First Entry
Part of Speech: {N-NSM} {Pr}
MLV/Definition: Judah^, Judas*, Jude*, Joda*
Supplement: (Ju-das (praise). Multiple people; Greek word rendered by different O. T., Greek & Hebrew names. Judah, son of the patriarch Jacob who is in Jesus' genealogy. Joda also in Jesus' genealogy. Judas of Damascus. Judas an apostle. Judas Iscariot (man of Kerioth) the betrayer of Jesus. Jude, Jesus' half brother and believed to be the writer of Jude. Judas called Barsabbas, a Christian prophet, Act_15:32.)
Etymology: {Ἰουδά G2448}

Greek Concordance: [38] Mat_1:2, Mat_1:3, Mat_10:4, Mat_13:55, Mat_26:14, Mat_26:25, Mat_26:47, Mat_27:3, Mar_3:19, Mar_6:3, Mar_14:10, Mar_14:43, Luk_3:26, Luk_3:30, Luk_3:33, Luk_6:16, Luk_6:16, Luk_22:3, Luk_22:47, Luk_22:48, Joh_6:71, Joh_12:4, Joh_13:2, Joh_13:26, Joh_13:29, Joh_14:22, Joh_18:2, Joh_18:3, Joh_18:5, Act_1:13, Act_1:16, Act_1:25, Act_5:37, Act_9:11, Act_15:22, Act_15:27, Act_15:32, Jud_1:1

KJV: Judas (Iscariot) 22, Juda (Son of Jacob) 7, Judah (Son of Jacob) 1, Judas (Son of Jacob) 2, Judas (Brother of James) 3, Jude (Brother of James) 1, Judas Barsabas 3, Juda (Ancestors of Jesus 2, misc 4 TR: 45


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Modern Literal Version, © Copyright by G. Allen Walker for the MLV Team, see copyright information inside the book.
The New Koine Greek Textbook Series 1-5 (so far) © Copyright by G. Allen Walker for the MLV Team, see copyright information inside the book.

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