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÷Φῆστος Symbol Font Transliteration: FhstoV BetaCode: *FH=STOS2 RMAC: {N-NSM} {Pr} Concordance: [7] Act_25:1, Act_25:4, Act_25:9, Act_25:12, Act_25:14, Act_25:24, Act_26:24 Literal Definition: Festus Lexicon Entry: Φῆστος G5347

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Φῆστος G5347
Part of Speech:{N-NSM}{Pr}
Supplement:(Porcius Fes-tus (joyful), Acts 25:27. Governor of Judea, succeeding Felix. Procurator of Palestine. Neither the beginning nor the end (caused by his death) of his term of office can be determined with full certainty, though it is generally assumed that he died in the early 60’s. During his rule and with his consent Paul went to the imperial court at Rome.)
No compounds.

Greek Concordance:[13]Act 24:27, Act 25:1, Act 25:4, Act 25:9, Act 25:12, Act 25:13, Act 25:14, Act 25:22, Act 25:23, Act 25:24, Act 26:24, Act 26:25, Act 26:32,

KJV: Festus 13TR:13

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Modern Literal Version, © Copyright by G. Allen Walker for the MLV Team, see copyright information inside the book.
The New Koine Greek Textbook Series 1-5 (so far) © Copyright by G. Allen Walker for the MLV Team, see copyright information inside the book.

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