First Entry
(G5868 OLB) Synonyms: paidarion (παιδάριον G3808), paidion (παιδίον G3813), paidiske (παιδίσκη G3814), pais (παῖς G3816), teknon (τέκνον G5043), yios (υἱός G5207).

G3813- refers exclusively to little children G3808- refers to a child up to his first school years G3816- refers to a child of any age G3814- refers to late childhood and early youth παῖς G3816, τέκνον G5043 denote a child alike as respects to descent and age, reference to the later being more prominent in the former word, to descent in παιδίον G3813. But the period παῖς G3816 cover is not sharply defined. And, in classic usage as in modern, youthful designations cleave to the female sex longer than to the male
Compare: (τέκνον G5043), (υἱός G5207) G5043- gives prominence to physical and outward aspects of parentage G5207- gives prominence to the inward, ethical, legal aspects of parentage.


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