as he spoke through the mouth of his holy prophets from the age past). 1:71 We have salvation from our enemies and from the hand of all who hate us, 1:72 to do* his mercy with our fathers and to remember his holy covenant*. 1:73 We have the oath which he had sworn to Abraham our father to give to us, 1:74 having been fearlessly rescued out-of the hand of our enemies, to give-divine-service to him 1:75 in holiness and righteousness all the days of our life in his sight. 1:76 And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Highest; for* ‘you will be traveling before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways.’ {Mal 3:1} 1:77 You are to give knowledge of salvation to his people in the forgiveness of their sins, 1:78 through the heart* of mercy of our God, in which the rising of light from on high visited us, 1:79 to appear to the ones sitting in darkness and the shadow of death; to steer our feet into the way of peace.
1:80 Now the child was growing and becoming-powerful in spirit and was in the wilderness until the day of his public showing to Israel.
[Luke 2] TOC
{Luk 2:1-20 Bethlehem 5 BC; no parallel.}
{Augustus, a title, both the Latin form and Greek word ‘sebastos’ are in the Bible (G828, G4575), which are adjectives that means ‘worthy of worship. It is like our Reverend, His Majesty, Your Worship, etc.’ This ‘worthy of worship’ became worse as more and more Emperors took the throne. Nero being about the worst of all and is referred to as the ‘Man of Sin’ in 2Th 2:3, the number of a man in Rev 13:18 (666). Caesar is our ‘Emperor.’ Adjectives in Greek occur after the noun so by rights this is His Reverend Emperor in Luk 2:1. In Acts 25:2, 5; 27:1 - Augustus here means simply ‘the Emperor’ and translated as such.}
2:1 Now it happened in those days, a decree went forth from Caesar Augustus to register all the inhabited-earth. 2:2 This census happened first, Quirinius being governor of Syria. 2:3 And all were traveling to register themselves, each one into his own city. 2:4 Now Joseph also went-up from Galilee, out-of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he himself is out-of the house and family of David; 2:5 to register himself together-with Mary, who has been engaged to him as his wife, being swollen with child {i.e., pregnant}. 2:6 Now it happened, while* they were there, the days were fulfilled the ones for her to bear; 2:7 and she bore her firstborn son, and she swaddled and reclined him in the manger, because there was no place for them in the boarding-house.
2:8 And shepherds were in the same region, camping out and observing watches over their flock by night. 2:9 And behold, a messenger of the Lord stood by them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were afraid with a great fear. 2:10 And the messenger said to them, Do° not be afraid; for* behold, I proclaim to you° good-news of great joy which will be to all the people, 2:11 because a Savior was given-birth today for you° in the city of David, who is Christ the Lord. 2:12 And this is the sign to you°: you° will be finding a swaddled baby, laying in a manger. 2:13 And suddenly, a multitude of the heavenly army praising God happened to be together-with the messenger, and saying, 2:14 Glory to God in the highest, and peace upon earth, in men, delight. 2:15 And it happened, as the messengers went away from them into heaven, and the men, the shepherds, said to one another, We should go through, insofar as Bethlehem, and let us see this declaration about events which has happened, which the Lord made known to us!
2:16 And they came, having hurried, and found both Mary and Joseph and the baby laying in the manger. 2:17 Now having seen this, they made it known concerning the declaration which was spoken to them concerning this child. 2:18 And all who heard it marveled concerning the things which were spoken to them by the shepherds. 2:19 But Mary was keeping all these words to herself, pondering them in her heart. 2:20 And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God in all the things which they heard and saw, just-as it was spoken to them.
{Luk 2:21-39a Temple at Jerusalem 4 BC; no parallel.}
2:21 And when eight days were fulfilled to circumcise him, and his name was called Jesus, which was called by the messenger before he was to be conceived in the womb.
2:22 And when the days of their cleansing according-to the Law of Moses were fulfilled, they led him up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord {Lev 12:2 - 6} 2:23 (as it has been written in the Law of the Lord, ‘Every male who opens the womb will be called holy to the Lord’); {Exo 13:2, 12} 2:24 and to give ‘A couple of turtledoves or two young doves as a sacrifice according-to what has been spoken in the Law of the Lord. {Lev 12:8, 5:11}
2:25 And behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, to which is the name Simeon, and this man was righteous and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel and the Holy Spirit was upon him. 2:26 And it was being divinely-spoken to him by the Holy Spirit, that he should not see death, before he should see the Lord’s Christ. 2:27 And he came in the Spirit into the temple, while* the parents were bringing* in the child Jesus, for them to do* according-to what has been the custom of the law concerning him. 2:28 And he accepted him into his arms and gave-thanks to God and said, 2:29 Now Master, you may dismiss your bondservant according-to your word in peace, 2:30 because my eyes have seen your salvation 2:31 which you prepared in the face of all peoples. 2:32 He is a light *for revelation of the Gentiles and the glory of your people Israel.
2:33 And Joseph and his mother were marveling at the things which were spoken concerning him; 2:34 and Simeon gave-thanks for them, and said to Mary his mother, Behold, this child is reserved *for the fall and the resurrection of many in Israel, and *for a sign being spoken against. 2:35 Now, also a long-sword, itself, will be going through your own soul; *that reasonings would be revealed out-of many hearts.
2:36 And there was a prophetess, Anna, the daughter of Phanuel, out-of the tribe of Asher (this one was advanced in many days, having lived with a husband seven years from her virginity, 2:37 and this one had been a widow approximately eighty four years), who was not withdrawing from the temple night and day, giving-divine-service with fasts and supplications. 2:38 And having stood up in that same hour, this one herself was fully-professing the Lord and was speaking concerning him to all the ones waiting for the redemption in Jerusalem.
{Mat 2:19-23 & Luk 2:39b Egypt & Nazareth 4 BC.}
2:39 And as they had completed all things according-to the Law of the Lord, they returned into Galilee, to their own city Nazareth.
{Luk 2:40-52 Nazareth and Jerusalem 7 or 8 AD.}
2:40 Now the child was growing and becoming-powerful in spirit, being filled with wisdom, and the favor of God was upon him.
2:41 And his parents were traveling every year to Jerusalem to the feast of the Passover. 2:42 And when he became twelve years old, they themselves went-up to Jerusalem, according-to the custom of the feast; 2:43 and having completed the days, while* they were returning, the boy Jesus remained back in Jerusalem, and Joseph and his mother did not know it. 2:44 But having supposed him to be in the caravan, they went a day’s journey, and they were seeking him among their relatives and among their acquaintances. 2:45 And having not found him, they returned to Jerusalem, seeking him.
2:46 And it happened, after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both hearing them and asking them questions. 2:47 Now all the ones hearing him were astonished at his intelligence and his answers. 2:48 And after they saw him, they were astounded, and his mother said to him, Child, why have you done* so to us? Behold, your father and I were seeking you, sorrowing.
2:49 And he said to them, Why is it that you° were seeking me? Did you° not know it is essential for me to be in the things of my father? 2:50 And they did not understand the declaration which he spoke to them. 2:51 And he went-down with them, and came to Nazareth, and he was being subject to them and his mother was keeping all these words in her heart.
2:52 And Jesus was progressing in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with God and men.
[Luke 3] TOC
{Mar 1:1-8 & Mat 3:1-12 & Luk 3:1-18. Judea near Jordan River 25 or 26 AD.}
3:1 Now in the fifteenth year of the government of Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate being governor of Judea, and Herod being Tetrarch of Galilee, and his brother Philip, Tetrarch of the region made up of Ituraea and Trachonitis, and Lysanias being Tetrarch of Abilene, 3:2 in the high-priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas, the declaration of God came* to John the son of Zacharias in the wilderness. 3:3 And he came into all the region around the Jordan, preaching the immersion* of repentance into the forgiveness of sins; 3:4 as it has been written in the book of the words of Isaiah the prophet, saying, ‘The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare° the way of the Lord. Make*° his paths straight. 3:5 Every valley will be filled and every mountain and hill will be humbled, and the crooked into straight and the rough ways into smooth. 3:6 And all flesh will be seeing the salvation of God.’ {Isa 40:3-5}
3:7 Therefore, he was saying to the crowds who travel out to be immersed* by him, Offsprings of vipers! Who warned you° to flee from the future wrath? 3:8 Therefore, produce° fruits worthy of repentance and do° not begin to say among yourselves, We have Abraham as our father; for* I say to you°, that God is able to lift up children to Abraham from these stones. 3:9 Now the ax is also already reserved toward the root of the trees. Therefore, every tree which is not producing good fruit is cut off and cast into the fire.
3:10 And the crowds were asking him, saying, Therefore, what will we do*?
3:11 And he answered and says to them, He who has two tunics, let him give one to the one who does not have, and he who has various foods, let him do* likewise.
3:12 But tax collectors also came to be immersed*, and they said to him, Teacher, what will we do*?
3:13 And he said to them, Appropriate° no more than what has been appointed for you°.
3:14 But the active soldiers were also asking him, saying, And we, what will we do*?
And he said to them, Intimidate° no one, nor cheat° anyone, and be° content with your° rations.
3:15 But the people are expecting, and all are reasoning in their hearts concerning John, maybe, he himself might be the Christ; 3:16 John answered, saying to them all, I indeed immerse* you° in water, but the mightier one than I, he is coming, the strap of whose shoes I am not sufficient to loose. He himself will immerse* you° in the Holy Spirit, and in fire; 3:17 whose winnowing fan is in his hand, and he will be thoroughly cleansing his threshing floor, and will be gathering the grain into his barn, but the chaff he will burn up with unquenchable fire.
3:18 Therefore indeed, he was proclaiming the good-news to the people, encouraging them also with many other things.
{Mar 1:14a & Mat 4:12 & Luk 3:19-20 & Joh 4:1-4 Judea to Galilee.}
3:19 But Herod the Tetrarch, being reproved by him concerning Herodias his brother’s wife and concerning all the evil things which Herod practiced, 3:20 also added this to them all, and locked John in the prison.
{Mar 1:9-11 & Mat 3:13-17 Luk 3:21-22 Jordan east of Jericho, Spring 27 AD.}
3:21 Now it happened, while* all the people were immersed*; after Jesus was also immersed*, and while praying, the heaven opened, 3:22 and the Holy Spirit descended in bodily form, like a dove upon him, and a voice came* from heaven, saying, You are my beloved Son. I am delighted in you.
{Mat 1:1-17 & Luk 3:23-28 Genealogy.}
3:23 And Jesus himself was approximately thirty years old, when beginning to teach (being, as it was supposed, the son of Joseph). Although he was a descendant from Heli, 3:24 from Matthat, from Levi, from Melchi, from Jannai, from Joseph, 3:25 from Mattathias, from Amos, from Nahum, from Esli, from Naggai, 3:26 from Maath, from Mattathias, from Semein, from Joseph, from Joda, 3:27 from Joanan, from Rhesa, from Zerubbabel, from Shealtiel, from Neri, 3:28 from Melchi, from Addi, from Cosam, from Elmadam, from Er, 3:29 from Joses, from Eliezer, from Jorim, from Matthat, from Levi, 3:30 from Symeon, from Judas, from Joseph, from Jonam, from Eliakim, 3:31 from Melea, from Menna, from Mattatha, from Nathan, from David, 3:32 from Jesse, from Obed, from Boaz, from Salmon, from Nahshon, 3:33 from Amminadab, from Ram, from Hezron, from Perez, from Judah, 3:34 from Jacob, from Isaac, from Abraham, from Terah, from Nahor, 3:35 from Serug, from Reu, from Peleg, from Eber, from Shelah, 3:36 from Cainan, from Arphaxad, from Shem, from Noah, from Lamech, 3:37 from Methuselah, from Enoch, from Jared, from Mahalaleel, from Cainan, 3:38 from Enos, from Seth, from Adam, who was from God.
[Luke 4] TOC
{Mar 1:12-13 & Mat 4:1-11 & Luk 4:1-13.}
4:1 Now full of the Holy Spirit, Jesus returned from the Jordan, and was being led by the Spirit into the wilderness, 4:2 being tempted by the devil for forty days. And he ate nothing in those days, and later, after they themselves were completed, he hungered. 4:3 And the devil said to him, If you are the Son of God, speak to this stone in-order-that it may become bread.
4:4 And Jesus answered to him, saying, It has been written, ‘Man will not live upon bread only, but upon every declaration from God.’ {Deu 8:3}
4:5 And the devil, having led him up into a high mountain, showed him all the kingdoms of the inhabited-earth in an instant of time. 4:6 And the devil said to him, I will be giving all this authority, and the glory of them, to you, because it has been given to me, and I am giving it to whomever I wish. 4:7 Therefore, if you worship only in my sight, all this will be yours.
4:8 And Jesus answered and said to him, Proceed behind me, adversary! It has been written, ‘You will be worshiping the Lord your God and you will be giving-divine-service to him only.’ {Deu 6:13}
4:9 And he led him to Jerusalem, and stood him upon the pinnacle of the temple and said to him, If you are the Son of God, cast yourself downward from here. 4:10 For* it has been written, ‘He will be commanding his messengers concerning you, to guard you,’ 4:11 and, ‘They will lift you up upon their hands, lest you might hit your foot with a stone.’ {Psa 91:11-12}
4:12 And Jesus answered and said to him, It has been spoken, ‘Do not test the Lord your God.’ {Deu 6:16}
4:13 And after the devil had completed every temptation, he withdrew from him till another time.
{Luk 4:14a & Joh 4:44-45 Arrival in Galilee.}
4:14 And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee.
{Mar 1:14b-15 & Mat 4:17 & Luk 4:14b-15.}
And fame went forth throughout the whole region around there concerning him. 4:15 And he himself was teaching in their synagogues, being glorified by all.
{Luk 4:16-31; no parallel.}
4:16 And he came to Nazareth, where he was being reared up, and according-to his custom, he entered into the synagogue on the Sabbath day and stood up to read. 4:17 And the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him. And having unrolled the scroll, he found the place where it had been written, 4:18 ‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because of which, he anointed me to proclaim the good-news to the poor. He has sent me to heal the crushed in heart, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to send forth the downtrodden to deliverance, 4:19 to preach the acceptable year of the Lord.’ {Isa 61:1-2} 4:20 And having furled the scroll, he gave back to the attendant. He sat down, and the eyes of all were staring at him in the synagogue. 4:21 But he began to say to them, This Scripture has been fulfilled today in your° ears.
4:22 And all were testifying of him, and were marveling at the words of favor which are traveling from his mouth, and they were saying, Is this not Joseph’s son?
4:23 And he said to them, You° will certainly say this parable to me, Physician, heal yourself. We heard how-much had happened in Capernaum, do* it here also in your fatherland. 4:24 But he said, Assuredly I am saying to you°, No prophet is acceptable in his fatherland. 4:25 But in truth I say to you°, Many widows were in Israel in the days of Elijah, when the heaven was locked for three years and six months, as such a great famine over all the land happened; 4:26 and Elijah was sent to none of them, except to Zarephath from Sidon, to a woman who was a widow. 4:27 And many lepers were in Israel in the time of Elisha the prophet, and none of them were cleansed, except Naaman the Syrian.
4:28 And they were all filled with fury in the synagogue, while hearing these things; 4:29 and having risen* up, they cast him forth outside the city, and led him to the brow of the mountain upon which their city had been built, *that* they might propel him off the cliff. 4:30 But he himself went through the middle of them; he was traveling away.
{Mar 1:21-28 & Luk 4:31-37 Capernaum.}
4:31 And he came down to Capernaum, a city of Galilee. And he was teaching them on the Sabbath; 4:32 and they were being astounded at his teaching, because his word was with* authority. 4:33 And a man was in the synagogue, who has a spirit of an unclean demon, and he cried out with a loud voice, 4:34 saying, Ah! What is this thing to us and to you, Jesus the Nazarene? Did you come to destroy us? I know you, who you are, the Holy One of God.
4:35 And Jesus rebuked it, saying, Hush and come forth out-of him. And after the demon tossed him into the middle of them, he came away from him, having not harmed him.
4:36 And amazement came* upon all, and they were speaking together with one another, saying, What is this word, because he commands the unclean spirits with* authority and power, and they come forth? 4:37 And a rumor was traveling out concerning him, into every place of the region around.
{Mar 1:29-34 & Mat 8:14-17 & Luk 4:38-41 Capernaum.}
4:38 Now he rose* up from the synagogue and entered into the house of Simon. Now Simon’s mother-in-law was being held with a great fever, and they asked him concerning her. 4:39 And he stood above her and rebuked the fever, and it left her, and instantly, she rose* up and was serving them.
4:40 Now at the setting of the sun, all, as many as had anyone sick with various diseases led them to him, and having laid his hands upon each one of them, he healed them. 4:41 Now demons were also coming forth from many, crying out and saying, You are the Christ, the Son of God. And rebuking them, he was not permitting them to speak, because they knew him to be the Christ.
{Mar 1:35-39 & Mat 4:23-25 & Luk 4:42-44 Preaching through Galilee.}
4:42 Now after it became day, he went forth and traveled into a desolate place, and the crowds were seeking him and came to him, and were holding-onto him to not travel away from them. 4:43 But he said to them, It is essential for me to also proclaim the good-news of the kingdom of God to the other cities, because I have been sent forth to this end.
4:44 And he was preaching in the synagogues of Galilee.
[Luke 5] TOC
{Mar 1:16-20 & Mat 4:18-22 & Luk 5:1-11 Sea of Galilee near Capernaum.}
5:1 Now it happened, while* the crowd was jamming against him to hear the word of God, and while he was standing beside the lake of Gennesaret; 5:2 and he saw two ships standing empty beside the lake, but the fishermen, having stepped away from them, rinsed their nets. 5:3 Now he stepped onto one of the ships, which was Simon’s, and asked him to set-sail a few feet from the land. And having sat down, he was teaching the crowds out-of the ship. 5:4 Now as he ceased speaking, he said to Simon, Set-sail into the deep and lower° your° nets *for a catch.
5:5 And Simon answered and said to him, Master*, we labored through the whole night and took nothing, but at your declaration I will lower the net. 5:6 And having done* this, they locked up together a large multitude of fish, and their net was being ripped; 5:7 and they signaled to their companions, the ones who had come in the other ship to help them. And they came and filled both the ships, so-then they are about to be submerged. 5:8 But having seen it, Simon Peter fell down before Jesus’ knees, saying, Go away from me, because I am a man, a sinner, Lord. 5:9 For* amazement engulfed him and all the ones together-with him, at the catch of the fish which they took; 5:10 and likewise also James and John, sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon.
And Jesus said to Simon, Do not fear; from hereafter you will be catching live men. 5:11 And having brought* the ships upon the land, and having left it all, they followed him.
{Mar 1:40-45 & Mat 8:2-4 & Luk 5:12-16.}
5:12 And it happened, while* he was in one of the cities, behold, a man full of leprosy. And after he saw Jesus, he fell upon his face, and besought of him, saying, Lord, if you should will it, you are able to cleanse me.
5:13 And having stretched out his hand, he touched him, and said, I am willing; be cleansed. And immediately the leprosy went away from him. 5:14 And he commanded him to speak to no one, saying, But after you have gone away, show yourself to the priest and offer the gift concerning your cleansing, just-as Moses commanded, *for a testimony to them. {Lev 13:49 and 14:2-4}
5:15 But the word concerning him was going through the land even more, and large crowds were coming together to hear and to be healed by him from their sicknesses. 5:16 But he was departing by himself in the wilderness and was praying.
{Mar 2:1-12 & Mat 9:2-8 & Luk 5:17-26.}
5:17 And it happened on one of these days, that he himself was teaching, and Pharisees and teachers of the law were sitting, who had come out-of every village of Galilee and Judea and Jerusalem, and the power of the Lord was there, *that* he might heal them.
5:18 And behold, some men are carrying a man who was paralyzed upon a cot, and they were seeking to bring him in and to place him in his sight. 5:19 And having not found from what way, that they might bring him in because of the crowd, they went-up to the housetop and dropped him down through the tiles together-with the cot, into the middle, before Jesus. 5:20 And having seen their faith, he said to him, Man, your sins have been forgiven to you.
5:21 And the scribes and the Pharisees began to reason, saying, Who is this one, who is speaking blasphemies? Who is able to forgive sins, except God only?
5:22 But Jesus, having fully known their reasonings, answered and said to them, What are you° reasoning in your° hearts? 5:23 What is easier, to say, Your sins have been forgiven to you; or to say, Lift yourself up and walk? 5:24 But in-order-that you° may know that the Son of Man has authority upon the earth to forgive sins (he said to the one who has been paralyzed), I say to you, Lift yourself up! And after you have taken up your cot, travel to your house! 5:25 And instantly he stood up in their sight, after he lifted up that upon which he was reclining, he went away to his house, glorifying God.
5:26 And astonishment took all and they were glorifying God, and they were filled with fear, saying, We have seen glorious things today.
{Mar 2:13-14 & Mat 9:9 & Luk 5:27-28 At or near Capernaum.}
5:27 And after these things, he went forth and saw a tax collector, Levi by name, sitting at the tax-office and said to him, Follow me. 5:28 And having left all, he stood up and followed him.
{Mar 2:15-22 & Mat 9:10-17 & Luk 5:29-39 Capernaum.}
5:29 And Levi made* for himself a great banquet in his house and there was a large crowd of tax collectors and others who were reclining at the meal with them. 5:30 And the Pharisees and their scribes were murmuring to his disciples, saying, Why do you° eat and drink with the tax collectors and sinners?
5:31 And Jesus answered and said to them, The ones who are healthy have no need of a physician, but the ones who have illness. 5:32 I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.
5:33 But they said to him, Why do the disciples of John fast frequently and are making* supplications; likewise also the disciples of the Pharisees, but yours eat and drink?
5:34 But he said to them, You° are not able to make* the sons of the bridal-party {companions or guests} to fast, in which time the bridegroom is with them, are they? 5:35 But the days also will come whenever the bridegroom is taken away from them, then they will be fasting in those days.
5:36 But he also spoke a parable to them: No one puts a patch from a new garment upon an old garment; otherwise, the new and old will split-apart and also the patch from the new will not agree together-with the old. 5:37 And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; otherwise, the new wine will burst the old wineskins, and it will be poured out and the wineskins will be destroyed. 5:38 But new wine is put into new wineskins, and both are protected together. 5:39 And no one having drunk old wine, immediately wishes for new; for* he says, The old is smoother.
[Luke 6] TOC
{Mar 2:23-28 & Mat 12:1-8 & Luk 6:1-5 Jerusalem to Galilee.}
6:1 Now it happened for him to travel through the grain-fields on a second Sabbath after the first feast Sabbath, and his disciples were plucking the tops, rubbing them in their hands and were eating them. 6:2 But some of the Pharisees said to them, Why are you° doing* what is not legal to practice on the Sabbath?
6:3 And Jesus answered and said to them, Did you° not read even this, what David did*, when he hungered, himself and the ones being with him? 6:4 How he entered into the house of God and took and ate the showbread, and also gave it to the ones with him; which it is not legal for them to eat, except for the priests only? {1Sam 21:6} 6:5 And he said to them, The Son of Man is lord of the Sabbath.
{Mar 3:1-6 & Mat 12:9-14 & Luk 6:6-11 Probably Galilee.}
6:6 Now he happened also on a different Sabbath for him to enter into the synagogue and to teach, and a man was there, and his right hand was dried up. 6:7 Now the scribes and the Pharisees were observing him, if he will heal him on the Sabbath; in-order-that they might find an accusation against him. 6:8 But he knew their reasonings, and he said to the man having a dried up hand, Lift yourself up and stand, you in the middle! Now he rose* up, and stood there. 6:9 Therefore, Jesus said to them, I will ask you° something, Is it legal on the Sabbath to do good or to do* evil? To save a life or to kill it? 6:10 And having looked around at them all, he said to him, Stretch out your hand. Now he did*, and his hand was restored healthy like the other. 6:11 But they themselves were filled with madness, and were talking-about this to one another as to what they should do* to Jesus.
{Mar 3:13-19a & Luk 6:12-16 Near Capernaum.}
6:12 Now it happened in these days, that he went forth into the mountain to pray, and he was persisting through the night in prayer to God. 6:13 And when it became day, after he summoned his disciples, and he chose from them twelve, whom he also named apostles: 6:14 Simon, whom he also named Peter, and Andrew his brother, and James and John and Philip and Bartholomew, 6:15 Matthew and Thomas, and James the son of Alphaeus and Simon the one being called the Zealot, 6:16 Judas the son {Or: brother of; See Jude.} of James, and Judas Iscariot, who became a betrayer.
{Mat 5:1 & Luk 6:17-20. Sermon on the mountain.}
6:17 And having gone-down with them, he stood upon a place of the plain, and with a crowd of his disciples and a large multitude of the people from all Judea and Jerusalem, and the sea-coast of Tyre and Sidon, who came to hear him and to be healed of their diseases; 6:18 and the ones being troubled by unclean spirits were being healed. 6:19 And all the crowd was seeking to touch him, because power was coming forth from him and was healing them all.
{Mat 5:2-12 & Luk 6:20-26.}
6:20 And he lifted up his eyes toward his disciples and said: The poor are fortunate, because the kingdom of God is yours°. 6:21 The hungry now are fortunate, because you° will be fully-fed. The ones weeping now are fortunate, because you° will be laughing. 6:22 You° are fortunate, whenever men hate you° and whenever they separate* you° from themselves, and may reproach you° and may cast forth your° name like evil, because of the Son of Man. 6:23 Rejoice° in that day and jump° for joy, for* behold your° reward is much in heaven; for* their fathers were doing* according-to these same things to the prophets.
6:24 However, woe to you°, the ones who are rich, because you° are fully having your° consolation! 6:25 Woe to you° who have been filled, because you° will be hungry! Woe to you° who laugh now, because you° will be mourning and will be weeping! 6:26 Woe to you° whenever men speak well of you°, for* their fathers were doing* according-to these same things to the false* prophets!
{Mat 5:17-48 & Luk 6:27-36.}
6:27 But I am saying to you° who hear, Love*° your° enemies, do*° good to the ones who hate you°, 6:28 speak° well of the ones cursing you°, pray° on behalf of the ones railing at you°. 6:29 Hold near to the one who beats you upon the one jaw, the other also, and from the one who takes your garment, do not forbid him the tunic also. 6:30 Give to everyone who asks you, and from the one who takes your things, do not ask for them back.
{Mat 7:12 & Luk 6:31.}
6:31 And just-as you° wish that* men should do* to you°, you° also, do*° likewise to them. 6:32 And if you° love* the ones loving* you°, what gratitude is this for you°? For* even sinners love* the ones loving* them. 6:33 And if you° do* good to the ones who are doing* good to you°, what gratitude is this for you°? For* even sinners are doing* the same. 6:34 And if you° should lend to those from whom you° are hoping to receive, what gratitude is this for you°? For* even sinners are lending to sinners, in-order-that they might receive equally. 6:35 However, love*° your° enemies and do*° good things for them and lend°, hoping for nothing again. And your° reward will be much, and you° will be sons of the Highest, because he himself is kind even upon the unthankful and evil. 6:36 Therefore, become° compassionate, just-as your° Father is also compassionate.
{Mat 7:1-6 & Luk 6:37-42. See also Joh 5:30, 7:24.}
6:37 And do° not judge and you° should never be judged; do° not sentence others and you° should never be sentenced; release° and you° will be released. 6:38 Give° and it will be given to you°; they will be giving good measure into your° bosom, what has been packed-down and has been shaken together and is poured over. For* with the same measure you° measure, it will be measured to you° again.
6:39 Now he spoke a parable to them: A blind person is not able to guide the blind, is he? Will they not both be falling into a ditch? 6:40 The disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone having been matured {i.e., completed the training}, will be like his teacher. 6:41 But why are you looking at the speck, the one in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the beam the one in your own eye? 6:42 Or how are you able to say to your brother, Brother, Allow me, that I may cast forth the speck the one in your eye, while you yourself do not see the beam the one in your own eye? You hypocrite, cast forth the beam first out-of your own eye, and then you will see precisely to cast forth the speck the one in your brother’s eye.
{Mat 7:13-23 & Luk 6:43-45.}
6:43 For* there is not a good tree producing rotten fruit; nor is there a rotten tree producing good fruit. 6:44 For* each tree is known from its own fruit. For* they do not collect figs from thorns, nor do they pick a grape-cluster from a bush. 6:45 The good man out-of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good, and the evil man out-of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth what is evil; for* his mouth speaks out-of the abundance of the heart.
{Mat 7:24-29 & Luk 6:46-49.}
6:46 Now why are you° calling me, Lord, Lord and yet do not practice the things which I say? 6:47 Everyone who comes to me and hears my words, and is practicing them, I will show you° to whom he is similar. 6:48 He is similar to a man building a house, who dug and then deepened and placed its foundation upon the rock, and after a deluge happened, the river bursts against that house and was not strong-enough to shake it; for* it had been founded upon the rock. 6:49 But he who heard and did* not, is similar to a man who built a house upon the soil without a foundation; which the river bursts against, and immediately it fell, and the breakup of that house became great.
[Luke 7] TOC
{Mat 8:1, 8:5-13 & Luk 7:1-10 Capernaum.}
7:1 Now since he had fulfilled all his declarations in the ears of the people, he entered into Capernaum. 7:2 Now a certain centurion’s bondservant, who was precious to him, having an illness, was about to die*. 7:3 Now having heard things concerning Jesus, he sent to him elders of the Jews; requesting of him, *that after he has come to him, he might cure his bondservant. 7:4 Now when they came* to Jesus, they were pleading with him diligently, saying, He is worthy to whom you will be providing this; 7:5 for* he loves* our nation and he himself built us the synagogue.
7:6 Now Jesus was traveling together-with them. Now already, while he is not far distant from the house, the centurion sent friends to him, saying to him, Lord, do not be bothered; for* I am not sufficient that* you should enter under my roof. 7:7 Hence, not even I myself deemed it worthy to come to you, but say it with a word, and my young-servant will be healed. 7:8 For* I am also a man appointed under authority, having soldiers under myself, and I say to this one, Travel and he travels, and to another, Come and he comes, and to my bondservant, Do* this and he does* it.
7:9 Now having heard these things, Jesus marveled at him and turned and said to the crowd following him, I say to you°, Not even in Israel, did I find so-great a faith. 7:10 And the ones who were sent, having returned to the house, found the sick bondservant healthy.
{Luk 7:11-17 At Nain in Galilee; no parallel.}
7:11 And it happened on the next day, that he was traveling to a city called Nain, and his considerable number of disciples and a large crowd was traveling together-with him. 7:12 Now as he drew near to the gate of the city, behold also, one who has died, was being entombed, the only begotten son of his mother and she herself was a widow and a considerable crowd from the city was together-with her. 7:13 And the Lord, having seen her, had compassion upon her and said to her, Do not weep. 7:14 And he came near and touched the funeral bier, and the ones bearing it stopped. Now he said, Young-man, I say to you, Arise.
7:15 And the previously dead one sat up and began to speak. And he gave him to his mother. 7:16 Now fear took all and they were glorifying God, saying, A great prophet has been raised up among us, and that God visited his people. 7:17 And this word went forth concerning him in the whole region of Judea, and in all the region around.
{Mat 11:2-30 & Luk 7:18-35 Galilee.}
7:18 And the disciples of John reported to him concerning all these things. 7:19 And John, having called to him a certain two of his disciples, sent them to Jesus, saying, Are you the one who is coming or are we expecting another?
7:20 Now after the men came* to him, they said, John the Immerser* sent us to you, saying, Are you the one who is coming or are we expecting another? 7:21 He healed many from their diseases and disorders and evil spirits in the same hour, and he granted to many of the blind to see.
7:22 And Jesus answered and said to them, After traveling back, report° to John the things which you° saw and heard; that the blind recover their sight, the lame are walking, the lepers are cleansed, the mute hear, the dead are raised, the poor have the good-news proclaimed to them. 7:23 And whoever is not offended in me is fortunate.
7:24 Now after the messengers of John went away, he began to say to the crowds concerning John, What have you° gone forth into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken by the wind? 7:25 But what have you° gone forth to see? A man who has been dressed-up in soft garments? Behold, the ones who are in a glorious garment and being* in splendor, they are in the royal courts. 7:26 But what have you° gone forth to see? A prophet? Yes, I say to you°, And more-than a prophet. 7:27 This is he concerning whom it has been written, ‘Behold, I send my messenger before your face, who will be preparing your way before you. {Mal 3:1} 7:28 For* I say to you°, Among those born of women there is no prophet greater than John the Immerser*; but he who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he. 7:29 And all the people and the tax collectors, having heard this, made {i.e., showed} God righteous, having been immersed* in the immersion* of John. 7:30 But the Pharisees and the professors of the law rejected the plan of God *for themselves, were not immersed* by him. 7:31 Therefore, in what will be similar to the men of this generation, and in what are they similar? 7:32 They are similar to children, the ones sitting in the marketplace and are shouting to one another and saying, We piped to you° and you° did not dance; we mourned for you° and you° did not weep. 7:33 For* John the Immerser* has come neither eating bread nor drinking wine, and you° say, He has a demon. 7:34 The Son of Man has come eating and drinking, and you° say, Behold, a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners! 7:35 And wisdom was made righteous from all her children.
{Luk 7:36-50 Galilee; no parallel.}
7:36 Now someone of the Pharisees were asking him in-order-that he might eat with him. And having entered into the Pharisee’s house, he was reclining at a meal. 7:37 And behold, a woman who was in the city, who was a sinner, after she recognized that he is reclining at a meal in the Pharisee’s house, she fetched an alabaster flask of perfume, 7:38 and having stood behind him, beside his feet, weeping, she began to rain on his feet with her tears and was wiping them with the hairs of her head and was kissing his feet, and was anointing them with the perfume. 7:39 Now the Pharisee, who invited him, saw it, and spoke in himself, saying, This one, if he were a prophet, would have known who and what sort of person the woman is who is touching him, that she is a sinner.
7:40 And Jesus answered and said to him, Simon, I have something to say to you.
But he says, Teacher, say it.
7:41 Two debtors were to a lender: a certain one was owing five hundred denarii and the other fifty. 7:42 But after having nothing for themselves to repay him with, he forgave* them both. Therefore, tell me who of them will love* him most?
7:43 But Simon answered and said, I am taking it as, he to whom he forgave* the most.
But he said to him, You judged correctly.
7:44 And having turned to the woman, he said to Simon, Do you see this woman? I entered into your house, you gave me no water for my feet, but she rained upon my feet with her tears and wiped them with the hairs of her head. 7:45 You gave me no kiss, but this woman, from which time I entered, she did not refrain-for a moment kissing my feet. 7:46 You did not anoint my head with oil, but this one, she anointed my feet with perfume. 7:47 Because of which, I say to you, Her sins, the many, have been forgiven, because she loved* much, but to whom few is forgiven, the same loves* few. 7:48 Now he said to her, Your sins have been forgiven.
7:49 And the ones who are reclining at the meal together-with him began to speak among themselves, Who is this one, who forgives even sins?
7:50 But he said to the woman, Your faith has saved you. Travel in peace.
[Luke 8] TOC
{Luk 8:1-3 Journeying in Galilee; no parallel.}
8:1 And it happened in the time afterwards also, that he was traveling through every city and village, preaching and proclaiming the good-news of the kingdom of God and the twelve were together-with him, 8:2 and some women who were healed from their evil spirits and sicknesses: Mary who is called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone forth, 8:3 and Joanna the wife of Chuza, Herod’s commissioner, and Susanna, and many others who were serving them from their possessions with them.
{Mar 4:1-25 & Mat 13:1-23 & Luk 8:4-18 Sea of Galilee.}
8:4 Now a large crowd was coming-together and he spoke through a parable to the ones who were traveling to him from every city. 8:5 The sower went forth to sow his seed, and while* he was sowing, some which fell beside the road, and it was trampled down and the birds of the heaven devoured it. 8:6 And other seed fell upon the rock, and after it sprang up, it dried up, because it has no moisture. 8:7 And other seed fell in the midst of the thorns, and the thorns sprang up together-with it and choked it. 8:8 And other seed fell into the good soil, and it sprang up and produced fruit a hundred-times over. While saying these things, he was shouting, He who has ears to hear, let him hear.
8:9 But his disciples were asking him, saying, What might this parable be about?
8:10 But he said, It has been given to you° to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God, but it is in parables to the rest; in-order-that seeing, they may not see; and hearing, they may not understand. {Isa 6:9} 8:11 Now the parable is this: the seed is the word of God. 8:12 But the ones beside the road are the ones who hear; thereafter, the devil comes and takes the word from their heart in-order-that they should not believe and be saved. 8:13 But the ones upon the rock are the ones who, whenever they hear, accept the word with joy, and these have no root, who for a short time believe, and withdraw in time of temptation. 8:14 But what fell into the thorns, these are the ones who heard, and while they are traveling on with life, they are choked by anxieties and riches and sensual-delights of this life, and they are not bringing themselves to maturity. 8:15 But the seed in the good soil, these are they who have heard the word in a beautiful and good heart, and hold-onto it and are bearing-fruit in their endurance.
8:16 Now no one, having lit a lamp, hides it in a vessel or places it underneath a bed, but places it upon a lamp-stand in-order-that the ones who travel into there may see the light. 8:17 For* not anything is hidden, which will not become apparent; nor anything hidden, which will not be known and should come into apparent view. 8:18 Therefore, beware°, how you° hear; for* whoever has, more will be given to him, and whoever does not have, even what he seems to have will be taken from him.
{Mar 3:31-35 & Mat 12:46-50 & Luk 8:19-21.}
8:19 Now his mother and brethren came* to him, and they were not able to get-close to him because of the crowd. 8:20 And it was reported to him, saying, Your mother and your brethren are standing outside, wishing to see you.
8:21 But he answered and said to them, My mother and my brethren are these who hear the word of God and are doing* it.
{Mar 4:35-41 & Mat:8:18-27 & Luk 8:22-25 Sea of Galilee.}
8:22 And it happened on one of the days, that he stepped onto a ship, himself and his disciples, and he said to them, We should go through toward the area beyond-that of the lake. And they did set-sail. 8:23 But while sailing, he slept and a gale of wind descended onto the lake, and they were being filled and were in peril.
8:24 Now having gone to him, they awakened him, saying, Master*, Master*! We are perishing. But having raised himself up, he rebuked the wind and the wave of the water, and they ceased, and it became calm.
8:25 Now he said to them, Where is your° faith?
But they were afraid and marveled, saying to one another, Who then is this, that he commands even the winds and the water and they are obeying* him?
{Mar 5:1-21 & Mat 8:28-34 & Luk 8:26-40 Gergesa.}
8:26 And they sailed down to the region of the Gadarenes, which is opposite Galilee. 8:27 Now after he {i.e., Jesus} went forth upon the land, a certain man out-of the city met him, who was holding demons, and he was not clothing himself with a garment in considerable times {i.e., a long time} and was not abiding in any house, but lived in the tombs. 8:28 Now having seen Jesus and having cried out, he fell down before him, and said with a loud voice, What is this thing with me and with you, Jesus, Son of the Highest God? I beseech of you. Do not torment me. 8:29 For* he commanded the unclean spirit to come forth from the man. For* it had seized him many times, and he was being bound in chains and shackles, and being guarded; and ripping the bonds, he was being driven by the demon into the wilderness.
8:30 Now Jesus asked him, saying, What name is in you?
Now he said, Legion. (Because many demons had entered into him.) 8:31 And he was pleading with him in-order-that he might not command them to go away into the abyss. 8:32 Now a considerable herd of swine was there, being fed at the mountain. And he was pleading with him in-order-that he might permit* them to enter into those swine. And he permitted* them. 8:33 Now the demons having gone forth from the man, entered into the swine, and the herd rushed down the cliff into the lake and were choked to death. 8:34 Now after the ones feeding them saw what had happened, they fled and reported it in the city and in the fields. 8:35 Now they went forth to see what had happened, and they came to Jesus and found the man, from whom the demons had gone forth, sitting, having on garments and being sensible, beside the feet of Jesus, and they were afraid. 8:36 But the ones who saw it reported to them also, how he who was demon-possessed was cured. 8:37 And all the multitude of the region around the Gadarenes asked him to go away from them, because they were being held in great fear, and having stepped into the ship, he returned. 8:38 Now the man from whom the demons had gone forth, was beseeching to be together-with him.
But Jesus dismissed him, saying, 8:39 Return to your house, and describe how-much God did* for you. And he went away, preaching in the whole city how-much Jesus did* for him.
8:40 Now it happened while* Jesus was returning, the crowd accepted him; for* they were all expecting him.
{Mar 5:22-43 & Mat 9:18-26 & Luk 8:41-56 Capernaum.}
8:41 And behold, a man to which is the name Jairus came, and he was* ruler of the synagogue, and having fallen beside Jesus’ feet, he was pleading with him to enter into his house; 8:42 because there was to him an only begotten daughter, approximately twelve years old, and this one was dying. But while* he was proceeding-away, the crowds were choking him.
8:43 And a woman, having a flowing of blood from twelve years old, who consumed the whole livelihood she had with physicians, was not strong-enough to be healed by anyone. 8:44 She came near, behind him and touched the hem of his garment, and instantly, the flowing of her blood stopped. 8:45 And Jesus said, Who touched my garment?
But while all are denying it, Peter and the ones with him said, Master*, the crowds are crowding together-with you, and are pressing against you and you say, Who touched my garment?
8:46 But Jesus said, Someone touched me; for* I knew that power went forth from me.
8:47 Now after the woman saw that she did not elude him, she came trembling, and having fallen before him, reported to him in the sight of all the people, because of what cause she touched him and how she was healed instantly.
8:48 Now he said to her, Have courage daughter, your faith has cured you; travel in peace.
8:49 While he himself is still speaking, someone from the ruler of the synagogue comes, saying to him, Your daughter has died; do not bother the Teacher.
8:50 But Jesus having heard it, answered him, saying, Do not fear. Only believe and she will be cured. 8:51 Now after he came into the house, he allowed no one to enter it, except Peter and John and James, and the father and the mother of the child. 8:52 Now all were weeping and grieving her. But he said, Do° not weep; she has not died, but is sleeping. 8:53 And they were laughing at him, knowing that she had died. 8:54 But he himself, having cast everyone outside and having taken-hold of her hand, shouted, saying, Child, arise. 8:55 And her spirit returned, and she rose* up instantly, and he commanded something to be given to her to eat. 8:56 And her parents were astonished, but he commanded them to speak what has happened to no one.
[Luke 9] TOC
{Mar 6:6b-13 & Mat 9:35-10:42 & Luk 9:1-6 Third circuit of Galilee.}
9:1 Now having called the twelve together, he gave them power and authority over all demons and to heal diseases. 9:2 And he sent them forth to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the ones who are sick. 9:3 And he said to them, Take° nothing *for the journey, neither staffs, nor knapsack, nor bread, nor silver; nor to have two tunics apiece. 9:4 And into whatever house you° enter, remain° there and then go° forth from there. 9:5 And as many as would not accept you°, while you° go forth from that city, shake-off° even the dust from your° feet *for a testimony against them. 9:6 Now going forth, they were going through every one of the villages, proclaiming the good-news and healing everywhere.
{Mar 6:14-29 & Mat 14:1-12 & Luk 9:7-9.}
9:7 Now Herod the Tetrarch heard of all the things happening by him, and was perplexed, because it is said by some, that John has been raised from the dead; 9:8 and by some, that Elijah had appeared, and by others, that a prophet, one of the ancient prophets was raised*. 9:9 And Herod said, I beheaded John, but who is this one, concerning whom I am hearing such things? Now he was seeking to see him.
{Mar 6:30-32 & Mat 14:13 & Luk 9:10 & Joh 6:1 East shore of Galilee.}
9:10 And having returned, the apostles described to him how-much they had done*. And having taken them, he departed privately into a desolate place of a city called Bethsaida.
{Mar 6:33-44 & Mat 14:14-21 & Luk 9:11-17 & Joh 6:2-14.}
9:11 Bu